Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 20 Food For Thought: Dear Fat Me

Well, this is really strange. I actually replied to myself within a day, but I am just now getting the nerve to post it. I always heard, "You'll be surprised what the you will say back." That is true. I actually did not know what I was going to write. It just sort of came out. Well, this is one of the hardest but liberating exercises I have ever done. Writing to myself and posting it is about as weird for me as when our group of ladies got in groups of two and made, "I am ____," statements for one minute. That was double tough for me to do too. It requires an element of humility that I have take down from the back shelf and dust off. Lately I've been having lots of semi-naked dreams, which means I feel exposed. ...well duh. were go.

Dear Fat Me,
You are lovely just as you are. I cannot make you more lovely than you are at this moment. You must quit seeing me as your future and know that I am your reality. I like to exercise everyday. It is fun to play “Just Dance” on the Wii with the boys. They also like to do aerobics with me. It feels like quality time. I love taking me time to walk and run. It is a great chance to erase the cares of the day bringing balance by having time to sort out the issues that feel heavy on the inside. I will no longer carry any weight in my body or heart. I enjoy food, actually everything about it. I control what I eat. It does not control me. This is a fantastic relationship free from codependency. I no longer NEED food to feed my hungry soul. I live, and I eat to sustain my body as I live. Please quit identifying yourself as fat. You are not because I am not. WE are not. Remember: I am your reality. I enjoy my life. Eating is just a small extra little goody. I know you are still a little embarrassed because of your job, but I am proud of you for being more confident in your own skin. To deny your flesh is to allow the real you to live. I'm not as far away as you think. Just stay content and rest. We already are together, but others will see me before you know it.

Skinny Me/ Skinny WE.

Wins for Today:
Years ago, I would consider the amount of food I ate today, like I was starved. Good thing I have so much in storage to sustain me. (Definitely Joking!) Even though I was a bit hungry, I thought it would be best for me to just go to sleep without a snack. I slept well and I was hungry for breakfast in the morning. I'm slowly training myself that I really don't need that much food. Also, I ate probably three cups of fresh from the garden sliced cucumbers. I love it when that happens.

Nutritional Nugget Brought to You By The Fabulous Nicole Fleming

“Mmmm, summer squash. Roast with onions, olive oil, salt and pepper, and sprinkle a little mozzarella at end to melt on top. My hands-down favorite.”

Nicole is one of my all time Besties with wonderful taste in food! Can't wait to try this one!

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