Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 52 Food For Thought: The Skinny on Pizza

I love pizza. My dad opened up Papa Don's Pizza when I was ten-years-old. That was my first job. I made 50 cents an hour starting out, but I got lots of raises. I had to stand on a stool to count back the change to the customers. I must have been pretty cute counting back their change because I got lots of nice comments accompanied by good tips. I have lots of fond memories of pizza eating.

When Wayne and I were engaged and planning for our future, we had many "deep" conversations about how I would not be able to eat any other pizza for a long time after we married, and I hoped he was okay with that. I was used to eating Papa Don's pizza almost daily, and I could not stand the thought of abandoning my dad's recipe for a less sentimental, tasteless version. After our wedding we drove to the hotel, and we were STARVING. There was nothing open except guess it! We had a pizza delivered to our room! We still laugh about that story.

I remember my little, itty-bitty, tiny friend came for a visit during high school. I mean this girl weighed 110 pounds WHEN SHE WAS NINE MONTHS PREGNANT! What the...? We had (of course) pizza. Her comment still rings in my ears. She held her belly as if in pain and said, "Oh my gosh, I am so full. I ate like two pieces!" Um...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ha ha ha ha ha! For those of you who could ever put away some pizza, you know why that is funny.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to say something like that and mean it when Skinny Me gets here. I've still got some thinking to change. I want to start thinking as Skinny Me even if that means one-tenth of a pizza makes me feel full. Actually, I'm looking forward to it....yes, I actually am looking forward to it. One more giant leap down the journey!

Wins For Today:
Today was a great day. I made me a green smoothie for breakfast. We wore ourselves out in the sun on a pontoon boat and swimming in the lake. Then we had supper with our bestie buds who fixed us amazing homemade chili, salad, and pecan pie. Although the food was delicious and not exactly promoting a weight-reduction diet, it was so nice to be able to fully enjoy it because I know that every food can fit. It did fit well with the lower-calorie meals I have been enjoying lately. (I still lost weight this week.) The big win is that I do not feel deprived one ounce, yet I am still losing ounces. This stuff really does work. is slow, but it works. I'd rather be slow with freedom than in bondage to force. If I force myself, it is not effortless, it is not permanent, and it is me doing it from my own will. I like this freedom stuff. I am enjoying my food, enjoying my journey, weightless in my mind, happy and resting.

Nutritional Nugget:
Sometimes elevated triglycerides are a product of high blood sugars. It is important to check your blood glucose levels if you have high triglycerides. Eating excessive carbohydrates can sometimes be the culprit behind elevated triglyceride levels. Let me repeat that carbohydrate foods are not bad! We need carbs. Our bodies are designed to function efficiently on carbohydrates. (I despise diets that eliminate carbs.) However, there are better choices of carbohydrates. Choose carbs with higher fiber and nutrients and lower in processed sugar. Remember anytime you overeat in calories, it could increase your triglyceride level. Some carbohydrate foods may cause a rise in blood sugar more than other foods. These foods are often ranked on a glycemic index. There is lots of controversy regarding this index. I personally am not a fan. People who are think eating ice cream is better than carrots. Wha? The index changes with the composition of the entire meal. Having said that, I think it is possible to use it as a tool in regard to triglycerides.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Day 51 Food For Thought: Obligation Free

I love dreams. I tend to believe that God either gives us dreams, or can use every dream to speak to us even if it wasn't from him. I had a dream that I know the interpretation was God showing me where I still have feelings of obligation.

I believe in responsibility. I believe in integrity. I believe in keeping your word even if it hurts. But to me, obligation is a sugar-coated word for law. Law is not freedom. Law only shows us where we miss it. Law is there to accuse and condemn and sentence. Law illuminates our sin. It causes us to be flaw-conscious instead of reality-conscious. We will travel where we focus. If I focus on "where I am not," I will stay there. If I keep remembering that "I already AM," then before I know it, I will see that I have traveled away from the very thing that was keeping me in bondage.

What does this have to do with weight loss? EVERYTHING! I used to put myself under obligation with food especially because I majored in Nutrition. I expected, (and other expected) me to be an example of health. The obligation just made me see where I was missing it. I felt deprived or maybe had a fear of being deprived. I ended up gaining weight. I have overcome this. I do not feel obligated to food. I know my body and mind is in a place to accelerate weight loss. ...but I had this dream. I told my dream to my baby sister who is just dandy at interpretation without ever having any training. She pointed out several areas that I may still feel obligated. My ears perked up when she said, "Even your Worth The Weight blog. You like to do it, but you feel like you have to." (Sigh) ...She was right.

I have put myself under pressure about this blog---(I mean "FLOG")and even felt a little guilty when I did not sit down every evening to post. I know this is something I am supposed to do. It has been a tool for me to recognize my liberation. When you read it, I feel encouraged and energized. It has brought me nothing but pleasure. I enjoy this tremendously, but I had not totally purged myself from obligation even in this. I have had decades of obligations built around me. It will take some time to get it washed off. After I accepted that yes, I have even made my most enjoyable hobby in life a bit of an obligation, I was able to let it go. I do not write about my journey because I have to. I write because I want to, and that is it. I do not have to write to make me lose weight. I will still lose weight even if I quit. Any reason other than loving it is obligation. Making that switch in my thinking brought even more freedom. More freedom in my soul brought more effortless change in my body. I exercised more this week, I chose good choices, and I lost some weight.

Wins For Today:
This is a good week for me. I feel great because of the more healthful choices I am making. I feel more energized, and I have a desire to exercise more and more.

