Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 34 Food For Thought: Romans On The Road

Those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to exercising it in real life. Those who trust God's action in them find that God's Spirit is in them—living and breathing God! Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life. Focusing on the self is the opposite of focusing on God. Anyone completely absorbed in self ignores God, ends up thinking more about self than God. That person ignores who God is and what he is doing. Romans 8:5-8 The Message.

Wins for Today
I cleaned out my pantry. Long. Time. Coming. I can make better choices when I know what I have. It is amazing how a clean pantry makes me feel.

Nutritional Nugget
A single cup of ice cream has more fat than a hamburger and more cholesterol than 10 glazed donuts. How about fruit for dessert instead? This would increase fiber, not to mention vitamins, which is also a plus for the cholesterol-lowering diet. My favorite fruity dish is fruit salad. I like it best made a day ahead so the flavors meld. No matter what fruit I throw in, I also add pineapple. For some reason I like how the enzymes for that blend the flavors together. I have also mixed the fruit sald with a little bit of yogurt. It is really tasty.

Day 33 Food For Thought: "Gettin' Kind of Heavy."

Today a thorn in my flesh I have forgiven multiple times decided to stick me again. I have forgiven all the past things she has done to try to make my life miserable, but I have apparently not forgiven the future things. I let her rent space in my mind for about an hour and half. Then I began to take notice of myself. I could literally feel the heaviness that settled on my head and shoulders.

What does this have to do with weight loss journey? LOTS! I now know that my physical weight is only a reflection of weight I choose to carry on the inside. I have really been casting off the heavy in my soul since I started this particular journey, so I definitely noticed when I picked it back up. Also, her actions are nothing but a distraction for me on my journeys ...weight loss, peace, life, everything. Being offended at her is NOT worth the weight. But she deserves it! ...Really? Does she? Then I do. Forgiven. Weightless.

Win for Today.
I actually drove somewhere to go walking. I took my three little boys at dusk. Um yes, I bit off more than I could chew, but it was well digested. I pushed the three of them in a stroller for two miles on uncharted, but paved, territory. We watched the sun go down. We met lots of new best friends and caught their twilight barks. The best part was listening the chatter of three little boys at their bed time. It was definitely some quality time I am looking forward to getting more of soon. They were so calm when we got home. I know they liked it too.

Nutritional Nugget
Omega-3 fatty acids are a heart-healthy fat. It is recommended to get at least two servings of fish per week. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in the fat that keep fish warm in cold water. Therefore, the best source of omega-3 foods will come from cold water fish. Here is a list of the best sources:
Lake trout
Albacore tuna

There are also supplements that one can take, but as usual the closer the way God made it, the better. Ground flaxseed and canola oil are also sources.

Day 32 Food For Thought: "Good Toast." --Nacho

Nacho to the Nun: “I was wondering if you would join me in my quarters this night for some toast.”

I think of that quote from “Nacho Libre,” one of my most quoted movies (second only to “Groundhog Day,”) as I ponder on this thought for today....

“Our Father in heaven.....give us this day our daily bread...”

Is that really talking about food? Or is that referring to the Bread of Life? Multiple times in the scriptures Jesus is referred to as nourishment for us. “Eat my flesh. Drink my blood.” etc.

Today and tomorrows, when I start to eat, taste, or lick anything, I will ask myself...which “bread” am I really hungry for? And does whatever I am about to eat bring me life?

“Those eggs were a lie, Stephen. A lie! They give me no eagle powers. They give me no nutrients!” --Nacho

I choose to dine WITH the Bread of Life for today and all tomorrows.

Wins for Today:
My win for today is that I cannot think of anywhere I got off course. I normally struggle with staying focused on the wins. My tendency is to focus on the failures. ---things I THINK are failures.

Nutritional Nugget
Fast food is not friendly for cholesterol. A single patty cheeseburger might have around 85 grams of cholesterol not to mention the saturated or trans fats. When considering 200mg is the guideline for those dealing with cholesterol, that does not sound like a dandy choice. Add milk shake and some super sized fries and the fat content gets even scarier. Most fast food places have healthier menu options, but you could get a plain burger and a side salad or a fruit cup instead of fries to help limit the lipids going down. Most restaurant nutritional information is available. Here is a link I like:

Day 31 Food For Thought: A Royally Frosted Blunder

I realized some pretty important lessons today, and as I sat down to type more came out of me than I realized. My eating choices were superb all day long, but as I drove home late from the store, I ate some donuts I bought. (Insert Debbie Downer sound here.) I drove the rest of the way really beating myself up about it. After a long while, it dawned on me that I sabotaged myself. I still apparently have issues in my heart that is making me mess up when I have made progress. I didn't mess up too badly especially when considering how well I had done that day.
There are some things I must rewrite in my heart. We always come back to where our heart is. Kind of like a fishing bobber. (Is that how you spell “bobber?”) No matter how deep the bobber goes under water, its nature is to come back to the surface. No matter how well I do, my heart will bring me to where I have conditioned it to live.

Another thing I realized is that I made the blunder my focus. I really believe I messed up when in reality if I truly believe I am free, it would be impossible for me to fail. That is really something I will have to meditate on for a while. I will go where my focus is. Have you ever tried walking in a straight line or drive in a straight line and your attention gets focused on something slightly to the left? Where do we end up when that happens? Of course to the left. I must realize the truth about this situation and that is the truth of my higher reality. Focusing on my blunder will only lead to more blunders. Stay the course.

Until I realized my mistake was not as big as I was making it, I was really feeling bad about myself. I fell into the mental trap of condemnation and self accusation. I wriggled free but only after realizing that the right-minded moments are growing bigger and the bondage-thinking is less and less these days. That is a big win.

Wins for Today
I got a glimpse of some dust bunnies in the hidden places of my heart, and now I know areas to call in the maid. My right-minded moments are present for longer amounts of time. I fell, but I got up, and I'll get back up tomorrows.

