Monday, December 31, 2012

The Art of the Belly Growl

I can remember sitting in science class as a self-conscious seventh grader just before lunch and my stomach growling and echoing off those lab tables and tiled floor causing giggles and stares my way.   I understand a tiny bit more about science now, but I'm still intrigued by stomach noises.

We've all had those growls and gurgles when our stomach and bowel is upset or irritable, but the belly growl is most famous for ringing the dinner bell.  My favorite thing about the growling is how it is mostly the upper part of the small intestines growling at you.  (The small intestines is my most favorite part of the body.  It's SO COOL!)  Our stomach is always growling it seems because of the muscle contractions on the inside churning away at the food and the gas bubbles as healthy digestion takes place and squeezes the nutrients through our digestive tract by a process called peristalsis.  We can't always hear the churning going on.  When we have food in there, it quiets the beast sort of like how a load of towels in the dryer would muffle a pair of tennis shoes flopping around in there. There is a lot more technical explanation than that which has to do with nerve impulses and things, but basically an empty stomach restarts the churning every hour or so and works together with the hypothalamus to send a simple, but loud message.  "Hey, feed me."

Our body has a natural alarm system telling us when it is time for food.  Um....OUR BODY HAS A NATURAL ALARM SYSTEM TELLING US WHEN IT IS TIME FOR FOOD!

The thing is, we need a certain amount of calories each day, but it is best to spread those calories over the whole day.  Saving up the calories until the end of the day is a bad idea.   Not only does it slow metabolism, but everything not used will be stored as FAT.  Weight loss goal is really fat loss.  We don't want to lose lean body and water weight (unless we have fluid problems.  Please assume everything I say is for healthy people.)

I have this weird little game I play with myself to see how often I can get my belly to growl.  I try to feed it just enough to empty out by the next meal.  Keep that engine running!   If you are like me, I do not like that uncomfortable feeling just before I hear the growl.  I feel REALLY hungry which is just a recipe to overeat the next meal.  But I find that the more fiber I eat, the less of that uncomfortable feeling I have.  A lot of times if I eat a high fiber breakfast, I won't even know I am hungry until my belly growls.

I'm not perfect at portions  AT ALL.  But it is helpful to remind myself to allow my body to work FOR me instead of against me.  Literally LISTEN to it, and Let it ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! 

Can we wait for our body to tell us it is time for more food instead of eating lunch just because it is noon?

Nutritional Nugget
Soups have really been on the menu a lot for us lately.  Currently in my refrigerator we have leftover potato soup and mixed vegetable soup.  Mmmmmm.  I've recently been inspired to share about soups.  I love soup anytime, but especially these winter months.  Soups are usually easy to prepare, even crockpot worthy for the next night dinner.  They make one seem frugal because just about anything in the pantry and freezer can be used to throw one together. Soups are very forgiving even if one strays from the recipe.   I love "as the Spirit leads"-type recipes.   It is easy to enhance nutrition in soups.  Adding spices makes a low fat version tasty.  I have to admit I love making one-dish meals.  

Nana's Beef Stew

I have a story about beef stew.  I consider it a comfort food, and have many fond memories of Nana making it for us.  I love her cooking.  The recipes have simple ingredients so the flavors stay true to themselves.   I remember as a child visiting someone who offered me a bowl of beef stew.  "Yes, I
do!"   And then proceeded to tell her how I just LOVE me some beef stew, and how hungry I was.  I had no idea someone could mess up beef stew.  I got me a big ol' bowl of it.  I took my first bite and realized something was wrong.  Very wrong.    It was yucky.  And there she sat watching me eat it.  I couldn't even fake the bites.  She must have known I didn't like it.  I crumbled up a whole pack of saltines in it, but it didn't help.  I had to leave there with a whole bowl of her beef stew uneaten.

Nana buys a good Lean, tender roast and cuts the meat up herself.  Peel and cut up some potatoes and carrots.  Add some tomato sauce, and a little salt and a lot of pepper.  Maybe throw on some diced onions.    Add water.   I usually let mine cook on the stove for about two hours stirring occasionally.  Yummy!

How can you beef up the nutrition in beef stew?  
Cut away all the visible fat.   Use a low sodium tomato sauce and omit the salt.  Just add extra pepper.   Instead of peeling the carrots, just wash them really well leaving the skin on.  Do the same for the potatoes if you want the added fiber.   If the kids don't like the veggies, add them puréed.   I find even taking the stew and finely chopping the chunks will improve the intake for even the picky ones.  Add green peas, corn, or other mixed vegetables.


Saturday, December 29, 2012

The Family Menu

Sometimes all the good intentions and motivation in world fall avail when it comes to feeding the family.   I can't tell you how many times I've heard tells of defeat from people when one person in the family wants to change their ways and the rest of the family doesn't.   "When Mom goes on a diet, we all do."  " I want to eat more salads, but all they'll eat is macaroni and cheese."  "I hate spending so much time in the kitchen then nobody will eat it."

I do not believe in short-order cooking.  It is our practice that we eat what the cook made or we don't eat. But I also believe there is hope for the downtrodden and a way to marry healthful intentions with less motivated eaters.

Consider slightly changing the menu instead of going all or nothing.  Maybe just expand the menu a bit.  There is always room to add more vegetables or throw on a salad.  Even if only the healthy eaters eat the extra veggies, at least it makes more of a variety for everyone.  If there is a vegetarian in the house, there is no need to make two separate meals,  just expand the buffet.  Beans are an easy, fiber-filled, staple to add to the meat and potatoes.   Add a salad for more variety.  Keep different vegetables, dried fruit, or nuts for example so everyone can dress up the salad to taste.

Feeding kids can be a challenge.   It is unproductive to get into a power struggle.  Just continue to offer.  Eventually their taste buds come around.  We do have a one-taste rule at our house, but if they don't like it they don't have to eat it.  On average, it takes a picky eater seventeen times to begin eating the new food.  It also helps if the adults at the table also "try" a bite.  They're watching you!

And of course, it is always dandy to hide the veggies in other dishes.  The Deceptively Delicious cookbooks by Jessica Seinfeld are just dandy.    Basically hiding puréed vegetables in other dishes is easy, delicious, and nutritious.

Planning for meals is a big deal to keep discouragement out of the kitchen.  When hectic nights come along, it is easier to grab a frozen pizza or chicken nuggets and fries than to cook a wholesome, less processed meal.   Why not plan for quick-fixes when those times arise.   When making a family favorite recipe, make two and freeze one.  Keep some frozen vegetables in the freezer to pop in the microwave.  No mess.  Lots of nutrition.   I am for whole grain rice, but it takes a while to cook. For those busy nights,  use those ten minute brown rice boiling bags.   Stir fry a little frozen vegetables to add on top.  Maybe even keep some grilled chicken pieces to throw in if you have one of those families that only consider it supper if there is meat in it.

With a little creativity and planning, meals can meet everybody's schedules and taste buds.  How do you feed the family without the feud?

Nutrition Nugget
We eat about three times more sodium than needed in America.  If choosing a processed food,  look on the label to see the amount of sodium.  It is good to use the percent daily values to grade the sodium.  If the DVs in bold are above 20,  it is considered high in that nutrient.  If it is 5 or less,  it is considered low in that nutrient.   Try not to get items with a sodium above 20.  If it is a canned items such as green peas or beans,  rinse the food before cooking and add fresh water.  This will help to reduce some of the sodium.

Snowball Effect

"Know Thyself"   That is one of those philosophical cornerstones that chapters are written about in personal development classes, but it sure is Truth.  Knowing myself and working with myself without expectation not only helps me enjoy my journey, but effortlessly delivers me where I want to go. 

It's hard to strap on the running shoes and crave vegetables if the most energy one can muster is to pull up the covers and lift the TV remote.  Sometimes it takes an unexplanable motivation from within to take the first baby step.  Healthfulness is like a snowball effect.  Get that ball rolling and keep it moving until it is so huge it rolls itself without any effort from you.  The first step to gathering up the snow is knowing thyself.  I know areas in my thinking and habits that keep me snowed under instead of treading the high ground.  This is how I've started rolling the ball.