Nutritional Nugget:
Sometimes smoking and drinking alcohol can raise your triglycerides. Exercise can also decrease the level.

Day 50 Food For Thought: She and Me

As I reflect over this journey, I can tell that the more aware I become that I am Skinny Me, the more healthful I eat and the more I effortlessly choose a weight-reducing diet. When I have an awareness of that reality that I have already arrived, the more easily the weight seems to fall off. I am more aware of her....but see what I did? I called her, "her." I still see Skinny Me and Fat Me as two separate people. Actually, I see myself somewhere in the middle. I don't feel as fat as I actually am, but I do identify with Fat Me more. This journey is mostly a process of seeing me as Skinny Me and Fat Me as someone I left (with a big) behind.

Wins For Today:
I feel like I have turned over a new leaf. It is like I have finally uncovered my ability to cook and eat more healthful. I think it has to do with letting go of all those issues that made me feel like I would be deprived. It also helped to plan.

These are my supper menus so fat this week. I know some things could have a lot of calories and fat, but good cooking techniques can really reduce the fat and calories. There are a whole lot more opportunities for vegetables in these menus, and I chose to eat more veggies and less meat and grain.

Tilapia, Quinoa, Spinach Salad, Peas.

Chicken Cacciatore, Whole Gran Spaghetti Noodles, Stir-fry Mushrooms and Spinach, and a Salad.

Salmon Patties, Steamed Vegetables, Mashed Potatoes, Salad

Baked BBQ Chicken, Baked Beans, Quinoa, Salad

Nutritional Nugget:
Overeating can cause high triglycerides. There was a study done on mice who were given the same amount of food and weighed exactly the same. One group was not fed for a period of time and lost weight. Food was reintroduced to the mice that had been starved. These mice ate constantly until they had consumed the same amount of food the other group who had not been starved had. They reweighed both groups and discovered their weight was the same. When they measured the fat content of the mice, the group who had been starved were significantly higher in fat.

This shows that if we skip meals and overeat to make up for the needed calories, our bodies have and store more fat. It is better to spread out the calories over the day instead of skip meals and eat the calorie need in one sitting. This helps to lower our triglycerides.

Day 49 Food For Thought: What Is Normal Eating?

One of the greatest explanations I have ever read of "normal eating" was this essay written by Ellyn Satter. I might be mistaken, but I have heard it was written for people with eating disorders. Even if that was not the original purpose, I know it is used for people who struggle with disorders. Everytime I shared this in my courses I taught, I would have at least one student confess their struggle with eating disorder and comment on how this helps them.

What Is Normal Eating?
by Ellyn Satter

Normal eating is going to the table hungry and eating until you are satisfied. It is being able to choose food you like and eat it and truly get enough of it -not just stop eating because you think you should. Normal eating is being able to give some thought to your food selection so you get nutritious food, but not being so wary and restrictive that you miss out on enjoyable food. Normal eating is giving yourself permission to eat sometimes because you are happy, sad or bored, or just because it feels good. Normal eating is mostly three meals a day, or four or five, or it can be choosing to munch along the way. It is leaving some cookies on the plate because you know you can have some again tomorrow, or it is eating more now because they taste so wonderful. Normal eating is overeating at times, feeling stuffed and uncomfortable. And it can be undereating at times and wishing you had more. Normal eating is trusting your body to make up for your mistakes in eating. Normal eating takes up some of your time and attention, but keeps its place as only one important area of your life.

In short, normal eating is flexible. It varies in response to your hunger, your schedule, your proximity to food and your feelings.

Copyright © 2011 by Ellyn Satter. Published at

Wins For Today:
We went to the zoo with my brother, their Uncle Ben. It was a pleasant day with lots of good exercise, water, and healthful eating.

Nutritional Nugget:
A reader (a dear friend) is having some issues with elevated Triglycerides. In honor of her journey, I want to address that for a little while.

Triglycerides are fat in our body. The level found in the blood is the fat sort of looking for a home. Triglycerides are stored in our fat cells and used as the storage form of energy. Anytime we overeat, the excess calories are converted to fat and stored for later. When we need energy, our body can convert and use the triglycerides stored in our fat cells. A high level of triglyceride may be indicated in complications like heart disease, obesity, pancreatitis.

Levels of Triglycerides:
Normal is less than 150 mg/dL
Borderline high is 150-199 mg/dl
High is 200-499 mg/dl
Very high level is 500 or above mg/dl.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 48 Food For Thought: Sometimes There Just Is Not Enough Black

After talking with one of my most favoritest and most admired friends, I was inspired to post this thought for today. Because we score similarly on those personality profiles, we have similar strengths but also seem to struggle with the same weaknesses especially when it comes to weight loss. I felt empowered after ping-ponging worth the weight ponders with her. I love to chat about this journey with people because it makes me know I am not alone, and it makes me feel so encouraged to keep on keeping on. Road trips are always more fun with people you love.

