Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 56 Food For Thought: Skinny Behind the Wheel

I had quite a long drive home from work today. For many miles, I just meditated on what Skinny Me feels like. Our minds are powerful places. I'm pretty sure we do not have a clue of just how creative we are in the sense of actual creation. I do know that the velveteen rabbit says, "Everything created was first born in imagination." So today I imagined feeling small in the drivers seat and having clothes that felt a bit baggy. I have a feeling of satiety, but not feeling too full. At one point it really felt real. I think that happened because, well that is the reality. I feel Skinny Me more and more. I pray my eyes are opened, and I awaken to reality more everyday.

Today's Wins:
I'm beginning to love, love, love that feeling when my body really is empty of food, but before I get too hungry. Each day I experience that more and more. In the past, I hardly ever allowed myself to go there. I used to just want to eat all the time. I love it when my body tells me I am hungry instead of my mind, will, or emotions dictating when I need food.

Nutritional Nugget:
Green Smoothies
The Miss Healthy-health, Supermom, Heather Seyer taught our Grace-Full Women's class at church this great recipe that I think most of us still make on a regular basis. I have also googled "green smoothie recipe" and found some other nifties. Think the trick to this "Alligator Juice," as we call it on Blaylock Mountain, is the spinach pureed up with a a bit of sweetener and a WHOLE lemon (I usually do cut off the brown little ends and seed it, but I'm sure it is not necessary.)

Throw in the following ingredients as the spirit leads...
lemon, whole
sweetener. (Heather used Agave Nectar. So do I, but also honey would be great.)
frozen fruit
and whatever else kind of goodies you want....local bee pollen, ground flax or flax seed oil, fish oils, whatever you want.

This is really so yummy. One quart is 15 servings of fruits and veggies! WHOA!

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