Even if I don't feel like it, I put on my exercise pants all the way down to my running shoes.  It takes very little motivation for me to put on my favorite tennis shoes ever.   Once they are on, I am more likely to exercise.   The next baby step is that I purpose in my heart to do the exericise of my plan.   I found a "plan" on the internet that suits me and my personal goals.   I still can't or don't make it a law/rule/expectation.  The plan isn't even a goal.  It serves me as a guide.  I adjust it so it fits me. It only adds to my life.  If I experience any negative emotion about it, then I need to readjust my thinking.   I remind myself,  "It's only 15 minutes."  Or  two miles, or whatever it is.  Baby step out the door.  The snowball has grown.  I actually look forward to the yoga pants, tennis shoes, breathing the crisp air, and the freedom I feel as I go.  

I also decided to take some supplements to help with my energy level.  I can tell they do make a difference.   I visited the health food store to determine what was best for me.  I make sure it is natural stuff and I prefer ones that do not contain caffeine or anything else of that sort.  In the past, I might have big ideas to take a bunch of vitamins, but that gets boring really quickly.   I end up with a cabinet full of pill bottles and less money in the pocket.    I baby step by attachng a new habit to an established one.  I take my vitamins with a tall glass of water before my coffee as my first baby step of the morning.  

Choosing freedom foods for especially breakfast and lunch helps keep  my energy level up to keep on rolling through supper.  Avoiding sugary, high fat, and processed foods is best.  Drinking water when I feel I'm beginning to wilt really helps as well.  

I still have a problem going to bed on time, but getting plenty of good quality sleep helps too.  I bought some herbal teas to enjoy before bedtime.  I'm pretty sure I'm going to have get me some breathe right strips or something because apparently I'm a snorer.  If I purpose in my heart to get into bed at a certain time, I will.

All these things are just baby steps that come naturally with the proper perspective.   These are my baby steps that come from knowing myself.  What are things you do to keep get your ball rolling?

Nutritional Nugget:

Five More Tips To Add Fruits and Vegetables From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

1. Make fruit your dessert: Slice a banana lengthwise and top with a scoop of low-fat  frozen yogurt. Sprinkle with a tablespoon of chopped nuts.

2. Stock your freezer with frozen vegetables to steam or stir-fry for a quick side dish.

3. Make your main dish a salad of dark, leafy greens and other colorful vegetables. Add chickpeas or edamame (fresh soybeans). Top with low-fat dressing.

4. Fruit on the grill: Make kabobs with pineapple, peaches and banana. Grill on low heat until fruit is hot and slightly golden.

5. Dip: Whole wheat pita wedges in hummus, baked tortilla chips in salsa, strawberries or apple slices in low-fat yogurt, or graham crackers in applesauce.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Freedom Food

"You have the look of a man who accepts what he sees because he is expecting to wake up.  Ironically this is not far from the truth."

I love this Matrix quote, and it is so fitting to how I feel right now.  I've felt like this before in other areas of my the veil  is fixing to pop off.  I feel a freedom approaching.  Because I know it is there for me to wake up to, I can accept where I am now.  I am content.

I've been thinking a lot about what I'm referring to as freedom foods.  It makes sense to me in my little mind.  They are the foods that promote freedom from flesh.    I'm tired of  the real me hiding behind a body that is still too heavy.   Instead of viewing foods as something I can't have, I now see foods as something that will help me get free from this body that is weighing me down.

It isn't a bunch of rules as much as it is a perspective.  I've lost my feeling of deprivation that I used to have when on a diet.  I've lost (and still losing) a feeling that I must lose weight to become somebody.     I've lost some (and still losing) some of this fleshy flesh that makes me feel tired, or feel awkward if I can't find just the right size on the jeans rack.  I'm separating from all those things of bondage.  I feel like Neo.....accepting what I see because I know I'm waking up....fixing to break free from an illusion.

Freedom foods help me to do just that.   Instead of seeing high calorie foods as something I can't have, I see more healthful foods as eating freedom.  It is an easy choice for me to make now.  Sweet tea or water?   Lunch at the buffet or the salad bar?  And what for a quick breakfast?  Hardee's or a slice of toast and a piece of fruit.  Which foods bring the freedom?  All foods fit,  but I can guarantee I won't feel like I'm walking in freedom about an hour after I've eaten a greasy sausage biscuit.

I'm free to eat all things, but which foods promote my freedom?  Which foods remind you that you are free?

Nutritional Nugget:

Five More Tips To Add Fruits and Vegetables From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics

1. “Sandwich” in fruits and vegetables. Add pizzazz to sandwiches with sliced pineapple, apple, peppers, cucumber and tomato as fillings.

2. Wake up to fruit. Make a habit of adding fruit to your morning oatmeal, ready-to-eat cereal, yogurt or toaster waffle.

3. Top a baked potato with beans and salsa or broccoli and low-fat cheese.

4. Microwave a cup of vegetable soup as a snack or with a sandwich for lunch.

5. Add grated, shredded or chopped vegetables such as zucchini, spinach and carrots to lasagna, meat loaf, mashed potatoes, pasta sauce and rice dishes.

Sunday, December 16, 2012


The last couple months, my job as a dietitian has been the priority of my life.    I've had to rearrange and quit some jobs in order to make time for more important things like sleep and family.   Friday was the last day at one of my jobs so the past month I have worked extra hard and long trying to make the transition more tolerable.  Because of that, I have put my weight loss journey on the back burner which is exactly the wrong thing to do.  

See, this journey is not as much about weight loss as it is about health and freedom.  I spent less time on exercising, making healthful choices, and getting enough sleep and added an abundant of stress to my daily routine.  I actually had the thought a few times, "I bet this is what death feels like."  Just  yucky.    I know I am more sensitive to the pressures I placed on myself just because I'm more familiar with what it is like to rest.   Thank God for right-minded friends who we're praying for me when I wasn't in my own right mind in dealing with my work.  I know it is silly to exalt an occupation to such a high level for a time, but that is what I did.  Now is the time to reconnect, remember, and rejuvenate.

I know it's the season to eat turkey, candy canes, cookies and milk,  but lately, I've been pondering on what I will call freedom foods.  I once went on a diet just before the holidays many years ago when I thought I was a cow (and wasn't).  And because I wasn't right-minded about eating and weight back then, I gained about 15 pounds.   I actually paid money to gain 15! 
The average holiday weight gain is 7 pounds. This is not what I had in mind in striving to be above average.  
I no longer feel deprived or any of those other emotions I attached to eating food,  but my flesh feels yucky from treating it so poorly while I adopted some not-so-healthy thinking styles the past few months.   Even though the habits were still lingering in my body this morning,  the voice of LIFE on the inside was thankfully a little louder.  I just had to pick which one was my voice.  I could have sided with the ego....take a lazy day in the name of "recuperation."  But instead, I put my shoes on and went for a nice walk/run.  I feel like a new person because, well, I AM a new person.   

I love what my good friend said the other day.  She wasn't talking about weight loss, but it is a good sound proverb of Truth for every area of life that went something like,  "I won't get wiser, but the junk will come off so I can see more clearly."  That is the God-Almighty Truth!  I've already got all the life, wisdom, and skinniness inside.  It's just time to slough off the junk to expose my true self.

I love our respiratory system.  I find it so interesting how a healthy body  involuntarily breathes in a substance to sustain life then exhales to rid our body of waste.  As I walked/ran this morning, I can tell you I was very aware of my respiratory system since it had been a little while.  As I ran, I allowed that cool, crisp air to cleanse my soul as I inhaled. As I exhaled, I released some of that old crud I have been hanging on to.  I found that I did not have to breathe in more life, I already have that. I was simply aware that things I did not want were leaving my body and only the good remained.  I didn't have to give a name to the waste or think about what it was for this  exercise to be affective.   I just allowed it and could feel the stress leaving my body.   It sort of felt like taking off work clothes after a long day and putting on some yoga pants.  But if I was going to name the stuff that came out, I could probably guess that I was exhaling Stress, Self expectation, Thoughts that I am not enough, Thoughts that I must DO to become, and an abundant of sadness from the recent events in the news.   