Nutritional Nugget
The American Heart Association recommends a maximum daily cholesterol intake of 300 mg per day. If you already have high cholesterol, you need to stay below 200 mg. One egg yolk contains 213 mg of cholesterol. There are products such as egg beaters that are egg whites. Try changing your cooking method to scramble egg whites only or maybe with only one yolk. Remember to avoid trans fats and limit saturated fats to less than 10 grams. Be sure to read the food labels and always note the serving size under “Nutrition Facts.”

Day 30 Food For Thought: Punished By Food

After chatting with several of my readers, experiencing some things with some recent patients, and hearing about some reality folk on the tube, I have a major food issue on my heart today. I do not consider this a personal struggle necessarily, but I deal with it regularly with other people. A reader recently told me how she enjoyed this blog and how it is helping her realize that she does not need to punish herself with food. MAJOR WIN!

We can use food as a punishment in two basic ways. We can binge until we are miserable, or we can deprive ourself of this basic need. I have binged before, eating things I did not want, but making myself eat anyway. I did not like that at all. I already did not want it, but then the guilt feeling that followed reaffirmed all the negative feelings I was already having about myself. These times have rarely happened, but I felt what it feels like to be a bit out of control in this area. I guess it was a moment of addiction. I have actually met people who have had gastric bypass surgery who weigh more after the surgery. Um...if you know anything about that surgery, you know it would take some skill to conquer that. Part of the stomach is removed and reattached further down the intestinal tract so that it bypasses a major part of the area where digestion and absorption occurs. One would have to eat constantly and would most definitely have some major malabsorption issues like diarrhea. I cannot imagine their discomfort. Why do people do this to their bodies? I am sure there are lots of issues that might cause this. This seems to be like a food hoarder as I have posted before.

I have also met dear friends who have deprived themselves of food and struggle with anorexia. I never understood this until I met a friend who had overcome this. She is still a little underweight and often spoke of her “chubby” sister. I met her sister who is perfect in every way physically. It is puzzling to me that my friend's perspective of her sister was “chubby” when she was right at her ideal body weight. I had many questions for her and she was glad to help me understand. She was a straight A student, an athlete, a musician. Everything she did is excellent. She said she never felt good enough. She would strive for perfection and was never satisfied with herself. She said it was addicting to lose weight because she felt like that was something she could control. At her worst point, she weighed 50 pounds in a 5 foot 4 inches body. She admits still having physical symptoms related to anorexia even though she has been healthy for over a decade. She said that there was not a day that goes by that she doesn't think of her struggle. How sad that she is still in bondage to it even though she is healthy now.

These are extreme cases, but I think each of us who struggle with weight can identify with root issues that might lead to these disorders. Perfectionism? Control issues? Self-worth issues? Lack? Guilt? Condemnation? Lord Jesus help us to know we already are and to see that the issues we struggle with only as bad dreams.

Wins for Today
Today was by baby's 2nd birthday. I was more than a little emotional. Wayne sent me to have a massage. It is amazing how right-minded one can become once relaxed. Win.

Nutritional Nugget
I got this from
I concur with these guidelines and think it is great advice with practical principles.

"Moderate exercise (about 30 minutes five times a week) not only reduces LDL cholesterol, it also can raise HDL cholesterol, too. You don’t have to be a triathelete or have a gym membership to get exercise -- there are many studies that suggest even brisk walking will help to lower your cholesterol levels. However, the more intense aerobic exercises, such as jogging, will raise your HDL levels the best. Current research has shown that 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can raise HDL levels by 3 to 6 mg/dL. These results are evident after 24 hours, and can persist up to fifteen days after exercising. If you don’t have the time to commit to a 30-minute workout, don’t sweat it. Some studies have shown that individuals who have divided this time into 15-minute intervals, as opposed to exercising 30 minutes straight, receive the same healthy benefits of exercise."

Day 29 Food For Thought: No More Games

I have been playing peek-a-boo with deprivation. I am happy to recognize this. I know I am more right-minded, but every now and then I feel a tug of war with my flesh. When I lower myself to join in the game, my will wins at least round one. But then my flesh starts pouting. My flesh begins to manipulate me by telling me I am deprived. When I buy into that feeling of deprivation, I lose. I give in to that feeling. I feed myself with food when I really should be taking care of the deprivation issue on a mental level. I am making a decision to recognize when deprivation pokes its ugly head into mine. I am making a decision not to play. I will not take a bite of the temptation that I lack. I will stay focused on my journey. Deprivation is a rabbit trail in the opposite direction. I will ask myself, “My do I feel deprived?” Maybe I will answer that I think I lack when truth says I have been given all things. Maybe I will answer that I am afraid of the unknown. I can deal with it without playing peek-a-boo deprivation. Deprivation is a distraction. I will continue to look ahead. Just keep walking, walking, walking.

Wins for Today
Planned for a big, healthy supper with friends. I worked today and ate enough to keep up my energy without overeating causing me to feel sluggish.

Nutritional Nugget
Increasing fiber intake decreases cholesterol levels. Fiber is found in plant food groups which are fruit, vegetables, and grains. It is not as difficult as you think to increase fiber, but it can take a few trips to the grocery store before you fully figure it out. Be sure to read labels, and add some fresh fruits and more vegetables to your daily menu. If you have kids who do not like vegetables, I highly recommend the “Deceptively Delicious” cookbook concept. Hide veggies in their food.

Increasing Fiber at Breakfast:
Even things as easy as adding a can of pumpkin to a cake mix (yellow or chocolate) will increase fiber and nutrition and is a tasty muffin for breakfast.

Add all kinds of pureed goodness to pancakes. My favorite is mashed sweet potatoes, but beets are extra great. If I don't have fresh beets to puree, I puree one can for about every 2-3 cups of flour used in the pancake recipe. Also add some ricotta cheese for extra protein. Throw in some ground flax seed as the Spirit leads. I usually make the beet pancakes bite size. Sprinkle on some powdered sugar instead of syrup. Even the pickiest kids will eat up beet pancakes, and they are cool because they are pink.

There are some good cereals out there that are more natural and have a decent amount of fiber. I actually really love the FiberOne cereals that are out now. I have also made some Kashi treats before as opposed to rice crispy treats, but made the same way. Kashi Treats are good because you can make them up ahead and grab them and go out the door if you don't have time to sit down. They are yummy too.

