Friday, March 8, 2013

Honey Do

We are minimizing our house which feels really awesome.  There is a similar feeling between purging stuff and pounds.  But that is not what I want to talk about today.

I was going to trash an old notebook I came across during the cleaning, but thought I better look through it first. I'm so glad I did.  I found a treasure.  I don't know how I managed to catch this hidden in the pages.  I saw  where I had brainstormed some thoughts years ago about  my weight.  Down at the bottom of one of the pages was Wayne's handwriting that said something like, "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and I hate that you have thoughts about yourself like this."(I'm blushing. It still feels weird to type it out.)

I almost didn't know what to do or think or say.  How sweet was that? It definitely sparked life inside my heart. Who knows how long it had been hidden in those pages, but the timing for me was perfect.  My thoughts are not as severe as they once were, but there are elements from the past that creep up from time to time like weeds in a garden.  Wayne's acceptance reminded me of the right way to think.  I feel even more empowered for health with every healthy thought that blooms.  This journey really is about nothing except an innate desire to choose life.  Unconditional love always does that....makes space enough for life to bloom.   It is nice to have such a great guy who accepts me as I am at this moment.  It reminds me I can accept myself.  And as I rest in myself, the real me manifests and sheds this weight of my old nature.  I am loving this journey!

Nutritional Nugget:  Honey

I thought this was the perfect post to talk about sweet, sweet honey.

I used to be allergic to honey, but I can tolerate it now.  A family favorite is peanut butter and honey sandwiches.  Honey is a natural sweetener that has been used as a functional food for all sorts of ailments by all sorts of people.  I believe we don't know all there is to know about honey.  The medical world has to have sufficient evidence before coming to a consensus for practice.   But we do know a few things....

First the dangers... Honey should never be given to an baby.  I allowed my boys to have it at two-years-old, but some people caution to age three.  There is a risk for botulism with their immature immune system and also a risk for developing allergies.

Secondly, just because honey is natural, doesn't mean it can be treated differently than sugar with conditions such as diabetes.  Sugar is still sugar when blood sugar is concerned.  Often it is wiser to choose carbohydrate foods that are more filling or complex such as those that contain fiber such as fresh fruit or whole grains.  When you think that 1 tablespoon of honey contains as much sugar as a bowl full of berries or a container of yogurt, it puts things in perspective.

Having said that, I believe in the power of honey even if nothing more than a placebo effect to make a sore throat feel a little sweeter.  I do feel its natural state trumps that of more processed sugars.  The darker the honey, the more antioxidants it will have.  The grade that honey gets more reflects the quality of the honey such as taste, color, and lack of honey comb than the nutritive value.  I believe buying local honey is best because of the belief that it helps to battle allergens from local plants even though I've not read any evidence-based research on that one.  Besides that, isn't it fun to buy from a local farmer?  Thanks to my organic friend Heather, I now add a tablespoon of bee pollen in my smoothies.  Honey has antibacterial properties that are used in all sorts of regions to help with things like wound healing.  It's exciting to think about discoveries to come from such a sweet, natural treat.

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