I know I still have junk to slough off, but I do feel better now. I am excited for some time to have a re-run tomorrow.  I am thankful I listened to the voice that mattered and not a a voice of laziness.  Thankful I'm  breathing.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Enjoying the PENT-house

I love THINKING lessons. I have a new favorite science game that exercises the brain. One of the tips it gave me to improve brain health is to avoid thoughts of obligation, encouraged having a  lighthearted attitude, and an enjoyable life. Cool ‘eh?!? I loved this! Just another confirmation of the way of thinking I believe we were made for.

I love the word, “Repent.” I’ve learned that “-pent” is the same meaning where we get the word “penthouse.” “Repent” means to “return to the high way of thinking.” My poor little flabby brain was weak because I of how I believed in the past.  I believed, "I am what I do."   So happy to “return to the high place.”  The High place is seeing things from the perspective that God sees.  Sounds really noble, but it is really difficult.  To see ourselves the way God sees us takes great humility.  Humility is always thought to be lowly, but remember in God's Kingdom, everything is topsy-turvy!  The high place IS humility.  To believe about ourselves who God says we are returns us to his way of thinking.  I am so glad his ways were higher than my ways and his thoughts were higher than my thoughts.  I'm so thankful he lifts me up to see things from his pent house.  Too good.  Just too, too good!

For brain and body health, I cast out thoughts like the following:
  • That I’m worth less because of my physical appearance.
  • Cast out regret for “letting myself go.”
  • No “If Only…” self talk.
  • Not allowing myself to feel overwhelmed because I get bogged down with how I need to improve.
  • Opinions of others thinking I’m less than.
  • Put pressure on myself to get results.
Thoughts like these have done nothing but delay my journey.

I will change my way of thinking, return to the high place, and see me for the real me.
Nutritional Nugget:

Five More Tips To Add Fruits and Vegetables From the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
1. Keep cut vegetables handy for mid-afternoon snacks, side dishes, lunch box additions or a quick nibble while waiting for dinner. Ready-to-eat favorites: red, green or yellow peppers, broccoli or cauliflower florets, carrots, celery sticks, cucumbers, snap peas or whole radishes.

2. Place colorful fruit where everyone can easily grab something for a snack-on-the run. Keep a bowl of fresh, just ripe whole fruit in the center of your kitchen or dining table.

3. Get saucy with fruit. Puree apples, berries, peaches or pears in a blender for a thick, sweet sauce on grilled or broiled seafood or poultry, or on pancakes, French toast or waffles.

4.  Add color to salads with baby carrots, grape tomatoes, spinach leaves or mandarin oranges.

5.  Stuff an omelet with vegetables. Turn any omelet into a hearty meal with broccoli, squash, carrots, peppers, tomatoes or onions with low-fat sharp cheddar cheese.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

And With a View of Journey's End

It is nice to be in a place on the journey where the only reasons I eat are because  I need nourishment and just for the pure, simple pleasure of it.

Enjoying life… What a concept!

The goal and place of rest is to have no consciousness of fat or food. Food adds to my enjoyment of life, but it is not my life. 

The “nucleus” of chaos, confusion, and distraction is a sly little temptation that says, “If you are _____, then _____.” It’s a sneaky one this thought. If you are somebody, then PROVE it by losing weight, exercising, eating better, etc. etc. etc.  Becoming and doing sounds so noble to those who are still sleeping. No wonder it was a snake who brought this temptation to Adam.

 There is no magic formula, but these are things I think about that keep me from following into a food trap and the lie that I am only valuable if...
  • Remind myself daily that I’m worthy of health.
  • I’m worth taking a walk/run in the morning.
  • Going to bed at a decent time to get enough rest is good for me.
  • Buying more whole and healthful foods at the store is what I really want, and it is okay for me to have what I really want.  Then I make plans of how I want to eat it.
  • Drink water and more water.
  • Write down foods I eat and monitor my calorie intake on paper to give me a proper perspective. 
  • Patience with myself.
  • No pressure or expectations on myself to get results.
      I'm good enough, smart enough, and dog gone it, people like me. 
This journey has been more about skinning up the insides and it is exciting to think how the physical will follow.  When I’m distraction free, I feel like I’m already at the end of this journey and this is what it feels like.
  • No more fear of failure.
  • No eating for stress or comfort.
  • No eating for boredom.
  • Habits are changed.
  • Pressure-free eating.
At the journey's end, food adds to my enjoyment of life. I can’t remember the pangs of being fat. It feels like “that wasn’t so bad.”  Remembering being fat as if it was just a dream and never a reality.

I lost another 3 pounds.

Nutritional Nugget: 

Five Tips to add more fruits and vegetables from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

1. Variety abounds when using vegetables as pizza topping. Try broccoli, spinach, green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms and zucchini.
2. Mix up a breakfast smoothie made with low-fat milk, frozen strawberries and a banana.
3. Make a veggie wrap with roasted vegetables and low-fat cheese rolled in a whole-wheat tortilla.
4. Try crunchy vegetables instead of chips with your favorite low-fat salad dressing for dipping.
5. Grill colorful vegetable kabobs packed with tomatoes, green and red peppers, mushrooms and onions.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Eating In The Pressure Cooker.

I found another one I meant to post in June....

I was doing well and enjoying my new healthful habits. I was exercising more, sleeping better, choosing more healthful food choices, and losing weight. Then I went through two weeks of stress because of my job. It’s routine that the inspectors come at least once a year to sniff out deficiencies and help us become more excellent, but that doesn’t make it any less stressful. I know that one day, I’ll be able to walk through times like these without pressure at all. Currently, I am not there, and I’m just fine with that.

Not only was the stress dreadful for my brain and body, but the schedule that went with it was hard on my diet and exercise regimen that I so enjoyed. I was thankful for the lessons on patience that I have learned. I allowed myself to “get through it” without putting added expectations that I MUST lose weight this week. I still made good choices when I could, but I just maintained my weight during this time.

I’m finally back to life as usual and once again enjoying sneaking in exercise and monitoring my diet to help me lose weight. I was happy to see how kind I was to myself. I’ve come a long way. I used to think it was the right thing to put pressure on myself.  Now I see the LIFE in resting.  I’m very excited to get back dropping the poundage.

Oh and by the way, I was deficiency free!   (It never pays to worry.)  

Bread of Life.
There is no flaw in you.  Can you believe that?   It's TRUE!

Nutritional Nugget
Raw eggs are yucky. I know Rocky did it, but not only is it a big salmonella risk, but raw eggs bind up a B vitamin called biotin. I’m in favor of cooked eggs! 

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Condemnation Criminal

I was looking through some documents tonight and I found this one among several others that I never posted.  I wrote this one back in June, but that sneaky condemnation still pokes his head where it doesn't belong from time to time.  Condemnation reminds me of Swiper on Dora The Explorer.  "Swiper, No Swiping!  Swiper, No Swiping!"   ...."Condemnation, No Condemning!"

 Condemnation Criminal
Going along in life, minding my own business when suddenly out of nowhere, I get attacked by a thief who stole LIFE from me! Condemnation came for a visit. (Hate that guy!)

I ate really well that day with calories to spare. I was feeling a bit hungry around 10:00 at night, but I figured I was just craving energy that could be satisfied with sleep. The cinnamon rolls Wayne was baking in the oven smelled heavenly, but I still felt no desire to have one. That is when I looked in my camera and found a picture of me that caused a BIG ruckus. I haven’t seen that much of me in a long time.

Negative emotions swept over me. I felt disappointed with myself for letting myself get that way. I felt I needed to “fix” that image and was overwhelmed thinking about the effort it would take to do so. I said jokingly, “Well, I guess I won’t be having any cinnamon rolls. Ha Ha Ha.” Oh No! Those words broke open the jail cell and condemnation invaded my freedom.

Guess what?  I ate two cinnamon rolls. I was driven to eat them out of an emotion from lack. "I CAN'T have them because I need fixing."   YUCK! I let my guard down and the thief came in and robbed my peace. I forgot who I was for a moment, became self-conscious, and did something I did not want to do.  Fortunately, I did not get condemned over feeling condemned.