She told me once that she never struggled with weight or even the thought of being overweight until one day a family member commented on her weight. After she took notice of herself, she really started to gain. Hmmmmm....This is exactly the mindset of what I have been trying to get out since I started this blog... (Actually, if "Blog" is hip for "web log," then I would like to call this, "Flog." That is hip for "Fat Log," and also illustrates what I'd like to do to my hips sometimes.) Anyway, her consciousness of her "imperfections" (according to her family member with good intentions and a big mouth)only gave "WEIGHT" to the problem. This is exactly what happened in the Garden of Eden. Everything was happy-go-naked until the serpent made Eve aware she lacked. She really wasn't as perfect as she thought she was. She needed improving, and he had just the solution to make her all she would ever want to be. "Listen to me instead of trust what you know, and I will make you what you are not." Big FAT lie. Oh Dear Eve and Adam, Why oh why couldn't you see you "AM" already? (No worries, Friends. Second Adam reversed the delusion. Now all we have to do is see the Truth.) The crafty part of the serpent was not that he lied, but that he told the truth with a side of manipulation. When they believed they lacked, they were made self conscious instead of God conscious. Oooooh! That makes me mad! Yet I fall into that exact trap myself quite often.

If you are like me, I think, "I have a reputation to uphold." (Whatever!) I struggle with perfectionism. I think I can give the illusion of my perfection when I should realize everybody can see my junk (and not just the obvious "trunk" junk.) The only person falling for any got-it-together illusion about myself would be me. Being fat is an outward sign of imperfection that you can't cover up even if your entire wardrobe is black. Fat is extremely difficult to get over for someone with my personality weaknesses of goody-illusionist and fix-it-fast mentality. All other "sins" are fairly easy to cover up at least for a little while. Fat sin is evident at first impressions no matter how much black you wear to cover up those jelly rolls.

The lack-trap makes me more aware of self than truth. When I think I am not enough, I am judging myself through my eyes and self conscious opinions instead of seeing me in reality. I so admire people who are overweight and so comfortable in their own skin. Did you know according to my personality profile, my biggest fear is being embarrassed? This causes me to want to hide my fat self instead of go out in public. I always especially hesitated to accept invitations to meet with people who have not seen me in a while. I ASSUME they will think of me the way I think of myself. I judge myself harshly, therefore I do not want to give others the opportunity to judge me as "less." There are several glaring things wrong with that sort of mindset. First of all, my perspective of myself is not right-minded. I do not want to see me from a horizontal perspective. I want to see me in the eyes of truth from a vertical perspective. Secondly, so what if others judge me as less? Who cares what they think anyway? The worst that would happen is that they actually would judge me like I judge myself. If they did, it would just be their issue anyway. If I am embarrassed about my weight, then I am being self conscious. That is the trap. It makes me want to stay home instead of go out in public. That is not only bondage to self, but extremely prideful. We all have spectacular giftings to share with people. It is selfish to think it is ok to keep to ourselves. Am I so shallow to think my value is determined by my appearance? Can I be confident in who I REALLY am and secure enough in who I know God made me to be to share with and love on others? Am I so self conscious of this body made of dirt, that the real me is hibernating? The only way anything real can grow is to share it. I want to grow, therefore I must get over myself. Continue to stay right-minded in truth. Accept and share myself with others. Grow. I am not my overweight body. I have some people to love on and some relationships to begin. I might even go meet them wearing something besides black....wouldn't that be a sign of freedom!?! :)

Wins For Today:
Ahhh...This was a great day. I finally followed my food plan I gave for an example on Day 45, and it was YUMMY! The plan gave a little room for some discretionary calories so I ate a brownie with my cup of milk. (Smile) I also revised a few things on the menu to make it fit better for my family. I didn't get to make a green smoothie today, but I made carrot, apple, lemon juice with my juicer. This was the first time I made it and it was YUM in the TUM. Wayne went to the frig later to get a cola, but opted for my juice instead. (Yes!) I also added some green peas and a spinach salad to supper just because I wanted it and to get in the greens I had originally planned for in the green smoothie. I also ate the nuts I had planned for on my salad instead instead of breakfast. For breakfast I got full on a bunch of strawberries and a scrambled egg. I didn't know I was out of my whole grain bread, so I ate a ham and cheese wrap instead. Supper was a big hit! My little boys even gave me lots of compliments of how good supper was. I have a two, three, and five-year-old who ate the hound out of tilapia, quinao, green peas, and a little spinach salad! Family Win! I love days like this. Full of healthful tastiness and smiles. Today was a big encouragement to plan well for each day. Like my friend, Heather, so wisely said, "Fail to plan. Plan to fail. We do better with structure."

Nutritional Nugget:
We eat too much sugar! Although the tried and true, evidence-based research only indicates sugar to have adverse health effect for dental caries, foods made with lots of sugar are probably going to be low on the nutrients and high on the calories. If you look in the ingredient list, you want to try to avoid foods that have sugar as one of the first few ingredients. Sometimes "Sugar" can be named something else so it might be hard to locate. I have listed some other names of sugar below, although there are lots of sugar-sweet names that can be used. If you want a more complete list, you can google "Food Label Name of Sugar."

Sample of names for added sugars: sucrose, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, maple syrup, fructose, dextrose, agave nectar, cane crystals, honey, molasses, corn sweeteners, lactose, maltose, and malt sugar.

Day 47 Food For Thought: Food Verses Fellowship

We went to our favorite restaurant, El Tapatio, after church just like always. Why do we eat out? Food and Fellowship, right? This might seem really stupid to most people, but it was a significant, life-changing, moment to me. I had not realized this, but now I see that always when I would eat out, I would have a mindset focusing on food. I would sort of think eating out is special. Fellowship is only a secondary byproduct to the real reason we eat out----FOOD! “I want to make the most of my time here. I want to complete this mission with excellence: Eat and enjoy good food! This is a moment I should celebrate (food).” As I sat there looking at my three little boys and their amazing daddy, I had a revelation. “Being here at this moment, the purpose is not food, but enjoying my family.” I refocused the purpose of eating there to now be fellowship. Sounds like it is not a big deal until you realize that what I would have ordered last week was a lot bigger and more tasty and a whole lot more calories than what I ate this day. I ordered a side plate for fajitas. That is hardly food according to my old way of thinking. Last week if I had forced myself to order only that, I would have felt like I deprived myself all day long. After I repurposed eating out, I ate the side dish and was satisfied. I left not hungry and not stuffed. It was plenty for me. My new feast came from the nourishment of soul after spending time out with my guys. Now even if I just order water, that is plenty for me. The real reason I go there is to enjoy the company.