Day 28 Food For Thought: Anything "'er"

I once saw a promo on daytime television for a talk show. “...And find out how she lost weight by reading a book.” I don't normally fall for advertising antics. We don't even have television any more but when I heard that, I was intrigued. Can it be that simple? I tuned in. The whole show was about lessons that different people learned from whatever book. I planned my whole day around what ended up being a thirty second interview with a girl who had finally lost the weight she always wanted. She said that she was active and fit, but had always struggled with the five or ten pounds over her ideal body weight and just couldn't lose it. Then she read one line in the book that made sort of a reference to trying to improve oneself. I cannot recall the word for word dialog, but the girl made a statement I have never forgotten. She said, “...anything 'er.”

I think I know what she is talking about. Here is my pitiful attempt at an explanation of this challenging concept. First a little back ground. I read a little bit about perfectionism once and that is something I struggle with. I know that sounds funny especially if you know me. Trust me, I still struggle with it on the inside, but I used to be a whole lot worse. Apparently perfectionism is an issue for first born children according to Kevin Leman and his “Birth Order Book.” Anyway, after going to Father about this, I heard him say one day, “If you think you have to be perfect, then you don't know you are already.” I believe this is what that girl on the talk show was talking about. It is something that I've been walking out ever since. It is time now to apply it to my weight loss journey like she did.

I am going to try to be as brief as I can on a New Testament foundational concept that most of us hardly ever capture in a life time. Don't get me wrong, I know no one is perfect. I used to think that perfection is a direction and something I am always to strive for but can never achieve. Now I see that anything I think I can become on my own is an impossible illusion. My perfection can only come from a gift that Jesus bought for me and is nothing I can achieve on my own. For me to deny my perfection in Him is to deny the very gift of salvation. If I think I can DO anything to become better, then I see that I “Am Not” when he already made me as, “I Am.” Just as I Am. That phrase needs to take on a whole different meaning in me. When I used to sing that phrase, I would concentrate on the filthiness of my person who needed a savior. Now I am changing my mind to see “Just as I Am” meaning Just as He is so am I. This is dealing with the very basic thesis of His whole kingdom and why we are in this mess in the first place. Adam and Eve forgot that they were made in the image of the Great I Am. They believed they lacked and DID something to try to become bett“ER.” That is when they began to see and create destruction.

Although there a lots of reason why I am fat, I know one underlying major issue is that I see lack in myself. I am so much more right-minded than I used to be, but I still struggle with thinking, “I am not enough.” I try to fill some sort of void in my mind with food and habitually overeat. What I have focused on has become my reality. This creates a negative cycle. The more weight I have gained, the more I feel “not enough” creating a deeper sense of lack. I have a mentality that, “I will be BETTER IF I lose weight.” Bett“ER.”
The very fact I think I can improve means that I recognize imperfections and areas where I lack. This is actually difficult, because obviously I need to work on some things. But it is focusing on this lack mentality that keeps me in bondage. I am only free if I know it.

I know this a deep issue with me because I compare myself with others. I tend to see others as being “better” than me if they are, for example, a healthy weight. I often have thoughts of how proud I will be of myself when I lose weight. My self worth cannot come from anything physical. That is shallow and unstable. I think it is like having confidence in a lie.

What I will keep reminding myself the truth he has shown me. I am enough just like I am. Weight loss will not make me better or more of anything. I cannot achieve anything, but as a gift I have already been given everything. I already am. I am excited to lose weight, but I will refuse to think that my weight makes me less. Casting off the “anything 'er” mentality will effortlessly take me to my destination.

Wins for Today
We were eating lunch with Nana today, so I planned appropriately. I was actually hungry most of the day even though I knew I had eaten enough food. I laid down with Ben for twenty minutes of his nap. I decided to get energy from rest instead of food I knew I did not need.

Nutritional Nugget
Increasing fiber intake is a goal for almost every nutritional counseling I do including cholesterol-lowering diet. Our liver makes bile from cholesterol. Bile is used to emulsify fats for digestion, but is reabsorbed in the intestines. Fiber causes bile to not be reabsorbed. If bile is excreted, then the liver has to make more bile therefore using up more cholesterol. Check the food labels. If there is 5 grams or more of fiber per serving, it is considered a high fiber food.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 27 Food For Thought: "The Load Will Be Much Lighter..."

I know wisdom is walking out the practical steps to the journey, but that is secondary to laying down any weight I carry on the inside. I am a very visual person. I understand most concepts by painting them into scenes in my mind. I see this journey down a path that with every step, a little rock drops out of the backpack I carry with me. It might just be a little rock here and there, but I am losing weight nonetheless. All those little pebbles represent thoughts that I have picked up and carried. Alone they might seem insignificant, but over time they become heavy and together the weight can be overwhelming. I am tired of holding any of them. Losing weight in my heart, means I will automatically drop the poundage in my body. It is very interesting that Jesus said his burden is light. Anything heavy cannot be from him, and I want anything not from him to be gone. The more I realize he traded backpacks with me, the lighter I will feel.

Today's Wins
I must have overdone it with the chocolate fountain because all day I abhor anything remotely related to junk. I held out for goodness. Most days when I work, I will just try to choose the best choices possible, but today I would rather starve than look at a fast food menu board. I visited my healthy baby sister who packed a quick lunch. On the way home I had an amazing sandwich. Whole grain bread, a little meat and spicy mustard, and practically a salad worth of garden veggies. So yummy. I was so happy I just let my belly roll and held out for goodness.

Nutritional Nugget
LDL cholesterol is what is considered the “bad” cholesterol. It stands for Low Density Lipoprotein. This is the cholesterol level you do not want to be high. The last time I checked, the LDL level is the number one critical factor for heart health. Too much LDL cholesterol in the blood steam can lead to plaque build up in your arteries. Besides the previous cholesterol-improving tips I've posted, of course diet is an important role. Choosing the more healthful foods is a big deal with cholesterol. Choose more healthful fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Avoid saturated and trans fats. The better fats, as with the rest of the food groups, will be the ones closer to they God made them. So fat from nuts, olives, and avocados are better than shortening, margarine, etc.