Right then, I decided to recover my sight, and I stopped making choices based on that moment. The next morning I had a renewed mercy on myself and reminded myself that I am the innocent one. You know? There are lots of good people who make responsible choices and are driven to live “right” by the emotion of guilt. I don’t want condemnation to be my father of my actions no matter how good it makes me look on the outside. I’m not an orphan. The outward changes in me are birthed from a heavenly Father who loves me and sees no flaw in me. Having that inner awareness is causing my appearance to reflect what my heart believes. I’m a child of a Father who loves me, and therefore protected and safe in a place of rest, peace, and freedom from food. I am innocent, and condemnation has no right to influence me. Only in this freedom true “change” comes.

Nutritional Nugget
I've been thinking about breastfeeding recently.  I've decided to share on this subject for a little while.  It is a topic I really find facinating and one near and dear to my heart.  (Ha!)   It's the perfect nutrition for a wee babe.  Here are a few of my favorite tips.
  •  If it hurts, baby isn't latched right.  Don't sit there and take one for the team.  If it hurts, the baby is not drinking effeciently anyway.  To unlatch, stick you pinky in baby's mouth to release the suction, then try latching again.  A white line or blister on the nipple is an indication of poor latch. 
  • I loved a group of ladies I used to work with.  When a mom was nursing in the hospital they would send her a cabbage leaf on her meal tray.  This is an old wives home remedy that is said to sooth sore nipples.
  • Another sore-booby trick is to take two of baby's diapers and fill them with water and freeze.  They make perfect little ice packs.  It is also funny to have to explain to visitors who make themselves at home with your freezer. 
More tips to come. 

Monday, October 22, 2012

Skinny People Watching

Have you ever watched a skinny person eat?  I can honestly say I'm an expert in this area. I actually get paid to observe people eating, interview people about their eating habits, and assess their diet rituals.  It is AMAZING to note how people of different sizes have perspectives to match.

When some people find out a person has studied nutrition, they often feel compelled to confess all their nutritional sins.  I loved that my dear nutrition professor always said, "I don't grade plates."   The only looking I do at your plate is to see what yummy thing you got that I want to order next time. I don't grade plates either, but I would be a fool not to learn  from some of the thin people I get to be around.

I work in several health care facilities.  One of the biggest struggles I have is trying to get the skinnies to fatten up.   But I also have lots of very healthy friends.  Needless to say, I've had some experience observing skinny people eat.  So today I am jotting down some HABITS I have observed with the skinnies.
  • Skinny people eat boring.  They usually don't like sauces or they might order things plain.  It has nothing to do with the excess calories.  It is just how they like their food.
  •  Skinny people talk about how much they ate.  They ALWAYS think they over did it, when in reality, it was just about right.  Chubby people tend to think they didn't eat that much.  Two VERY interesting and different perspectives.
  • Skinny people choose weird combinations of foods.  For example, a skinny might have a slice of meatloaf and a whole bunch of pickles. Weird.  That's all she had on her plate, but it is really just what she wanted.  Once I saw a skinny choose a lunch that consisted of a bowl of rice krispies, skim milk, an orange, some celery, and then two tablespoons of peanut butter because she figured she better throw in some protein. Weird. 
  • Skinny people eat a whole lot when they want it, but then they don't eat again until they want it again.  They don't eat just because it is lunch or supper.  They eat because their body tells them they are hungry. 
  • Skinny people make a batch of cookie dough but just cook a few at a time.  They might eat on the batch all week, but they just cook enough for what they need right then.  It seems foreign to me to just make five cookies at one time, but that is what skinny people do.
  • Skinny people just eat about three shrimp at a time.  They know that shrimp won't fill them up so they add loads of vegetables instead. More than three shrimp is just not worth it to them. 
  • Skinny people order a small ice cream cone instead of a blizzard just because they want it. 
  • Skinny people are conscious they really don't want any more and feel it is okay to toss it away. 
  • There is always food left on a skinny persons plate. 
  • Skinny people have a colorful refrigerator.  They buy foods like fruits and vegetables and eat these  often.
  • Skinny people get one item at a fast food restaurant.  Not only does this cut down on the calories, but drastically cuts the meal budget.  Double Nice! In reality, one item from the dollar menu is plenty of sustenance for the meal. 
  • Skinny people eat like little birds.  They nibble.  They take small bites and really seem to enjoy their food.  
  • Skinny people get really excited over a brownie or hot-out-of-the-oven cookies, but they don't eat much of it.  
  • I once saw a whole table of skinny girls order everything they wanted from a restaurant....Salads, rolls, steak, loaded baked potatoes, shrimp fettucini, etc., etc., etc.   They ate their salads, decided they were full, then they all asked for a to-go box before their meal even came out.   
  • Skinny people would rather feel good than feel full.  Often they cut the meal short just because they don't like feeling like a stuffed turkey.
  • Skinny people cook big yummy meals, and give away the leftovers. 
  • ...Or they might make a whole batch of cupcakes just so they can have one, then give the other 23 to the neighbor kids next door.
So what can I learn from a skinny?  When I have to out, I can just pick one thing...and order it plain.   It's okay that all I want for supper are green olives and piece of cheese. It's okay that I just want spaghetti sauce without the noodles.  If I write down what I eat, I get a better, more accurate perspective of my intake.  I'm not weird if I enjoy 1/4 cup of apply juice diluted with 8 oz of water.  I can share my ice cream with a boy.  I get one or two satisfying bites and they can have the rest.  If I  feel like i want an extra bowl of pintos for lunch, but I'm not hungry for be it.

Skinny people who are skinny by accident, do not have a list of rules that box in their eating.  There is no box.  They enjoy food, always feel like there is enough, and know they can eat again when they get ready.  I've built a box of food rules that I've lived in way too long.  By observing skinny people, I can watch those diet walls fall away and enjoy eating what I want, when I want, and how I want.   Freedom tastes so sweet.

Nutritional Nugget

Sometimes we may not eat TOO much as far as portion sizes, but what we eat has too many calories preventing the weight loss we desire.  Here are some tips to help cut calories.  Reducing 500 calories a day should promote a weight loss of about a pound per week.
Maybe you could....
  • Switch to fat free mayo. (It seriously tastes the same.)
  • Add skim milk and light syrup to your coffee. 
  • Veggies with your dip instead of chips. 
  • Eat the sandwich without the cheese.
  • Water with your meals. 
  •  Get one pack of ketchup.  When the ketchup is gone, quit eating the item you were dipping in it.
  • Eat on smaller plates or bowls. 
  • Use a slender glass. 
  • Do you overeat supper because you are STARVING?  Figure out what time of the day you start to wilt, and plan a snack like an apple or even some nuts or a half of sandwich. 
  • Leave some food on your plate. 
  • Always eat from a plate and not the container.  
  • Take time to eat and enjoy the meal.  

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Patience Is A Virtue

I love that scene in "Yes Man" when the man is planning to commit suicide then complains to  Jim Carry's character that tuning his guitar is taking too long.  Then he says, "Patience is a Virtue!"
Ahhhh... patience.

One of the biggest lessons I've had to relearn and relearn and relearn is to be patient with myself.  (Well, rather that it is OKAY to be patient with myself.)   I get distracted with thinking about how far I need to go, how slow the weight loss is going, and with "should haves" from the past.  But even those thoughts are not as haunting as they used to be because I've allowed myself to be patient.  Patience came with the realization that my weight does not define me.  The real me can be patient with the fatter me because it took her a long time to get that way.  Putting pressure on myself will do nothing but stress me out making me want to eat more.  Even if I lose weight out of pressure, I don't want pressure to be the "father" of my weight loss.  Patience with myself allows me to walk this thing at a steady and comfortable pace.  Oh, I'll finish the race, but patience allows me to enjoy the scenery of this journey so much more.  I'm really loving this journey!

Patience isn't something we earn, learn, or strive to obtain.  It's not a prize or a grade.  It's an emotion.  It's a rest.  It's a fruit of the Spirit inside me----a result of believing.  I carry my prize within me already.  The finish line is just an extra little goody.

Nutritional Nugget from The website for The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

Tips for Eating Out

Food choices away from home are important to your health and weight because many of us are eating more meals away from home. Fortunately, making healthful and delicious choices in restaurants is also easier today. Restaurants of all types are responding to customers’ desires with more options in portion sizes, preparation methods and menu items:
  • More appetizer-size portions of popular entrées
  • More baked and broiled choices in meat, fish and poultry
  • More fruit and vegetables side orders to substitute for fries.