Then came the next meal...We ended up eating out at the Monterey Dairy Queen for supper. This was not exactly a planned thing. Well, of course we ordered chicken and tator wedges. What else do you get there? That is my family’s secret mix that makes it a specialty. It is what we all were having. Everyone planned to get ice cream. I had planned to not get a ice cream treat. After all, I am trying to lose some poundage up in here. I did not particularly want it anyway. I definitely thought I would not want dessert after I ate chicken and wedges. After we ate, and it was time for the dessert. I just felt like I wanted some. I had done very well all day. It wouldn’t really hurt anything, but just the thought of “I can’t have that.” Made me feel like if I didn’t eat it I would feel deprived. I have that rule about deprivation. I will not allow myself to wander there. All that is is a big fat temptation. I don't need more fat in my thought life. I would rather quit this healthful journey in the name of true freedom than to be in bondage to food. Deprivation is the chains that bind me. I will not be shackled by something imaginary. The truth is I CAN have it if I want it. And you know what? I did. I enjoyed it guilt free. If I had forced myself to walk the fine line of expectation I put on myself, I would have eventually over indulged later, and it would have brought me back into a way of thinking I am currently recovered from. I ate it. I enjoyed it. I had peace about it. The only thing I wish I would have changed is that I shared my treat with Ben (who didn’t eat much of it) instead of a more hearty eater like Wayne. Just a few bites would have satisfied me, but I ended up eating more than that. Next time, Baby. Being right-minded means you get up if you fall. Allowing myself to have grace made it easy for me the rest of the day and next day to easily follow my practical weight loss plan.

Wins for Today
I made a late night grocery run. All of the temptation foods that call to me when I am not right-minded stayed on the shelf away from my buggy. If it is not in my pantry, I will not eat it. It is just another hurdle I do not have to jump over when I am in one of those moods. Hopefully there won’t be moody munching opportunities anymore, but I do know it is easier to say, "No" at the store. It is just wisdom for me at this moment to leave them out of my house.

Nutritional Nugget
More on the food label...

Total Fat, Cholesterol, and Sodium are the first three listed on the food label. These are the ones you want to limit. Cholesterol is actually in the fat catergory, but it is not included in the Total Fat because fat is measured in grams and cholesterol is measured in milligrams.

Something also useful on the label is "calories from fat." You want to try to make sure that calories from fat are between 20% and 35%. I usually say around 30% just for easy calculation sake. I wish they calculated this for us on the label, but they don't. Note the calories and calories from fat on the image below. It says "110 calories. Calories from fat 15." Those 15 calories are still included in the total calories. If you are quick at math, you can eyeball that about a third of 110 calories is 33 calories. 10 is smaller than 33 therefore this falls below range indicating it is a low fat food per serving. If you want to be technical, you take calories from fat which are 15, and divide those by the calories which are 110, then multiply by 100 to get your percent.

15 / 110 x 100 = 13.6%

This label indicates this is a low fat food. Do this or just notice what I posted for Day 46. The % Daily Value is 3% which is less than 5% which means it is a low fat food. You don't need a calculator to see the DV is less than 5%.

Day 46 Food For Thought: The Pants Fit

This morning I pulled my jeans out of the dryer to get ready to go teach our kids church. I had to tug on them a little more than I usually do to get them on. I haven’t gained weight. Did they shrink in the dryer? (Laughable.) That is when the voices started, but I hardly noticed. The hectic noise of getting all five of us out the door on time distracted me from myself. Looking back, I can remember the onset of emotions that added pressure to the morning just because I was very aware my jeans seemed to be what held my thighs together. On the way down the mountain, my jeans tore. To add insult to injury, it was right in the worn spot where my legs rub together. My legs RUB together! The squishy skin that poked through made me hear loud and clear those thoughts I had been ignoring all morning. A rushing river of negative thoughts flooded over me all at once. Now I was going to have to get a new pair of jeans. I hate clothes shopping for me anyway, and I was mortified there might be a possibility I might need a size bigger. It instantly sent me spinning in “fix it” mode. I HAVE to get this weight off! This is taking me so long. Maybe I should think about drastic measures...fad diet….diet pills…GASTRIC BYPASS, LIPOSUCTION!
Then something new and unusual happened. Just as quickly as the storm rolled in, peace came. I had almost instantly recognized my thoughts like a voice from my past. This is not me anymore even if this behavior was normal for last week. Today I am not the same person I was yesterday. It was almost like I stepped out above myself to speak truth to me. Suddenly my physical body did not matter to me anymore. I will not let this tiny distraction tempt me to put myself under law and old habits that will just keep me in bondage to my flesh. I know I am free. I know this way works. It is a slow outward process, but freedom is the important thing. I am not even my body. The pants issue reminded me of where I lacked, where I had faults, where I needed to improve. I did not take a bite out of that temptation. I will choose the easy way which is to put me and my ability to death and ride through this on grace, mercy, and love. It is funny though, denying my “old” tendencies IS the hard part. This is what I think it means to labor into rest. I refocused and centered myself. I discarded those thoughts and the emotions that accompanied them. There was calm. I was settled. I remembered the truth. The rest of the “day of rest” was quite restful. I got rid of the distraction in my heart and focused on life that really matters. We had an amazing day in kids church and a fantastic family day. After I recovered my sight, I also had some EASY weight loss wins because I was content with myself. I had peace. I was at rest.
Win For Today
I stayed the course. I learned stuff. I ate well (at least the majority of the day.)
Nutritional Nugget
The Daily Values are the little numbers beside the nutrient that show percents. These are pretty much good for nothing. They determine these on a 2000 calorie diet. They cause more harmful thinking than beneficial thinking with people in my experience. But there is one really wonderful tidbit I love to use to help people make healthful choices. If the daily value (DV) is 5% or less of that nutrient, that means the food is low in that. If the DV is 20% or more, that means the food per serving is high in that nutrient. This is especially helpful with things you want to limit like sodium and cholesterol.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Day 45 Food For Thought: And Now...The Plan