Day 26 Food For Thought: Casting Down the Care/Weight

Day 26 was a good day, but at the end of it I realized I was not at rest. I had picked up a load of cares of this world and didn't realize how much attention I was giving it. I was making it really heavy in my heart. I was doing things like talking and movie fast. I was hyper. My thoughts were bouncing around in my head like a ping pong ball. I got a revelation while taking a shower that I addressed in my Trophy Life blog, Basically I realized that when I forget where I am, (seated in heavenly places,) then I get overwhelmed with what I THINK is reality.

I keep getting this image of a still pool of water. When it is at rest, I can see clearly, but when I drop a big brick in it...even a little pebble, I cannot see at all because of the rippling waves. I have been asking for clarity. Father jerked my butt up out of that narrow-minded perspective and allowed me to take a gander at the big picture. I almost lost my breath. It was hard to release what I had been gripping so tightly, but in the end of the moment there was rest. I literally felt weight lift off my shoulders. This is a new beginning of learning to cast off my cares by focusing on what matters. When I focus on my physical appearance, that is narrow-minded. When I focus on the real me from Father's perspective, that is reality. That is rest. That is clarity.

Today's Wins
I planned. Planning is such a preventative measure of practicality for weight loss. I knew that tonight I would cook a dinner for some lovely guests including a chocolate fountain. So today, I ate very light. I ate enough to keep up my metabolism, but careful to choose lower calorie-dense foods. This isn't really in balance. It would be better to eat about the same amount all the time, but this is still normal eating. I also planned for extra veggies to have more goodness to fill up on before taking a dip in the fountain. We had salad, baked sweet potatoes, and roasted cabbage, carrots, zucchini and broccoli. I also made a chicken dish with whole asparagus. It was way good! Yummmmm! Eating healthy does not have to taste like cardboard. Knowing how to prepare foods well makes you crave the good stuff. By the way, Iron Man traded bathroom duty for kitchen duty, so he actually prepared most of it. Gotta love Iron Man Chef.

Nutritional Nugget
Other ways to boost the HDL Cholesterol or the “healthy” cholesterol is to quit smoking or being around smoke. Smoking is not good for cholesterol plus it damages the arteries which increases risk for heart disease even more.

Moderate alcohol consumption can reduce it. However excessive alcohol can make it worse. An occasional four ounces of wine has been shown to improve the cholesterol numbers.

Day 23, 24, 25 Food For Thought: Weekend Wins With Iron Man

We had a great weekend. Aunt Ca Ca, Uncle James, and Allie Bear, who are only relatives at heart, moved into our house with our boys for the whole weekend while Wayne and I went somewhere, anywhere, away. WIN! At the last minute, we decided on Nashville. Unfortunately, the Bluebird Cafe was packed out due to our insufficient planning, but we had a great time doing other stuff like pretending the pool outside our hotel was really in the Caribbean instead of the metropolitan area. (We watch way too much Barney.)

I actually gained a lot of ground on my weight loss journey in the midst of our little weekend journey. Of course our “venture,” (as Luke called it,) began with food. We traded the Bluebird for Red Robin. Yes, it was yummy. Yes, we did not clean our plates. But yes, we ate too much. It's okay. We had wins for dessert. We sat there having a good time sipping on Freckled Lemonade and fixing all the problems of the world. The real wins are the decisions we made to improve health. We decided that feeling of being too full is not worth it. Without any persuasion from me, Wayne decided to jump on board the weight loss journey. That is such a huge win for me. I now co-habitat with a fine-looking, accountability partner. Iron sharpens iron, and he is my Iron man. His strength makes my load that much lighter.

We discussed what this journey would mean for us in the practical sense and implemented those the rest of the weekend. We split meals which means we ate what we wanted, but the portions were more appropriate. We felt satisfied but not stuffed, drank water, and we saved so much more money. We also caught up on some much needed shuteye. We must have slept twenty-four hours. (Ca Ca, that is the best present anyone could give us.) Feeling rested really made me reevaluate how I am only hindering my journey by not going to bed. I am still not ready to put my night owl nature to bed, but I know that will be a baby step I will take soon.

Nutritional Nugget
More cholesterol blah blah blah...
There are different variations of cholesterol. There are little balls of cholesterol floating around our blood stream called lipoproteins. The more “lipo,” or fat they contain, the worse they are for us. You might have heard them called “good cholesterol” or “bad cholesterol.” The HDL Cholesterol is actually High Density Lipoprotein which means it contains more protein than fat. This is what we consider the good cholesterol. It acts as a scavenger in our blood collecting the bad cholesterol and taking it back to the liver for processing. Exercising is a big help in increasing the HDL levels. It is recommended to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day. I think kids should be moving a lot more than that.

Day 22 Food For Thought: The McSurf'n'Turf Deluxe

I am a not-so-secret fan of Jack Black. He just comes across as a real down-to-earth sweetie on the big screen to me. We have lots of movies that he plays in. In one of these DVD special features, we get to go through a fast food drive-through with him. It is really funny. He gives a little instruction on the importance of a balance diet and getting in all the food groups. He orders a fish sandwich and a hamburger. He puts the fish patty on top of the beef patty and calls it “The McSurf'n'Turf Deluxe.” It is, after all, important to get fish in the diet. The bun serves its rightful place as the grain group. Then he orders fries with ketchup, of course, for his two vegetables and an orange drink for his fruit.

Um.....I don't have to explain that one do I? It definitely makes me laugh. But as Luke would say, “That is NOT hilarious.” Fast food is fine and will fit, but value meals are usually low in the fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, water, and HIGH, HIGH, HIGH in sodium, fat, cholesterol, calories and carbohydrates. It is not about the food as much as it is the heart behind it, but we can use some wisdom. Sometimes it is necessary, and I am definitely not advocating that it is bad. We eat out more than I would like to admit. I am advocating to always try to make the best choices possible. If you recognize your diet is lacking in fruits and vegetables, then try to eat them when you can. I have been making it a priority to increase my fruits and veggies. That means that twice in one day this week I ate two salads and no meat. That is fine. It wasn't because I had to, but my body was really feeling like it needed some veggies. The first salad hit the spot so I was excited for the next one. I also like to throw on crasins and nuts on my salads. Can't go wrong there! Mmmmm.... The best part about salads is feeling like “all I ate was a salad” afterward. I am beginning to really love that not-so-stuffed feeling.