Hit the Bricks

Make physical activity part of dining out. All you need is a comfortable pair of shoes:
  • Walk from Home or the Office. Pick a restaurant that’s a 10- or 15-minute walk away. You'll get your meal and 30 minutes of physical activity and avoid the parking hassles.
  • Walk with Family or Friends. Get moving as a group before or after eating. A brisk walk before a meal gives you time to chat. A stroll afterward helps your digestion.
  • Walk Up Instead of Driving Thru. Park your car in the lot and walk inside to get your fast food order. And make fast food an occasional treat rather than a daily habit.

Right-Size Your Serving Sizes

Becoming sensible about serving sizes is an important way to maintain a healthy weight and it’s good for your wallet too.
  • Instead of a large entrée, order an appetizer and a leafy green salad or choose two appetizers for a meal.
  • Start with a small serving like a cup of soup, a junior burger or a small order of fries. If you are still hungry, order something else.
  • Indulge your inner child: Order a kid’s meal at a fast-food restaurant. Many now offer a choice of low-fat milk and fruits or vegetables instead of fries.
  • Savor your steak twice as much. Eat half at the restaurant, then take the other half home to enjoy sliced onto a green salad or as a sandwich on whole-grain bread.
  • Ask for a to-go box as soon as your meal is served. Put half your food into the container for a second meal. That’s two meals for the price of one.
  • Share from start to finish. Order one appetizer for the whole table and then order one dessert with multiple forks. Sometimes, just a bite or two is perfect.
  • Share an entrée. You can ask your server to split the meal in the kitchen or divide it up yourselves at the table.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Chocolate Gravy and Hypothyroidism

As a dietitian, I've done quite a bit of one-on-one nutritional counseling with a large majority needing to lose weight.  I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard something like, "Well, my thyroid doesn't produce like it is supposed to."   I ALMOST had to add that to my pet peeve list.  Then one day I found my hair was falling out like crazy.  I was so tired and desired sleep more than eating.  My finger nails became very brittle.  I was nursing at the time, and my supply was really low.  I had a diagnoses of hypothyroidism when I was in college, but was healed of that.  I was familiar with the symptoms so when I recognized them coming back,  I went to see my fabulous doctor.  I found myself telling him, "I'd like my thyroid checked because (insert symptoms here)....and I know people use this as an excuse, but I really am having trouble losing weight."    Turns out that I was indeed very low.  (The TSH number is actually high when you are low.)  Since then I've been able to come off my pills again, but every now and then I wonder, "Is this slow weight loss because my thyroid is hypoactive?"

I recently had a great conversation with someone who is obese and has taken expensive and drastic measure to lose weight.  She lost weight for two years, but now has regained the weight and swears her surgery quit working.  Listening to her talk and describe her weight loss woes was like listening to a recording of me. I might not have taken drastic measures, but it was definitely the same song different verse.  Of course the conversation eventually came around to food.  She planned to go home and make chocolate gravy.   "Mmmmm, Chocolate gravy."  I said.   "That's one of my favorites.  I think that's why my thyroid quit working!" Then we both laughed really hard for a while which I'm sure burned a few calories.

Nutritional Nugget
It is true. A  fat body acts differently than a skinny body.  Our bodies want to be the weight we are.  It is great when you get your body on your side and working efficiently for a healthy weight.  I wish I could take back every time in college I just didn't "feel" like going to work out.  Knowing what I know now, I would have gone and had fun despite the messages my body was trying to distract me with.  Getting regular check ups and labs drawn are important.  Plenty of places do community health fairs where labs might be drawn for cheap or free.  The following are some symptoms of having a low thyroid:

  • Fatigue
  • Sluggishness
  • Increased sensitivity to cold
  • Constipation
  • Pale, dry skin
  • A puffy face
  • Hoarse voice
  • An elevated blood cholesterol level
  • Unexplained weight gain
  • Muscle aches, tenderness and stiffness
  • Pain, stiffness or swelling in your joints
  • Muscle weakness
  • Heavier than normal menstrual periods
  • Brittle fingernails and hair
  • Depression
Info came from

Chocolate Gravy (Because sometimes it is necessary to make every food fit.)
I always remember the recipe as "1, 2, 3, 4."

1 cup of sugar   (yikes!)
2 cups of milk
3 tablespoons of cocoa
4 tablespoons of flour

Mix together dry ingredients, then add the milk.  Stir in a saucepan until it boils and thickens.  Serve over a biscuit. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Flexing Exercises

Well Hello strangers.  I almost feel awkward like I'm meeting someone for the first time since it has been a while!

It's time again to recover my sight. I was doing so well, enjoying weight loss progress, and increasing my exercise when I got slammed by the summer heat (as in stress.)  Yes, I know that exercising is a big stress reliever, but I had a hard time fitting my exercise "rules" to my crazy schedule the past few months.   Exercise seems to be a big part of my weight loss process although I am convinced that weight loss is about 90% food choices. I have started exercising more consistently again, but I had to change my way of thinking a bit.  This seems a little embarrassing to me, but it is a typical pattern of my life.  I finally figure something out, get a new system, and create new habits then it suddenly doesn't work for me anymore. This happens to me when my thinking muscles become stiffened. I always stretch before I run or walk, but I forget flexibility is important with my thinking.

Did you know there is like 225 ways to wash the dishes?  I heard that somewhere, and hardly can  believe that someone actually did a study on that.  Seems kind of useless, but the point is that there is definitely not just one way to anything. (Bear with me here...) If I only "wash the dishes" one way, then I am missing out on 224 possible experiences.   I've realized now that the reason I "missed" out on so much fun exercising was because I am not flexible.  I had made up my mind that I enjoyed getting up in the morning to walk/run.  I threw in a minute or two of exercise or stretching every time I took a short break.  I walked 15 to 20 minutes of my lunch break.  This worked well for me.  I loved it.  These became my rules.  I became rigid.  I allowed these fabulous habits to create a box labeled "exercise" for me to hide in.    Life suddenly didn't fit into my box, so I didn't either.  My rules quit working so I did too.   I couldn't walk during lunch because the summer heat made me too sweaty.  I NEEDED to get more sleep to do a good job at work, so I stopped getting up so early.  Now I see a little better and have tossed that box into the good ol' fire pit.  I still love to wake up early to run/walk and have plans with my sister to do so tomorrow, but here are some ways I'm thinking outside the box:
  • Instead of calling the friend on the phone for a long conversation while I sit on the couch, I just ask her if she wants to join me in a walk and talk then.
  • I pack yoga pants and sneakers in the car with me and try to stop somewhere after work for a walk/run before I get home.
  • I found a couple of play grounds that are fenced in so I can take my boys to play as I walk/run along the fence.  It's a big treat for them. 
  • If I don't have an hour, I usually at least have 15 minutes. 
  • "You want to race?" is something I ask my boys more often. 
  • I really don't have time to get cleaned up twice, so I try to arrange my day where I can workout at least 15-45 minutes before showering. 
  • Dance 3 counts. (It's my favorite.)
  • Stretch before I go to bed.
These are just a few ways to incorporate more activity, but the important thing for me is to enjoy it and avoid setting rules that make life rigid and impossible.  I keep imagining myself like grain of wheat just blowing with the wind (or a permeable membrane.)  Just a visual aid that reminds me to stay flexible and flow with life instead of boxing away experiences.