Today is a practical day. I got my plan together and I will give a sample of what this means in real life. Planning is important. When hunger strikes, I need to be ready. I tend to choose poor, quick choices if I'm not ready. Also, I am a listy-type of person anyway. Having a written plan helps me stay on track. These are guidelines only. I actually think it is fun to do this. If you would like help understanding how to put your plan into action privately, I am happy to help you if you send me a message on facebook or e-mail: You can also play around with a daily menu, etc. on Also, I have been noticing that I am extra hungry at supper. I am obviously not proportioning my food well throughout the day. Not eating enough during the day makes me want to overeat in the evening. Not good. Getting my plan worked out helped me to distribute my calories more appropriately. Here is my disclaimer....this plan I developed for ME. Although I think others can follow a similar plan and learn from it, please understand this is developed with my habits, preferences, and pantry in mind. I will not make a plan a law. I will just use it to keep me focused on the practical. If I start getting under pressure that I am not following my plan good enough, I will just quit and refocus. I am not my plan, but I do enjoy checking off lists.

I estimated my daily needs to be 1200-1500 calories, 67g protein, 45g fat, at least 25g fiber, and about 2 ½ liters of water.

I want to make sure I get a balanced diet with all the food groups. I figured this to mean I will have about:

2 cups of milk
4 oz of meat
7 servings of fat (A serving is like 1 teaspoon of olive oil and butter or a tablespoon of dressing.)
4 servings of grains (A serving is like 1 slice of bread, ½ c cooked rice.)
4 servings of fruit. I LOVE and will eat fruit. (A serving is like 1 cup fresh fruit or ½ banana or 1 small apple.)
At least 4 servings of vegetables. (A serving of vegetable is basically 1 cup raw or ½ cup cooked)

All this food will give me about 1455 calories, 64 g protein, and 45g fat. Can't get much closer to my estimated needs than that!

I want to strive to get 30 minutes of exercise daily.

I will drink at least 2 ½ liters or 10 cups of water a day.

I want to have beans at least three times a week.
I want to have fish at least three times a week.
I want to limit red meats to no more than three times a week.
I want to make sure each day has plenty of colors in it especially green, orange, and yellow fruits and vegetables.

So this is what a plan looks like for me during the day. This is an actual day with stuff I really have in my pantry. I actually went and looked up the nutrient content on the label of each ingredient so you could see how real food works in a real plan.

Breakfast: 1 cup fresh strawberries and ¼ cup nuts -----215 calories, 6 g protein, 5 g fiber, 15 grams of mostly monounsaturated fatty acids. YES!

Lunch part 1: Green Smoothie a.k.a. Alligator Juice (for the boys) The way I make it will have----213 calories, 1 g protein, 6.5g fiber

Lunch part 2 : 1 cup skim milk and a ham and cheese sandwich on whole grain bread with a little olive oil mayo. ------360 calories, 28 g protein, 3 g fiber, 10 g of mostly monounsaturated fatty acids, YES!

Supper: 4 oz Tilapia cooked in 3 servings olive oil, 2 cups steamed vegetables, ½ cup Quinoa.----535 calories, 27 g protein, 11 g fiber, 20 g of mostly monounsaturated fatty acids. YES!

For a daily grand total of (insert trumpet sound here) 1320 calories, 59 grams protein, 25.5 grams fiber, and 45 grams fat which is mostly monounsaturated fatty acids. YES! That is super close to my daily estimated needs. I think I can live with this plan. It is cutting back and adding more healthful stuff, but I really like it all, and I know I can do it.

I love it when a plan comes together!!!!

Win for Today:
I have a plan!

Nutritional Nugget:
The most healthful foods will be the ones with the fewest ingredients in the ingredient list. The ingredients are listed in order by weight so the first ingredient listed is what the product contains most of.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 44 Food For Thought: Rules For The Plan

Today I am ready for my plan. I know I have been making baby steps and wiser decisions, but I have not exactly made me a "diet." I hate that word. (I know this sounds funny because I happen to be a DIETitian.) I think this is because I have pre-school associations of "diet" with depriving one's self. I have refrained from using it up to this point. Really diet just indicates the way one eats. I am going to be using this word from now on because I will be referring to the diet of Skinny Me... my healthy way plan of eating. I am past heavy feelings in my mind. Before when I would put myself on a "diet" I would feel deprived. It was a struggle. My flesh would end up winning and I would gain weight. I am no longer in that state of mind. I am seeing myself more and more as Skinny Me. How does she eat? This is my diet.