Today's Guest Wins!
My fantabulous, gorgeous inside and out, bestie since kindergarten, Messena has been honoring me by reading my blog. I HEART traveling this journey with her! She recently informed me that over the past three weeks, she has lost nine pounds. Um....yes, I said, “NINE!” Here is a big shout out to you, Sena! WOOT WOOT!!! So proud of her! But the most amazing and best part is that she said it was easy. WOW! Sounds like God to me! I wonder if just three weeks ago she would have thought she would now be without nine pounds of herself?!? She is accepting herself and recognizing her beauty and significance as a creation of the Most High and less concerned about the weight loss.

She writes, “I need to appreciate the person I am, because the only thing that will change is my size. I think I've given myself permission to be real and know that I'm not always going to do the best thing, but it's ok because I have lots of chances to get it right!”

After I asked her permission to share this she wrote, “I don't mind if you share it! It feels good to be in this place. I mean I want to lose weight and am excited about it but I'm not obsessed with it you know?”

Well, I could not have said it better myself! That is so inspiring for me. A real win from someone we already knew was a winner.

Nutritional Nugget
Cholesterol is made in the liver out of saturated fats. The more solid the fat at room temperature, the more saturated it is. So....fat from steak would be more saturated than fat from chicken. A good goal for decreasing cholesterol is to limit saturated fat to less than 10 grams daily. LOTS of processed foods contain saturated fats especially really yummy junky foods like snack cakes. Choose wisely, friends.

Day 21 Food For Thought: Sensing Self

My lovely, most kind-hearted, enlightened, Spirit-seeking, gorgeous, thin, healthy, super mom friend sent me this ponder in a message a while back and I am just now getting around to sharing it with you. Every time I reread anything she sends me, I learn a little something new. I dream of her often when I believe the Lord is trying to get me to experience a new revelation about him. After some of the comments I have gotten in regard to this journey, I know it will help many like it did me.

Inspirational message from Jana...
“I wanted to share something from a book about eating dear friend works in that field and she read this exert ; 'When you ignore your belly, you become homeless. You spend your life to erase your own existence. Apologizing for yourself. Feeling like a ghost. Eating to take up space, eating to give yourself the feeling that you have 'weight here,'you belong here, you are allowed to be- but never quite believing it because you don't sense yourself directly.' You are sensing your self directly as you post so openly in your proud of you!”

Thank you, Jana, for sharing this with me....with us.

Wins for today:
Still Making better choices. Choosing not to eat late at night even if I am hungry. There is always tomorrow, and I probably just need sleep to sustain me instead of foods that would probably be calorie-dense, comfort carbs. For some reason I don't feel like eating celery or turkey at 1:30 am. Better for me to wait till breakfast.

Nutritional Nugget:
One of my blog readers sent me a message about decreasing cholesterol. So in honor of her questions, I will post some tips for a while of healthful cholesterol-conscious thinking...
We get cholesterol two ways...from our food and from our body. Our liver makes cholesterol for us because we need it. Therefore if the food had a liver, then it has cholesterol. Another way to think of it is that if the food had a mother, then it has cholesterol. So foods that are made from plants do NOT have cholesterol. Since our bodies make it, there could be glitches in the system requiring medication. If the cholesterol is high because of diet, that is EASY to fix, but either way, there are helpful healthful tips to bring it on down.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 20 Food For Thought: Dear Fat Me

Well, this is really strange. I actually replied to myself within a day, but I am just now getting the nerve to post it. I always heard, "You'll be surprised what the you will say back." That is true. I actually did not know what I was going to write. It just sort of came out. Well, this is one of the hardest but liberating exercises I have ever done. Writing to myself and posting it is about as weird for me as when our group of ladies got in groups of two and made, "I am ____," statements for one minute. That was double tough for me to do too. It requires an element of humility that I have take down from the back shelf and dust off. Lately I've been having lots of semi-naked dreams, which means I feel exposed. ...well duh. were go.

Dear Fat Me,
You are lovely just as you are. I cannot make you more lovely than you are at this moment. You must quit seeing me as your future and know that I am your reality. I like to exercise everyday. It is fun to play “Just Dance” on the Wii with the boys. They also like to do aerobics with me. It feels like quality time. I love taking me time to walk and run. It is a great chance to erase the cares of the day bringing balance by having time to sort out the issues that feel heavy on the inside. I will no longer carry any weight in my body or heart. I enjoy food, actually everything about it. I control what I eat. It does not control me. This is a fantastic relationship free from codependency. I no longer NEED food to feed my hungry soul. I live, and I eat to sustain my body as I live. Please quit identifying yourself as fat. You are not because I am not. WE are not. Remember: I am your reality. I enjoy my life. Eating is just a small extra little goody. I know you are still a little embarrassed because of your job, but I am proud of you for being more confident in your own skin. To deny your flesh is to allow the real you to live. I'm not as far away as you think. Just stay content and rest. We already are together, but others will see me before you know it.

Skinny Me/ Skinny WE.

Wins for Today:
Years ago, I would consider the amount of food I ate today, like I was starved. Good thing I have so much in storage to sustain me. (Definitely Joking!) Even though I was a bit hungry, I thought it would be best for me to just go to sleep without a snack. I slept well and I was hungry for breakfast in the morning. I'm slowly training myself that I really don't need that much food. Also, I ate probably three cups of fresh from the garden sliced cucumbers. I love it when that happens.

Nutritional Nugget Brought to You By The Fabulous Nicole Fleming

“Mmmm, summer squash. Roast with onions, olive oil, salt and pepper, and sprinkle a little mozzarella at end to melt on top. My hands-down favorite.”