Nutritional Nugget
Somebody asked me today about bread.  I'm for it. Try to choose whole grain. You should always look at the label though.  Grains are such a great way to increase fiber, so I like to choose bread based on the fiber content.  When you think we adults need about 25 grams or more of fiber each day, it is appealing to me to purchase Double Fiber Bread which has five grams per slice.  That is 10 grams per sandwich.  It really seems to be an easy way to boost up the numbers.   I ate a lot of Fiber One cereal when I was a dietetic intern.  It was just one flavor back then.  One RD asked me, "Do you really like to eat that?"  Without thinking I said, "Well, I like it about 10:00 the following day."  She laughed. I was embarrassed, and now I'm announcing it to the world on my blog.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Tipping the Scale

My scale of food choices has been tipped! My desire for health outweighs any other desire causing me to eat. The number one reason for food choice is taste. I like fruit teas, rolls, creamy salads, and cookies right out of the oven. As a dietitian, I love that a moderate and balanced diet makes room for every food to fit. However, I fit these foods into my daily routine until it caused my body not fit into my life. My thinking was thwarted. I habitually ate calories above my need for them. There are many reasons I ate what I ate, but now I’m finding that the emotion for health outweighs any desire to choose calorie-rich foods for taste or otherwise. Yes, there are thoughts that, “I would like to have ____.” But those thoughts have a small voice compared to the excitement that makes health an easy choice. And you know what else? If I really want it, I know I can have it. Suddenly calorie-dense beverages are just not as appealing. Sure I still like the taste, but I do not like how it makes me feel or look after I feed it to my body. Some of my favorite foods are just not worth the calories anymore. I still might have something occasionally, but now I make sure that it fits within my calorie allotment that will still promote weight loss. This feels like LIFE. It feels easy. I’m losing weight faster now. 

Oh and I've lost another four pounds! 

Nutritional Nugget:
Baby it is HOT outside!  I know I've posted several things about water, but these temperatures remind me again.  

This first sign for dehydration is thirst.  Other symptoms include dry sticky mouth, tiredness, headache, constipation, dizziness, light-headedness. If dehydration persists, it could lead to more severe symptoms and even cause heat-stroke.  Make sure you've always got plenty of fluids with you even when you are swimming.  Water and sports drinks are the best for outside activity.  Avoid colas because they bind up water.  Knowing the unhealthy benefits of soft drinks as well as the empty calories they have makes it easy for me to stay away from them especially in this heat. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Excercise Excitement

I forgot to post this one last week...

I am driven to exercise by forces that I cannot explain. Although I have had bursts of desires for physical activity at times, never has it been this constant or this much. There seems to be a snowball effect of energy. The more I “move” the more I can’t wait until I get to again. It is getting harder and harder to wait through my rest-up days. It feels like a kid waiting in line for a ride on the roller coaster. Perhaps the most unlike me is getting up EARLY just to go for a walk/run. (Evidence of transformation due to two things: 1. Run/walking. And 2. Waking up to do so.) I chuckle at all the comments regarding marathon runners I’ve made in the past such as, “What kind of idiot would want to train to jog 26 miles for no reason?” Well, now I can’t wait to run my first half marathon I plan to run with my sister in one year. I am in no way close to being ready for it. (Good thing I’m starting now.) I’m not even fit enough to train for it properly. I’m in training to pre-train for the training. Do I think running a marathon will make me a more accomplished person? Do I think I’ll be somebody by completing such a ridiculous task? Do I think all the cool kids run marathons and maybe I’ll fit in with them now? No, No, and No. I desire to run it just because I think it will be fun. Gasp! Can it be that simple? I think not only can it be, but it MUST be in order for it to be real. I get excited thinking about the next time I can squeeze in a walk/run. I find myself doing odd little things throughout the day. When I use the bathroom, I do about 60 seconds of arm exercises. Most recently, I added in 20 minutes of walking during my lunch break the three times a week I get a lunch break. When I learned we were only about a quarter mile from our campground, I hopped out and walked the rest of the way.  (Never mind I was extremely carsick.  I was still excited to have the chance to walk.)  No longer do I have self-imposed rules/expectations on the kind and amount of exercises that are proper for me to promote weight loss. I just do what I want, and every day, I find I’ve added something new. I listen to my body. If my knees are a little too achy, I have wisdom to protect them. I ordered a new pair of squishy work shoes to preserve my “go” muscles and feel better during exercise time. There is no formula, but this is just what LIFE tastes like for me. The magical thing is that delivery of this new motivation only came when I aborted expectations of exercise. (And other lame-brained imaginations of what I should look like.)  Can I confess something? I have a secret desire to teach a fitness class when my body is able. Exciting! The desire to teach a class, run a marathon, and just to be that physically fit still isn’t the primary force driving me to move. I just want to. That’s it. All the other stuff is just extra little goodies. Ahhhhh...Feels so good to be free to be me.

Bread of Life...
So many years I put pressure on myself to live according some man made rules (mine or somebody else.)   "How" I should exercise is only one of the expectations I spent years feeling condemned about.  This is one of the verses that set me free:

2 Corinthians 12:4 “-how he was caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter.”

When Paul wrote this, he understood better than anybody about the Old Testament Law of Moses.  When he went up to heaven, he heard things there that would be illegal for him to say according to that law.  GLORY!  GLORY!  I realized that the truth of heaven, which IS my reality, is not the man made law and misinterpretations I believed were truth.  I can think of no better practical example than exercising.  I have heard so much information regarding exercise.  I took aerobics in college.  I have taught whole chapters on exercise at TTU.  I know the benefits and “rules” about it.  All the information on what was “right” did not make me want to do it.  It was a law to me.  I was a bit rebellious to it because I thought it was something I had to do to become “right” in the health world. Since I didn’t do what I and others thought I SHOULD do, I felt condemned about it.  If I did start exercising, I would have a false sense of  pride about it.  I thought I was really doing good.  Self righteous about exercise.  Shoowee.  But then I would stop and the condemnation would come again. Now I SEE the TRUTH of heaven of who I am, and it literally makes me want to run.  Woooo….Think I will right now.  (Just ‘cause I want to.)

Nutritional Nugget
Water….zero calories and one of the six nutrient classes.  I drink water all the time now.  I think maybe in the last two weeks I have 2 or 3 beverages besides water (and coffee).   There was a time when I hated the fact I needed water.  I had a little taste aversion to it from being sick when I was pregnant, but more than that I thought it was the thing I had to do.  Now I drink it all the time because I desire it.  I love it with lemon.  I love it with cucumbers.  I love it with mint leaves.  When I think I want a little something late at night, I choose water instead of a comfort carb.  I only do this because I want to.  Our bodies are mostly made of water.  I love the way I feel after drinking only water.  I love knowing it helps to flush out toxins from my body.  I love that the lack of calories mean I can eat more of other things I enjoy.  Water taste better to me now than any fruit tea drink that used to be my favorite.  Thankful for this transformation to health in me. 

...Hey! This reminds me of somebody!
"Scoth and water.  Hold the scotch." ----Water Boy


Saturday, June 2, 2012

The Weight Loss Dream

The night before last I dreamed I woke up and as I was getting dressed for the day, I realized I had lost a huge amount of weight. I had no idea that the weight was gone until I looked down at myself and my belly was not there. The dream was so real, that when I woke up in real life this morning, I thought the weight was gone to the point that I didn’t even check to see. I only noticed I still had my belly as I was getting dressed for my day. What amazed me the most in my dream is my mild emotional reaction to the weight loss. I felt more curious than happy. The same sort of reaction I would imagine I would have hearing the news that a past acquaintance bought a new car. “I’m happy about this, but the news affects me little.” The second thing that I ponder about my dream is how effortlessly the weight disappeared. I literally saw myself wake up unaware I had lost the weight I was sure I carried the night before.

I love dreams…especially this one. I believe this is a picture of what really is happening on the inside of me right now. I'm waking up.  Then without effort or surprise, I find I really am the way I always meant to be.

Much-needed Sissy coffee.
Chocolate Health Shake for a quick breakfast with 5 grams of fiber.

Water Water Water

Lunch at work:
Fabulous chicken stir-fry on 1/3 cup of noodles
¼ cup of a low calorie Oreo pudding. (Yes, I realize I said “oreo” and “low calorie” in the same sentence.)

Apple (I was starting to wilt.)
Frappacino. (Yes it had 180 calories, but I’ve never had one and wanted to try it, and NEEDED the boost to help me finish my work day.)

Grilled Pork Tenderloin made by the Fabulous Wayne Blaylock.
Grilled Corn
Baked Potato with salt and pepper only.
Perfectly roasted marshmallows roasted by the Fabulous Mr. Blaylock and the only person I know who can cook 'em like that. 
(Sigh) and I ate a s'more.  Wished I wouldn't have. It wasn't worth the calories.  I made it myself instead of having Wayne make it.    