Diets are usually associated with rules. Well, I have some rules for Fat Me.

1) If at anytime I start seeing my diet plan as laws I must abide by instead of the guidance it is, I will recover my sight and do whatever I have to do to get right-minded again even if that means quitting. Living is freedom is more important than results.

2) If physical results (or lack of them) affect the way I feel or how I accept myself, I will recover my sight before continuing my plan. I am not my weight. My worth is not based on the number on the scale.

3) I must always remember that this plan is not to help me "get" further down the path. That is to say this plan is not to improve myself. This is not a means to the end. This IS the end. Physical results will follow, but the guidelines are not the steps to bring it. It is not the road map to get me there. It is the destination. I must not focus on how "far" I have to go. I will see myself as there. This is the diet of Skinny Me. This plan is my diet....way of healthful habits.

There may be other "rules" on the way.

Now I will work on my PLAN!

Wins For Today:
I ate well within my needs. I made lots of good choices. I drank nothing but water all day. I was so hungry last night, but I did not eat anything before bed even though I must have opened the refrigerator door ten times, and stared in the pantry fifty times. There were just not any best choices, and I didn't feel like eating more cucumbers. I really tore them up today. I told myself, "If I don't want to eat cucumbers, I must not be that hungry." This is the deal. I had already eaten what I needed. I did not deprive myself of calories. I know I have a weakness at night. It was more than just sleepy hunger, but it is not wisdom to eat that late at night. Guess what? I survived.

Nutritional Nugget:
More on Food Labels...

Notice the categories in bold. Underneath those you will find a further breakdown of that category. These are not in bold and they are indented a little. All of these have an amount, but each is already included in the total amount of the main category. So for example, this label in bold says, "Total Fat 11g" Under it says, "Saturated Fat 1.5g" and "Trans Fat 0g." The grams from saturated and trans are already included in the total fat 11 grams. I know this seems like it is common sense, but I have had experience with many patients who think they have to add all the subcategories to the total.

Trans fats are required by law to be on the label because of their adverse health affects. There are loop holes that allow them to still say "0 grams" when really it contains less than 1 gram per serving. You can spot these trans fats in the ingredient list. It will say something like, "hydrogenated oil."

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 43 Food For Thought: Reboot

Today is a day of new beginnings. I woke up well. Everything that was purged and healed from my body and soul this week is behind me. Today is a day of new mercies. I woke up talking to myself as Skinny Me. That meant habits from just days ago did not apply. New habits are forming even as simple as what I want for breakfast. Today I chose mixed nuts with my coffee when not too long ago, I would have eaten a biscuit. For lunch, I ate a salad and chose an olive oil dressing instead of a creamy one. (Nuts and olive oil are monounsaturated fatty acids. I'm striving for these instead of saturated fats to help reduce the squishy around my middle.)

I am still learning. I went to a party and ate some party food, but I had planned for it. On the way home, I felt like I wanted to eat a lot. I'm talking like a box of good-for-nothings-but-stretchy-pants in one sitting kind of a hunger. I am happy for the drive. It forced me to evaluate myself instead of indulging. I was logical. I knew I had eaten plenty today and should not be as hungry as I was. I began to reason that maybe I did not have enough fiber-filling vegetables and tomorrow I will be sure to add more. Something was unsettling. I finally asked the question I will always be sure to ask myself from now on. "Why do I want to eat?" Then the answer came. I bought something for myself at the party. My emotions were acting crazy, but I barely noticed. I do not like to spend money, and I apparently could not justify spending money on myself. Once I realized what was happening, I settled myself. "It is ok. I did nothing wrong." Suddenly, I was not STARVING anymore. I felt satisfied. In my subconscious mind I was punishing myself for "nothing"----spending money on me. Then I wanted to comfort myself with food for my own punishment. Why am I so weird? I must be very sensitive to emotions. I will take heed to myself. This is just part of my new beginning, and I already like it.

***All day I kept thinking I want to change my blog design. "Ba humbug! Unnecessary time destroyer!" Now I think, well duh! Today is a day of new beginnings. Might as well be holistic about this. I am not the same person I was last week and neither is my blog.***

Today's Guest Wins
I cannot say enough about how PROUD I am of a dearest friend who joined me on this journey June 28th. Thirty-six days later, she is sixteen pounds lighter and says it has been effortless. I saw her at the party tonight and shamefully haven't seen her since May-ish or so. She was beautifully at peace AND looked amazing! God is so good to bring us together on my day of new beginnings. We talked about things I've posted, and she makes me feel like I am not alone. I feel so energized and inspired now. She said when she realized that she would be the same person no matter her weight, things just sort of clicked. She has never lost this much weight at once with this much ease. The most gorgeous part is that someone made a comment to her today. "You look so good in that picture, I couldn't even tell it was you!" Hmmmmm....compliment? Well she took it as one when she says just a few short months ago it would have bothered her. My friends, what a win! She does not get her self worth from her appearance and as a result weight is falling off. So proud of you, Bestie!

Nutritional Nugget
Got some questions about food labels. I'll try to explain a little at a time.
"Nutrition Facts" are required on all prepackaged foods. Directly under it you will find the serving size. The serving sizes listed are not necessarily the USDA approved servings for menu planning, although they might be. The serving sizes listed on the label are supposed to be used to understand that label.