Nicole is one of my all time Besties with wonderful taste in food! Can't wait to try this one!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 19 Food For Thought: I See London! I See France!

So on this 19th Day of the journey, I upgraded my stay-at-home mom clothes for some going out jeans and what I think is a cool shirt. I was THRILLED when I pulled on the jeans. It has been a short while since I have worn them. They were loose, and I was so excited that I had obviously lost weight. I went to pick up Wayne, then we headed to our dinner date. I had been lounging on the couch for a while when Wayne came and sat across from me. Then he said, “Did you know your pants are ripped?” Suddenly I did recognize a draft. Oh this wasn't just a small rip. This rip went from zipper to knee and all around to places that was just wrong to expose. How could I miss that? Then he said, “Where did you buy those pants because a few days ago my pants ripped just like that!” I examined the britches more closely. They were Wayne's pants!

Despite the humiliation, I was inspired to really start making better decisions. Feeling like I had really lost inches tasted so sweet!

Wins for Today
Still making those small choices that seem small, but equal decreased calories which means weight loss. Choosing water instead of a caloric drink will save about 150 calories. Choosing no sauce on the sandwich. Stopping at the first sign of satisfaction. I still have MANY miles to go, but slow and steady WIN WIN WIN.

Nutritional Nugget
Zucchini = YUM! We've been getting the extra produce from Pa Pa and Nana's garden. WOOP! Lately I'm a bit addicted to sautéing sliced zucchini in a little olive oil with an herb mix that is mainly made up of rosemary. Once I even tossed on some grated Parmesan cheese. It was definitely dandy.

Day 18 Food For Thought: "Janitizing" the Temple

Once I read a book that briefly mentioned a statement that has stuck with me all these years. She said, (and I am way paraphrasing) “Yoga was invented to maintain physical health to improve meditation.” Whatever your opinions of yoga is irrelevant, but what stuck out to me was the concept of keeping body healthy to encounter Spirit. The Bible says we are the temple of God. Our bodies are a temple. I think for many years I concentrated on “body” instead of who lives in it. “Don't smoke. Don't do drugs. Don't overeat. You're body is a temple!” I can see there was a mild guilt associated with the lack of care given to the Holy Place because it can always be improved. In a minute way, full of good intentions, it almost created a mentality of idolizing the body when that is not the point. That would be the same as walking into a worship service only giving thought to the janitor. Probably the janitor's work would only be noticed if he missed something. The janitor has an important job of cleaning the building, but it really, in regard to places of worship, the importance of his job is removing distractions so that all that enter can experience the goodness of God instead of wondering about an irritating smell or deeply meditating on that spot in the carpet.

I remember Andrew Wommack teaching on his series, “Spirit, Soul, Body” (which was wonderful by the way.) He taught that we are three parts and strength comes when two of the three parts are in agreement. So if our soul is in agreement with our Spirit, then our Spirit is the strong part. However, if soul is in agreement with our body, then our flesh is strengthened. The goal is not have strengthened flesh. We are supposed be aware of our new nature and deny our flesh. It is really hard to quiet our selves down enough to hear that still small voice when our body is screaming with distraction.

I believe taking care of our bodies is not so much the care of our bodies as it is freeing ourselves of cares we experience with our five senses so that we can concentrate on the one who abides in us. Our bodies are just the transport mechanism. Just dirt. It is useful, but only as long as it is being used by "The Observer" on the inside. (I love that term "Observer." It is used by really smart quantum physicist to describe the part of us that goes to be present with the Lord when we are absent from our bodies.) Who we really are is on the inside of this flesh and bone shell. I remember after a workout and stretching session with worship music playing in the background, we were instructed to lay on our mats and just be still. (Yep, I ain't gonna lie. BEST part of the whole session for reals.) No seriously, that was one of the most powerful God experiences I ever had. No instruction, just very aware of his gentle presence. Quality time with the Big G is awesome. How often do I miss that because I feel like taking time for stress-relieving exercise is selfish me time. I really have got to change my way of thinking about that. There is one thing that is needful...

It is distracting to have aches and pains because we don't walk or stretch enough. It is distracting to feel so stuffed we don't want to move. It is even distracting if our head is itching because we haven't washed it in a week. It makes us self aware if our pants are too tight or we are constantly reminding ourselves to keep our arms down so our belly doesn't show. Mental stresses also appear in our body. We get knots in our shoulders. We hold our breath. We eat. We don't eat. Taking time to treat our bodies well helps eliminate the distractions and the stress so that we are more aware of the part of us that is really important.

Wins for today:
I did NOT eat ice cream or any other concentrated sweet even though I REALLY wanted it. That is a win because I just went to bed and when I woke up, I could feel that I had not overindulged.(...Even if it was only because I had none in the house. Not purchasing junk at the grocery store = win)

Nutritional Nugget
What are you doing with those summer garden vegetables?
One of my most favorite things to do is puree up the extra squash we get. Freezing pureed food in ice trays makes perfect baby food portions. Also use the pureed vegetable to add to dishes. Macaroni and cheese is my personal favorite. It tastes richer and kids who would never touch a vegetable love it. Use whole grain noodles, half the amount of cheese, skim milk, pepper, and lots of pureed squash. Mmmmmmmmm! This principle of sneaking in nutrition is great from the cookbook, “Deceptively Delicious,” by Jessica Seinfeld. It was written for kiddos, but works for adults too. The last time I saw in the store it was only five dollars. I think there is a new one out too. Worth every penny especially if you have picky eaters kids or spouse!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Day 17 Food For Thought: Dear Skinny Me

Ok, here it is! I finally feel free enough to do this.... (Freedom = Win)

Dear Skinny Me,
I cannot wait to see you again with my physical eyes. I think of you often. I'm sorry I ignored you and treated you like you never existed when you were right here with me all along. Knowing you will be so worth this journey no matter what hurdles may get in the way. I know the closer I get to you, the better I will feel because I feel you calling me to meet you. I know you have more energy. I know your clothes fit you well and you have more cute clothes options. I will enjoy your presence, and never forget your existence when we meet again. Why don't you come meet me half way? That will make this journey a lot quicker. What are your favorite foods? What does your daily diet look like? What is your favorite thing about food? What do you like to do for exercise? Nothing is worth doing that to you again. Life is too short not to walk in your shoes. I like this walk, but I look forward to walking it with you. No matter how long it takes to find you, I will continue to enjoy this journey. Write soon and often.
Fat Me.