Daily Bread:
“Agape”-----I’ve always heard that to mean a God-kind of love incapable of our understanding. A.k.a loved A LOT. Now I understand it to further be the expression for a contented love for us where our creator sees no need to add anything else to us. He loves us right where we are. No need to add anything! A love that causes him to lose his breath. An unconditional, perfect love of his perfection.

Can you believe that? Can you believe that the God in heaven sees no need to add anything else to you? This may be the biggest, (and most difficult,) revelation to produce “change” such as weight loss in a person whose weight is deeper than just a lack of practical knowledge of nutrition. (Words are tricky here, I know. It’s just so hard to transmit revelation into English!) This way of thinking is so contrary to the world’s way of thinking. I’m glad His thoughts are higher than our thoughts! I’ve never had so much fun than to understand that living in God’s kingdom is opposite world. This makes me feel like a kid again playing in a perfect imaginary world, except this is reality! Wow! An understanding that YOU are perfect the way you are awakens you to the truth about reality. Your heart produces in the physical what it believes on the inside. See yourself the way HE sees you and transformation happens “overnight” ----just like my dream! Chew on this and be transformed. Lawd have mercy, I hope you catch this with your heart!

Nutritional Nugget:
Well, it seems like common sense, but it bears repeating…The best food of choice for you would most definitely be the foods that are closest to the way God made them. The less processed, the better. Although as a dietitian, I am trained to make every food (approved by the FDA) fit into a daily food plan, there are some things, I personally shy away from. For example, I would rather just go ahead and have the calories that come with real sugar instead of the artificial sweeteners that are technically okay. I would eat it if I had too, but if given the choice, I will choose the foods with the least about chemical processes.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Rest Stop

It's been a while.  I stepped to a little rest area on the side of my journey for almost two months for no real reason.  It was just that there was no emotion driving to me to post in my blog.  It's not that I didn't want to.  It is more that it felt right to not work anything up.  

I'm very thankful for this blog.  "Worth The Weight"  has been an all-purpose tool for not only my weight loss journey, but unexpectedly all areas in my life. It seems I had a lot of cleaning up to do.  I have met myself on this little path. (Is this what they call, "Serendipity?"  Good things you find on your journey as you travel to something else?)  I pulled off to enjoy the scenery a bit.  What seems to the "naked" eye to have been no progression, is actually the biggest hurdle conquered, and I can't WAIT to write about it in my next several posts.

I have a dear friend who travels a similar journey. When we speak about our experiences, I find we are on the same path together.  (Road trips are always more fun with a friend.)  It was during a recent conversation with her that a heart-thought spilled out. I realized this break from my blog was a necessary part of my journey.  I know it sounds strange, but I was actually dependent on posting for a while. I had even made this something I expect from myself. It's those subtle expectations that drove my craving for calories. This blog has served as my personal counselor for healing my heart in regard to food, fat, and scads of deeper issues that I didn't know I had. But this break from it symbolizes the end of obligation, and the beginning of a new perspective on this path. I'm learning a bit about marathon running.  (More on this later.)  One important thing I learned is that when the training makes room for stops, it is vital to rest to heal up.  This break in the training makes it possible to finish the race!

Everything looks and feels so simple.  I can see the finish line so clearly it feels I already am there.  When I began this journey, I really didn't know what I was getting into.  With each step I began to see more clearly how my physical weight was merely a reflection of the mess I was on the inside.  In particularly, who I thought I was "supposed" to be.  At home, I am a better housekeeper when my closets are clean and drawers organized.   Apparently this is exactly the same way with my body. For years  I tried to clean myself up to no avail without  organizing the closets first. This blog thus far as been a process of shedding light where I didn't even know dust bunnies could hide.  I had no idea how much cleaning I needed to do.  Don't get me wrong.  I've kept up maintenance on the outside.  I've been practical.  I've not gained weight.  I've even lost a little bit, but it has been very slow.  The great thing about spring cleaning is the newness of life with the beginning season.  It's more than just knocking down some cobwebs.  The winter is gone.  Sure the cleaning is not always sunshine and rainbows, but the hope of spring and the expectation of life that follows makes it feel worth it. The revelations I get about myself are just deeper impressions of the same truths I've experienced.  Every time I step into another one,  it feels new because it is deeper and settles more permanently in my heart.  I'm continually amazed at the intense simplicity of it all.  It makes me chuckle how complicated I always seemed to make it.  It really is as easy as floating down a river. (---That's how God said it would be.)  For the first time, I can say with confidence that I've got my "closet" cleaned out.  No more maintenance as usual.  My body is fixing to reflect again what is going on on the inside.  Skinny lives here.

Food Log = FLOG
180 calories and 5 grams of fiber worth of chocolate shake.
Water. Water. Water.
Lunch at work:
3oz grilled hamburger on a bun with lots of lettuce, pickles, about 1/2 teaspoon of mayonnaise.
1/4 cup of slaw.
a few bites of baked beans
1/2 of a small chocolate chip cookie. (Just enough for me to decide the whole thing wasn't worth it.)
 -Portion sizes were the key for me at lunch.

I made a mistake and let myself get too hungry before supper.

1 small baked potato.
3 oz hamburger steak.
Large salad with 2 tablespoons of creamy dressing.
Bites of pudding and orange salad.

Even though I watched my portions and didn't really overeat calories, I still think I got too full.  I blame this on the Incredible Hulk that produced from feeling too hungry before supper.  "BACK OFF I'M STARVING."

Daily Bread:
More important than nutritional knowledge is  the revelation of who I really am.  This is the most important nourishment of the day.

When Jesus was in the desert being tempted, the devil came to him and said, "If you are a son of God, turn these stones into bread."  Jesus answered, "Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God." (Matthew 4:3-4)  Without getting too preachy preachy, let me just say:  

Jesus IS the word of God, and also the bread of life.

Stones = law.  (Moses was given the written law (10 commandments) on stone.

Satan was trying to get Jesus to "prove it."  "Do something to become."  I am beginning to believe this is really the only temptation there is.  Jesus already knew who his daddy was, therefore, he was secure enough to not prove it.

For crying out loud.  I'm a dietitian.  It has been a booger to silence those thoughts in my head that "If I want to become better, then I'll lose weight."  Because if anyone should know better, it should be me, right?  Whew!  Glad I'm over that!   If there were step by step instructions on how to run this race, I would say the first would be to be confident in who you are so much so that you don't have to do anything to prove it. This is a fantastic truth that literally changed my life.

Chew on this....More than just knowing the word from God's mouth, you can experience him by just tuning in and waking up to his presence on the inside of you!  The deeper you understand this powerful truth, the more confident you will feel you don't have to prove anything.  You already are.  Don't listen to voices that tell you that you will be better if you _____(fill in the blank.) 

Nutritional Nugget:
I can't wait to make this little recipe again.....

Spaghetti Squash Marinara
Prep 20 minutes. Bake 30 minutes.

1 medium spaghetti squash (2 1/2 to 3 pounds.)
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 tablespoon cooking oil
1 16-oz can tomatoes, cut up
1 teaspoon dried Italian seasoning, crushed
1/8 teaspoon fennel seed, crushed (optional)
Grated Parmesan Cheese (optional)

1. Halve squash lengthwise. Scoop out seeds. Place squash, cut sides down, in a large baking dish. Using a fork, prick the skin all over. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30-40 minutes or till tender.
2. For sauce, cook onion and garlic in hot oil until onion is tender. Stir in the undrained tomatoes, Italian seasoning, fennel seed (if desired), and 1/4 teaspoon each salt and pepper. Bring to boiling. Reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for 10-15 minutes or to desired consistency, stirring often.
3. To serve, remove the squash pulp from shell by carefully raking the stringy squash pulp from the shell with a fork. It will continue to come as you scrape. Separate the strands so that it looks like spaghetti. Spoon the sauce over squash. Sprinkle with grated Parmesan cheese if desired.