I have a story to illustrate this. When I was first in nutrition, everyone seemed to feel like they had to confess their "eating sins" to me even though I could care less. (This was way back when I thought I was fat but wasn't. Now I guess people can obviously tell I could care less.) Someone, who was eating a snack cake, said to me, "I ate this snack cake but it only had 300 calories." I picked up the package. It said, "300 calories" alright. But the serving size was "1/3 of cake." Wha?!?! That means the entire snack cake really had 900 calories. Noticing serving sizes are the first line of defense in reading labels.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 40, 41, 42 Food For Thought: Rest For The Weary

No food nor thought to speak of. Resting in progress.

I and my three little boys are not well. This is a rare occasion. It forced me to go through our medicine cabinet only to find everything I would want to take was YEARS out of date. I even found something from 2004. I had to dope up on the children's ibuprofen. Hey, whatever works. It is never fun being sick, but as morbid as this may sound, I must say I have enjoyed it. Forced family rest was perfect timing. We needed it in every way. Now that we are all nearly out of the woods, I can see just how much we needed this.

Rest. Rest. Rest.

Nutritional Nugget
Not much comforts an ailing body like chicken noodle soup. As soon as I realized we all had it, I decided to throw together this low fat recipe instead of cooking the multi-dish meal I had planned. I boil chicken and freeze the pulled pieces for times such as these when I need it in a hurry. I apologize for the vagueness of the recipe. Just about everything I make is “as the Spirit leads.”

Homemade Low Fat Chicken Noodle Soup

1.Bring Low fat/sodium chicken broth and water to a boil.
2.Add cooked and pulled chicken.
3.Add whole grain noodles. I get spaghetti noodles with higher fiber and omega 3s then break them into thirds.
4.Add veggies of your choice. Diced celery, carrots, peas, corn, whatever you like. Frozen mixed veggies are great.
5.Could add diced onion. I didn't.
6.Black pepper. I put lots.
7.I also added a little red pepper since it seems to help my sore throat and there were complaints of that going around the house.
8.I also added garlic.
9.And some Italian seasoning.
10. Also A bay leaf. (Just remember to remove it before serving.)
11.Let simmer.

Because I already had the cooked chicken and just threw it in the boiling broth frozen, this took me less than five minutes to prep. The quickness and comfort made it the perfect meal since we were all under the weather. The boys loved it, and we ate on it for three days. It was funny. This was extra spicy but it really did seem to help. I guess the hotness on our tongues made us forget about our aching bodies even if just for a little while.

Day 39 Food For Thought: Baby Stepping To Bed

Ok....I'm going to have to give into sleep. Being sleep deprived is the culprit behind lots of my hiccups on the way.

I eat for energy I should be getting from sleep.

I do not feel like planning appropriately which gets me into trouble the next day.

It makes me more susceptible to being emotional. I struggle with emotional eating.

Instead of preparing foods as I should, I opt for quick fixes which sometimes are less nutritious.

I deal with stress less effectively. Stress is hazardous to health even and especially nutritional concerns.

I tend to want to sit around instead of exercise.

I am sure there are others. Ok ok ok....I'll take another baby step already!

Baby Step:
Get sleep. Try a bed time at or before 11:30. I know I could fail miserably at this sometimes, but I will still consider it a priority. (Insert sad face for my late night ponders here.)

Wins for Today:
Today was a good day, but an emotional one. I definitely boarded and rode a wild emotional roller coaster, but I didn't eat like it. I totally separated my emotions from my eating. That means I have come a long, long way. Also a special thanks to my “safe place to vent” friend. I cherish you for always helping me refocus on the light.

Nutritional Nugget:
I think I have mentioned this before, but I want to especially spotlight This is a great place to find a meal plan and also insert your own food diary to calculate how you compare to your recommendations. Muy LIKE!

Day 38 Food For Thought: "Eat To Get It Out Of The Way."

Yesterday was Ben's birthday party. I had left little treat bags of silver and gold-wrapped chocolates for the party favor treasure chest at Nana's house. Nana was so funny. She said the candy was talking to her but she wouldn't eat any of it because she was afraid some little kid wouldn't get one. She, of course, got two bags. Today she was really funny as she told me never to leave her any candy again because she sat and ate the whole lot. She said grandpa used to say, “Eat to get it out of the way.” That must be in the genes. I feel that way too sometimes.

I want to change my thinking about that. If I am eating it just to get rid of it, then I am more valuable than the trash...enough said. IF it makes it in my house in the first place that is.

Wins for Today
Exercised. Yes. Ate well. Yes. Rested. Yes.

Nutritional Nuggets
Got lots of cucumbers from the garden? Slice some up and throw them in a pitcher of water. It gives it a nice fresh flavor. I always think of copperheads, though, because I have always heard copperheads smell like cucumbers. Oh well...tastes good anyway.

Cucumber sandwiches are also yummy. Slice them thin and spread them on a thin slice of bread (that you roll flat) or even a tortilla. Add fat free mayo or cream cheese, and dill or some ranch. YUMMY!

Day 37 Food For Thought: Buy It Then Eat It

When Wayne and I first married, we were still both students at TTU and working. I would go grocery shopping between classes on Monday. I LOVED it! I love shopping for food anyway, but there were also only people shopping at that time who were not in a big hurry. Ahhh...Relax in aisle 7. It was a nice slow down time for me. One day I went stressed out AND hungry....two big No No's. My cart was loaded and heavy full of non-nutritious, calorie-dense yums. I pushed that heavy thing up to the front to check out. Then I thought, “If I buy this, I'll eat it.” So I made myself go back through the store putting it back in its proper place. That did it. I never did that again. Over the years, however, I started picking up one maybe two things here and there (for the kids---yeah right). I bought something I shouldn't at the grocery store this week. I've been so sleep deprived, I ate one even though I wasn't hungry because I felt I needed energy and reached for the quickest easiest thing. The mild heart attack I almost induced after I looked at the calories for about three bites of chocolate goodness reminded me of this fact I had put back on the shelf for a while. If I do not buy it, I will not eat it. That leads me to my new baby step.