Today's Wins
Audrey: 0. Family Reunion Picnic at the Park: 55,006
...well, I guess I could drum up some things. I did throw some food away. I hate thinking that is a win because it feels wasteful, but at least I was not the living garbage disposal at the family reunion. I guess I could add that I did not eat dessert, and when I got to the end of the buffet line, I still had space on my plate for some good ol' southern comfort foods and decided I really did not want them. Although these are wins, I could write a book about “Today's Room for Improvements.” Another (secret) win....I saw a pretty and lean cousin machine, and I wasn't jealous but inspired. If she can do it, I can too! I like being in the right mind. Right mindedness is so worth the weight!

Nutritional Nugget:
Water follows sodium. Too much sodium means too much fluid, and it can be hard on us especially with issues like high blood pressure. Reducing sodium in our diet can bring off some of that sluggish water weight. The last I checked, Americans get an average of 6,000 mg a day when we really could do with only 2,000 mg. Try to avoid the salt shaker. Cook with herbs and spices instead of salt when possible. Rinse off canned veggies and add new water before cooking. Eat more fresh foods and less processed.

Day 16 Food For Thought: Un"rap"ping Food

As I was driving to a new job, I was thinking about this journey. I had a small revelation about this stepping out of the boat situation. What I realized is that when life got stirred up a bit in the past, I counteracted with food to try to bring balance and peace to the ever so slight turmoil. I'm not allowing myself to meet any emotional need with food any longer, but I realized that I still blame food and still see it as a bondage when it isn't. I know that must sound weird, but I can explain. I have not been going overboard with food, and my eating habits and beliefs about food have significantly changed the past weeks. The last few days I have felt out of sorts with this journey. I felt overwhelmed and like I cannot do it even though I was still walking it out. Then I realized that other areas of life are really what is out of sorts. Life is busy at the moment with a small amount of distractions, decisions, detours, etc. Even our house is topsy turvy as we are in “House that Cleans Itself Mode.” It feels like every significant area is being purged in someway.... Food, Body, House... I have always sought comfort in food during times like these. I'm not befriending food any more, but I am still considering food as my solution to this tad bit of emotional turbulence I am experiencing. I'm trying to tell myself that the way I feel and think these days is because this journey is just too long and hard. That is just not the truth. I've had more effortless days than mental rabbit trail days. It is time that I prioritize and properly categorize my thoughts and emotions. If I feel _____, it is not because I'm choosing more water and less sweet tea. It is because I am trying to avoid dealing with _____ emotion. Now I recognize that I feel ____ because.....1) when my house is this chaotic, I feel chaos on the inside. 2) when my boys behave this way, I feel heavy pressure knowing how to handle the situation. Definitely don't wanna mess up no body. ← (read with as much hillbilly accent possible) 3) Planning for future is exciting and anxious at the same time? 4) So many irons in the fire makes me just want to go to bed for a few days. 5) all of the above? Plus about 50 more possibilities. When I can clearly see the details of the chaos (no matter how seemingly insignificant,) it is easier to hear the proper solution when the problem is defined. Food can never be the solution for mental malfunctions. Now that I can see, I feel like I've stepped back in the boat even while I enjoy feasting with the fantastic family for the rest of the weekend.

Today's Guest Wins
My amazing Aunt Nonny has been lacing up those walking shoes and hitting the trails this week. What a great WIN! I love that we never EVER do anything alone. When she shared the changes she is making with me, (even though they seem small to her,) it did something spectacular inside me. Her win brought me a truck load of inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing this! This journey is even more fun and seemingly effortless when we have company on our “walk.”

If you would be willing to share some wins, please let me know. Even what seems to be a small spark to you could be what ignites the engine in someone else. It might even be something like you tried a new nutritionally dense recipe that you could share. Then we would all win!

This Week's Baby Step on the Journey:
I'm going to increase my exercise! My goal will be to exercise at least 30 minutes daily. THANKS, NONNY!

Nutritional Nugget
Do you know the first sign of dehydration? Thirst! Make sure you have plenty of water to drink especially during these hot weather days. Sometimes we feel hungry when really all we need is some fluid. Body signals scream for water and will try to get it anyway possible even from food. When you feel hungry at unusual times, try increasing your water consumption.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 15 Food For Thought: Sleepy Eating

Beginning Week Three. We have a lot of things going on at the moment and it is all good stuff....Too good. Despite the pleasantries, it does disrupt the ebb and flow of normalcy a bit. It is hard to stay on course when “Cracker Barrel” is across the road inviting you to come over. Once a year the mountain we live on fills up with the fabulous Blaylock family. This also means the best cooks in the world gather practically in our backyard for festivities of feasts for DAYS. I'm thinking the best I can do this week is maintain, and so I'm choosing to take a bye week on the scales.

I have a bad habit of staying up late. One thing I have learned is that people who do not get enough sleep are 70% more likely to be overweight. (Maas and Robbins, “Sleep For Success” ) Our body is energized with adequate sleep. If we deprive ourselves of sleep, we tend to supplement with eating. It has been a struggle this week because I have been staying up extra late, and I feel hungrier than normal. I have not fallen into the temptation of filling my energy quota with food because I recognize that I am just sleepy. However, it is still not ideal physically. I know it is an issue for me to sleep, but I cannot help it. I LOVE being productive in quiet stillness when I know I won't be interrupted. I've always been this way. (Sorry, Mom.) Definitely something to step into during this journey, but I'm not ready yet. It is still too exhilarating for me. I am too happy to trade sleep for clean closets. ….Just keep walking, walking, walking....I'll get there.

Wins for Today:
I did a lot of things that would promote healthy weight loss, but for whatever reason I'm still in a bit of a slump. I drank more water. I stopped when I got full. I declined YUMMY desserts with the family just because I was full from supper. I waited to eat until my stomach growled. I guess it just doesn't feel quite enough. Still getting ready to get back in the boat. Looking forward to new mercies tomorrow.

