Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Health Nut

I saw a picture of a friend's beautiful daughter on Facebook.  I ran into my friend and verbally complemented the picture.  This started a conversation that really encouraged me.  I didn't remember her daughter being obese, but apparently she was.  One day the daughter decided she didn't want to be fat any more and began making changes in her behavior to reach her goal.  When I asked how she lost her weight, her mom said, "She's a health nut."

The beautiful girl habitually makes healthful choices.  She is somewhat "picky" with her food.  She won't even eat a hamburger.  Say wha?

Wow that sounds like a bunch of rules to be broken.  Isn't she missing out?  Um...Nope.   She isn't because   she doesn't FEEL like she is.  The truth is her tastes have changed.  She used to love a burger, but just doesn't like the flavor any more.  It's defiantly worth it to her to feel better instead of eat something she would rather not have. This is what happens when a goal turns into desire!

Isn't it funny how desire and perspective fuel us on our journey?  In what ways can we change our perspective to have different results?