Baby Step:
I will only purchase “convenience” foods that are healthful and more nutrient-dense like fresh fruits or veggies to snack on. I will leave the junk on the shelf.

Wins for today:
Um.....thinking....thinking...Well, I got some exercise.

Nutritional Nugget
Ok a confession. I am NOT for weight loss plans that have you substitute meals for a shake or prepackaged meal, etc, because it doesn't teach life changing habits. Most of the time someone who follows these diets consistently do lose some weight, but gain it back as soon as the unchanged habits roll back in. HOWEVER, I have purchased these type of meal replacers before not for the purpose of losing weight, but to have a quick grab and go meal when it is crunch time. I really like beverages and would love to only drink my calories. Especially when I was in school and on the go all the time, I would keep shakes (sometimes leave them in the car) just so I could get something on my stomach to get me going. You still have to read the label, but some have protein and fiber and are not too bad nutritionally. This is not a habit I recommend getting into, but I think it is more important to have something than nothing when you are rushing around in the morning. Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Do what you gotta do.

Day 36 Food For Thought: More on Thorns and Splinters

I've been doing some pondering about what I posted for Day 33 “Gettin' Kinda Heavy.” It feels better to rest in peace instead of carry the heaviness of unforgivingness. I learned some things about myself a couple years ago. I have a personality that keeps a savings account of the “wrongs” done to me. It is strange. It is sort of like nickels in a piggy bank. Just one or two can't buy very much, but keep on saving them up, then you could have a heavy, small fortune. (One of my all time favorite bits from “The Office” is when Jim added a nickel to Dewight's phone everyday. Then one day he removed all the nickels and Dewight hit himself with his phone. Makes me chuckle just thinking about that.) Anyway, nickels aren't worth very much, but a whole lot of them can be heavy. The same is true for how I store up wrongs. Someone might do something little that bothers me. I think to myself it is no big deal. I just sweep it to the storage bin. Out of sight, out of mind----sort of. After a whole bunch of little wrongs, my bin gets too heavy for me and I unleash the furry. I dump out things that were in there from long ago and the person is like, “where did that come from?” It is totally not fair for the person. Since I realized I do this, I have much improved. I am better about dealing with it right then and then forgetting about it. Needless to say, my relationships with people have improved.

After I released my “thorn” on Day 33, I started thinking about other areas I might be unaware of that need to be released. I asked The One who knows. He brought a person to my remembrance. I suddenly realized there are years upon years of little nickels stored here and there. Nothing major, just some hurt feelings and offenses picked up and stored along the way. I know deep down that when I decide to revisit and discard of those, I will really be laying down some heavy. Not sure if I'm up to digging out the ol' cobwebs just yet. I guess I think of it like removing a splinter. It is just a tiny little thing, but can really hurt the longer it is in there. The funny thing is that removing it requires a little bit hurt to bring the healing. I'm gearing myself up to go do some poking and prodding. Oh...and the source of the splinters will never know. No need to bring them up now. I can release and go on. Sometimes I think it is necessary to bring old stuff up....not necessary this time.

Wins for Today
I had a really nice day. Still choosing water. I could drink all my calories so that is a big deal to me.

Nutritional Nugget

American Dietetic Association site It has some great nutritional tips. I love this website!

Day 35 Food For Thought: Either it works or it doesn't.

Uh Oh....I caught myself thinking. I'm in big trouble with myself. I've got some time out to partake in. I started judging and sentencing myself. I started telling myself that I should be farther along than I am. I started thinking I haven't made as much progress weight-wise as I should. I started saying to myself, “Either this works or it doesn't!” It seems I had a decision to make. Will I continue this journey the way I know deep down to be truth? Or will I use other means to catapult physical results. I have made lots of leaps in my heart about releasing weight, but the evidence has not shown up physically as much as I would like. I feel like I'm getting “looks.” I know it is only a vain imagination because #1 Who cares what people think. This is MY journey. #2 I can only imagine what they think because I think it of myself first. TIME OUT! I will not get caught in a trap of focusing on the physical when I know what the real issues are. Every shred of judgment must leave. It is illegal. I will accept myself. There always must be a heart change first. I am cleaning out decades of little knickknacks hoarded away inside. I can give me a break. I am making huge strides, permanent changes, and walking out my baby steps. I will not let my task oriented, productivity-minded self tempt me from the truth. This works. I will rest in the truth and not use time as a measuring tool, only a teaching sphere.

Wins for Today
Ate well. Played Hard. Laughed much.

Nutritional Nugget
I like this that I found from

Walnuts, almonds and other nuts can reduce blood cholesterol. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts also help keep blood vessels healthy.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, eating about a handful (1.5 ounces, or 42.5 grams) a day of most nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts, may reduce your risk of heart disease. Just make sure the nuts you eat aren't salted or coated with sugar.
All nuts are high in calories, so a handful will do. To avoid eating too many nuts and gaining weight, replace foods high in saturated fat with nuts. For example, instead of using cheese, meat or croƻtons in your salad, add a handful of walnuts or almonds.