Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Weight Loss Dream

The night before last I dreamed I woke up and as I was getting dressed for the day, I realized I had lost a huge amount of weight. I had no idea that the weight was gone until I looked down at myself and my belly was not there. The dream was so real, that when I woke up in real life this morning, I thought the weight was gone to the point that I didn’t even check to see. I only noticed I still had my belly as I was getting dressed for my day. What amazed me the most in my dream is my mild emotional reaction to the weight loss. I felt more curious than happy. The same sort of reaction I would imagine I would have hearing the news that a past acquaintance bought a new car. “I’m happy about this, but the news affects me little.” The second thing that I ponder about my dream is how effortlessly the weight disappeared. I literally saw myself wake up unaware I had lost the weight I was sure I carried the night before.

I love dreams…especially this one. I believe this is a picture of what really is happening on the inside of me right now. I'm waking up.  Then without effort or surprise, I find I really am the way I always meant to be.

Much-needed Sissy coffee.
Chocolate Health Shake for a quick breakfast with 5 grams of fiber.

Water Water Water

Lunch at work:
Fabulous chicken stir-fry on 1/3 cup of noodles
¼ cup of a low calorie Oreo pudding. (Yes, I realize I said “oreo” and “low calorie” in the same sentence.)

Apple (I was starting to wilt.)
Frappacino. (Yes it had 180 calories, but I’ve never had one and wanted to try it, and NEEDED the boost to help me finish my work day.)

Grilled Pork Tenderloin made by the Fabulous Wayne Blaylock.
Grilled Corn
Baked Potato with salt and pepper only.
Perfectly roasted marshmallows roasted by the Fabulous Mr. Blaylock and the only person I know who can cook 'em like that. 
(Sigh) and I ate a s'more.  Wished I wouldn't have. It wasn't worth the calories.  I made it myself instead of having Wayne make it.    

Daily Bread:
“Agape”-----I’ve always heard that to mean a God-kind of love incapable of our understanding. A.k.a loved A LOT. Now I understand it to further be the expression for a contented love for us where our creator sees no need to add anything else to us. He loves us right where we are. No need to add anything! A love that causes him to lose his breath. An unconditional, perfect love of his perfection.

Can you believe that? Can you believe that the God in heaven sees no need to add anything else to you? This may be the biggest, (and most difficult,) revelation to produce “change” such as weight loss in a person whose weight is deeper than just a lack of practical knowledge of nutrition. (Words are tricky here, I know. It’s just so hard to transmit revelation into English!) This way of thinking is so contrary to the world’s way of thinking. I’m glad His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! I’ve never had so much fun than to understand that living in God’s kingdom is opposite world. This makes me feel like a kid again playing in a perfect imaginary world, except this is reality! Wow! An understanding that YOU are perfect the way you are awakens you to the truth about reality. Your heart produces in the physical what it believes on the inside. See yourself the way HE sees you and transformation happens “overnight” ----just like my dream! Chew on this and be transformed. Lawd have mercy, I hope you catch this with your heart!

Nutritional Nugget:
Well, it seems like common sense, but it bears repeating…The best food of choice for you would most definitely be the foods that are closest to the way God made them. The less processed, the better. Although as a dietitian, I am trained to make every food (approved by the FDA) fit into a daily food plan, there are some things, I personally shy away from. For example, I would rather just go ahead and have the calories that come with real sugar instead of the artificial sweeteners that are technically okay. I would eat it if I had too, but if given the choice, I will choose the foods with the least about chemical processes.

1 comment:

  1. Your heart produces in the physical what it believes on the, I'm gonna be thinking on THAT one for awhile! Love you!!!