Makes 6 servings. 80 calories per serving using oil. 3 grams fat. 236 mg sodium, 3 g fiber, 1 gram protein, loads of vitamins.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Laying Out The Plan

For years I've figured out I like life (well,at least mornings) better if I lay out my clothes the night before. This is an effortless thing for me that makes me happy and sets the tone for my day. I decided that I will "lay out" my food from now on just like I lay my clothes each night before I go to bed. If I plan what I am going to eat before hand then I am more likely to choose more nutritious things instead of a quick fix that keeps the ol' flab manifesting. Last night I planned for Bare Naked granola with skim milk for breakfast this morning. I also got up 15 minutes earlier and enjoyed having a few minutes of quiet (except for the crunching of granola) to gather my thoughts for the day. It was nice. I planned mixed nuts for the much-needed snack after lunch wears off because it's a MUFA (Monounsaturated fatty acid.) MUFA's are supposedly research's good fat that helps eliminate squish around the belly. I measured my waste, and want to eat a MUFA at nearly every meal for a month as part of my own little science experiment. It's a good thing I love MUFAs. Effortless health. I always eat lunch at work because quality control is part of my job, but I purposely ate less so I could have my nutty MUFA snack. Last night I also "looked" some beans for Wayne so he had pintos and cornbread ready when I got home. It made the day less stressful, more efficient, and more healthful knowing what we would eat today. Good day that began with a plan.
..."And I love it when a plan comes together."

Nutritional Nugget:
MUFAs are FAB! Dark Chocolate, Olives, Olive Oil, Nuts, Seeds, and Avacados. YUM! I'll take a MUFA! The thing is that MUFAs are fat so they are higher in calories. I'm trying to stay around 400 calories including the MUFA at each meal and a snack. Calories add up fast, so to compensate for the calories and still get full, I'm trying to increase my fiber. My carbs/fiber are whole grains, beans, whole fruits and lots more veggies. I like all these flavors a lot, but even more than that, I love how they make me feels after I eat them. Girl's gotta eat!

"I AM" Eating

It's been a while. Sweet things have been developing even more in my heart, and I'm very excited to post this. I pray others can grasp this revelation, because it's literally a life-changer in regard to eating habits. I eat because I AM, and not because I am not. Let me explain...

A few weeks ago, we had an opportunity to spend some time with Bertie Britt and some close AMAZING companions who share our heart about the message of grace. It was fantastic. I feel even more alive and sort of catapulted into experiencing even more rest and freedom. I think I laughed off every calorie of the creamy chicken pasta dishes I ate that weekend. The last morning there, we gathered at the continental breakfast, but Bertie didn't get anything but coffee. When we asked him about it, he made this statement, "There isn't anything there that gave me an emotion toward health." Seems kind of funny, and it was. But something about that spoke to my heart that later produced a revelation in me.

I am literally to the place on this journey where I feel content with myself. I know there are things to see, but if nothing ever changes for me here, I am happy. Sure there are thoughts that creep back up and whisper lies that "I could be better if... I lost weight...wore a smaller size...exercised more...etc." But those sparse thoughts no longer dominate. I've also lived in freedom long enough to realize that if my actions are not directly birthed from who I am, then they are worthless even if my self-efforts produce the desired result. Patience with myself has paid off. It's not like I have been indulging in macaroni and oreos as I wait for "grace" to kick in. I have been holding steady with a slower weight loss, drinking mostly water, choosing more healthful foods most of the time just because I want them. I've continued to walk in the light that I have and rest in this place where my heart lives. I had a conversation with the Lord about "where I stand." I told him that I trust him. I trust his grace to carry me effortlessly. I trust that he will provide the grace to receive his grace. I trust and fully know that it is not about me at all. The only thing I really asked for is an emotion toward health.

One morning a few weeks ago, I looked in the mirror getting ready for work. This is the same mirror that used to detail every imperfection and served as a judgmental guide as I struggled to improve what I could, and feel less for what I could not. This morning, I knew things were different. The image was one of contentment, and it sparked an emotion for health. I felt elated to choose the right foods for me...the real me. It was simple, really. I knew that I would not be changing anything, I would just let his love work in me and rest in what happens. There was a motivation, not for weight loss, not for self improvement, but just for freedom with a desire to feel great. Almost by accident I would go about my day eating whatever I wanted to eat. I began to notice I felt a little funny on the inside if I would eat something that was not so nutritious. Junk felt like it didn't fit me. Used to if I ate something on the "bad" list, I might have an emotion of guilt and condemnation. Those negative emotions have been replaced with and emotion of righteousness. If I eat something that does not promote health, my heart now tells me, "That food is not who I am." It's like I'm starving for "righteous" foods. In the past I might choose a healthful choice over a junk food, but there was still an element of deprivation. "I can't have that food because it's bad for me and I need to lose weight."---I chose foods because I thought I was less. But now the opposite seems true. I know I can have whatever I want, but when I eat something not so nutritious, I almost feel like I'm depriving myself of good foods...righteous foods. This is such a big change! The real me that I identify with more and more everyday is hungry for vegetables and fruits, whole grains, lean meats, and rivers of water. I have an emotion for health, not to improve myself, but because it's who I am. More and more I eat because I AM! ..and not because I am not.

Nutritional Nugget
I don't know much about Dr. Oz. I don't know much at all about the research regarding the notes I took from his show. But maybe it's a worth a try. I happened to catch a small segment of a show he was discussing herbs that supposedly helps blast the belly.

Do you have a problem with bloating? Try caraway seeds...a handful every meal.

Do you stress eat? Try Relora for relaxation. 250mL twice a day.

7Keto helps increase metabolism.

Forskolin helps burn belly fat.

Saffron extract is an appetite suppressant. This might help with late night cravings.

All of these problems help keep that belly fat close to our heart. Dr. Oz says figure out what your biggest problem is and then try a supplement. He does not recommend binging on pills from the health food store. I haven't tried any of these. I'm still thinking about it. However, I have been taking a multivitamin that doesn't have any caffeine in it. I can tell that I do have more stamina during the day after I take it.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Distraction #2: Opinions From Others

As I was typing out the title, "Opinions from Others," I could literally hear Debbie Downer music in the background.
Opinionated is a churchy word for judgmental. (At least it is in my opinion.) Peep can sure be a drag if I give weight to their opinion of me. I have no doubt whatsoever about my Father's opinion of me. He loves me and he loves me a lot. But here I have this blog about weight loss and about how grace will set me free effortlessly. ...But I'm still fat.

I can just hear the judgmental freakazoids discredit the truth of grace because I am still fat. I mean at the moment, I don't "look" like I'm a good dietitian either, when actually I'm good at my job. I've lost some L-B's, but an argument could easily be started because it doesn't appear that Grace is working. Oh, but it is. Grace is a development from the heart level. My heart gets free first, then the fruit will come. A seedling takes time to establish itself in the earth. Just resting there. Soaking up the minerals and rain and enjoying the sunshine. It grows effortlessly, then before you know it, it's covered in fruit!

Judgments of others are a big distraction for me on my journey. If I value their judgment, the accusation can push me right into the trap of condemnation. More than that, it is such a temptation to prove I'm right with evidence of weight loss. But no...that's not it. Oh, the weight will fall off alright, but only as a byproduct from me identifying with who God says I am. That oneness with him. That God-consciousness. That is freedom. Freedom is freedom. Freedom means there is no bondage to food, low self image, or anything else. In freedom there is peace, joy, and all that other good Kingdom stuff. Even if I never lose another pound, that doesn't take away from the truth. You know what else? It doesn't take away from who I am either. I'm sorry, Judgmental Onlookers. Did you say something? I can't hear you. The voice that matters says I'm enough, and when I finally become fully persuaded and see me the way he sees me, there will be freedom. .....oh yeah and the weight will be gone too.

Nutritional Nugget:
Had the best day ever in the Knoxville area, but I would physically feel better about it had I planned my eating for health. Eating on the road often feels yucky. On the way back home, Wayne and I had a heart to heart about nutrition health. Small changes are the key. We already do most of these to some extent. I'm not going to dump all the food from my refrigerator and fill it with celery, but we will...
1. Eat more healthful, unprocessed grains.
2. Mrs. Dash-cooking instead of salt.
3. Water, Water, Water and an occasional low calorie drink.
4. More fish (which we love.)
5. Quit eating after 8:00.
6. Keeping fruit around for a quick snack.
7. Incorporating more monounsaturated fatty acids in our meals which are: olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate.
8. Watching those portions.