Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 18 Food For Thought: "Janitizing" the Temple

Once I read a book that briefly mentioned a statement that has stuck with me all these years. She said, (and I am way paraphrasing) “Yoga was invented to maintain physical health to improve meditation.” Whatever your opinions of yoga is irrelevant, but what stuck out to me was the concept of keeping body healthy to encounter Spirit. The Bible says we are the temple of God. Our bodies are a temple. I think for many years I concentrated on “body” instead of who lives in it. “Don't smoke. Don't do drugs. Don't overeat. You're body is a temple!” I can see there was a mild guilt associated with the lack of care given to the Holy Place because it can always be improved. In a minute way, full of good intentions, it almost created a mentality of idolizing the body when that is not the point. That would be the same as walking into a worship service only giving thought to the janitor. Probably the janitor's work would only be noticed if he missed something. The janitor has an important job of cleaning the building, but it really, in regard to places of worship, the importance of his job is removing distractions so that all that enter can experience the goodness of God instead of wondering about an irritating smell or deeply meditating on that spot in the carpet.

I remember Andrew Wommack teaching on his series, “Spirit, Soul, Body” (which was wonderful by the way.) He taught that we are three parts and strength comes when two of the three parts are in agreement. So if our soul is in agreement with our Spirit, then our Spirit is the strong part. However, if soul is in agreement with our body, then our flesh is strengthened. The goal is not have strengthened flesh. We are supposed be aware of our new nature and deny our flesh. It is really hard to quiet our selves down enough to hear that still small voice when our body is screaming with distraction.

I believe taking care of our bodies is not so much the care of our bodies as it is freeing ourselves of cares we experience with our five senses so that we can concentrate on the one who abides in us. Our bodies are just the transport mechanism. Just dirt. It is useful, but only as long as it is being used by "The Observer" on the inside. (I love that term "Observer." It is used by really smart quantum physicist to describe the part of us that goes to be present with the Lord when we are absent from our bodies.) Who we really are is on the inside of this flesh and bone shell. I remember after a workout and stretching session with worship music playing in the background, we were instructed to lay on our mats and just be still. (Yep, I ain't gonna lie. BEST part of the whole session for reals.) No seriously, that was one of the most powerful God experiences I ever had. No instruction, just very aware of his gentle presence. Quality time with the Big G is awesome. How often do I miss that because I feel like taking time for stress-relieving exercise is selfish me time. I really have got to change my way of thinking about that. There is one thing that is needful...

It is distracting to have aches and pains because we don't walk or stretch enough. It is distracting to feel so stuffed we don't want to move. It is even distracting if our head is itching because we haven't washed it in a week. It makes us self aware if our pants are too tight or we are constantly reminding ourselves to keep our arms down so our belly doesn't show. Mental stresses also appear in our body. We get knots in our shoulders. We hold our breath. We eat. We don't eat. Taking time to treat our bodies well helps eliminate the distractions and the stress so that we are more aware of the part of us that is really important.

Wins for today:
I did NOT eat ice cream or any other concentrated sweet even though I REALLY wanted it. That is a win because I just went to bed and when I woke up, I could feel that I had not overindulged.(...Even if it was only because I had none in the house. Not purchasing junk at the grocery store = win)

Nutritional Nugget
What are you doing with those summer garden vegetables?
One of my most favorite things to do is puree up the extra squash we get. Freezing pureed food in ice trays makes perfect baby food portions. Also use the pureed vegetable to add to dishes. Macaroni and cheese is my personal favorite. It tastes richer and kids who would never touch a vegetable love it. Use whole grain noodles, half the amount of cheese, skim milk, pepper, and lots of pureed squash. Mmmmmmmmm! This principle of sneaking in nutrition is great from the cookbook, “Deceptively Delicious,” by Jessica Seinfeld. It was written for kiddos, but works for adults too. The last time I saw in the store it was only five dollars. I think there is a new one out too. Worth every penny especially if you have picky eaters kids or spouse!

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