Nutritional Nugget
Flavonoids are found in most plant material and are also responsible for the colors of fruits, vegetables and herbs. The most important dietary sources are fruits, green and black tea and soybean. Others include apples and citrus fruits. Health benefits include: anti-allergic, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. Also, known for its ability to relieve hay fever, eszema, sinusitis and asthma. (

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 14 Food For Thought: Time To Get Back In The Boat

The last day of two weeks and I am not very happy with myself. I've not done anything "bad," but today I feel like I've left the real me behind.

It has been a long while since I've been canoeing on any rivers (above a class 1 anyway.) I can recall times when we paddled to the bank and got out. For whatever reason, I would walk down stream a ways through the thick brush on the side of the river. I could always see the canoe, and the spot I would meet back up with it. It is always quite a challenge to climb over and under nature's chaos. Getting to that rendezvous point is so much easier for the ones in the river. I just feel like I've stepped out of the boat. Today hasn't been as effortless as it should be. I'm allowing my mind to slip into some old thinking and therefore haven't made the best choices. I've been pondering that haven't lost enough weight this week and therefore putting myself under pressure to DO better. Knowing I cannot do it myself makes me feel condemned. I need to remember what I've already come to realize. This is not about dropping numbers. This is about losing the weight in my heart. Seeing how far I have to go is overwhelming and heavy. I need to take a deep breath and jump back in and rest down the rest of this journey. I'm not mad at myself. I've not done anything I would consider messing up. I can just feel myself walking with, but out of the boat. It is time to jump back in. "Labor to rest."

Wins for today.
I desire to get back in the boat.

Nutritional Nugget
Anthocyanins are a phytochemical that produces a red to blue or purple pigment in fruits and veggies and flowers. This substance has mostly been studied regarding anti-cancer, cardiovascular, and anti-inflammatory benefits. Something else cool is that the color protect flower petals from UV light. These phytochemicals are rich in acai, blueberries, cherries, red grapes, and purple corn.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Day 13 Food For Thought: Walking Through It

I watched a talk show once about weight loss victories. I will never forget the weight loss story of a particular woman. She had more than a whole person to lose. They showed the “before” pictures and indicated that at that time she probably needing to lose close to 200 pounds. She determined she would do it the old fashioned way with diet and exercise as opposed to fad diets, pills and the surgeries she would have qualified for. I remember being in awe of her. I felt overwhelmed with my old fashioned weight loss plan only wanting to lose maybe 20 to 30 pounds at the time. She said that she put on her walking shoes that first day to stroll around the neighborhood, and had not gone far when some kids started making fun of her and throwing food at her. What impressed me the most was that she kept walking. She did not let any opinion, even from twerps, affect her. I believe she must have released herself from the bondage of guilt and condemnation. Her acceptance of herself at that weight fueled the motivational engine that allowed her to keep lacing up her shoes. And of course she looked fabulous when she came out on stage.

I was in awe of her diligence, but more in awe of the heart change it took to get her there. She said, “No,” to excuses. What she had on the inside of her was bigger than any comment or cruelty the came from the outside, even from herself, and she kept on pressing on. Impressive! Here I was at less than half the weight she was when she began her journey, and I did not have that on the inside of me. I do now, though. Unfortunately I gained lots of pounds while I was trying to get here, but I would still rather be in this place of peace in my current skin, than feeling unworthy in a size 2.

Wins for today: yeah. Don't think I can think of any wins. I will just work to stay content and rested.

Nutritional Nugget
Beta-carotene is a phytochemical that gives a strong red-orange pigment. It is a precursor for vitamin A and also acts as an antioxidant thought to help in cancer prevention. Food rich in carotenes include, carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes, cantaloupe, apricots, winter squash, spinach, broccoli, pumpkin.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Day 12 Food For Thought: Clean-Plate Mentality

I and others I know have a clean-plate mentality. It is subtle, but unhealthy to eat any and all food that is placed in front of us. Instead of letting the plate be the boss, we need to listen to the physical needs of our body. I believe it is a mentality of lack. We don't want to waste, but we must realize we are worth more becoming human garbage disposals. It seems that once the plate is clean, it is easy to go back for seconds. Eating is very psychological. When we don't rest and think about and enjoy our food, we feel we have not eaten and desire food time. There is something significant about leaving food on our plate. It sends a message to ourselves that we are indeed finished. For those of us who hate to throw food away, try getting extra small portions and getting seconds as our body desires. I think we will all be surprised how little food it takes to satisfy ourselves. AND our food budget will look better too.

Wins for Today:
Even the smallest bit of change can bring anxiety to me. I guess the fear of the unknown is real to us. This weekend, there were times that I thought I was hungry, but recognized it as comfort for that small amount of anxiety I was experiencing. I was able to release those cares instead of trying to cover them up with food.

Nutritional Nugget:
Red foods like tomatoes, watermelon and pink grapefruit contain lycopene. Lycopene is a phytochemical that may help in cancer prevention in particularly prostate cancer.

Day 11 Food For Thought: Lessons From a Junk Food Nazi

Yesterday, I wrote about how Luke got that little but HUGE revelation. He knows he has been given all things, but responsibility and wisdom make better choices.

I know there are better and best nutritional practices for kids, but today I'm going to admit what we do. I'm not trying to say our way is right or wrong. Peace is always the important thing and what works for one family may not be the best solution for another family. Who writes “the book” anyway? That is why it is so important to have confidence in the voice of the Author of Life. Our families and kids are unique.

Our boys eat really well. They like vegetables and will try anything. Sometimes I feed them seconds, thirds and fourths. Sometimes they are full after a couple bites and we have to discard the rest. They are healthy and healthy weights. We have rewarded them with food before (Yikes). They might get a piece of candy for going potty, etc, but that is not the ideal thing to do. What we try to teach them is good choices and consequences to their choices. “These foods might taste good but they don't have a lot of good stuff in it. It is not smart to eat a lot of this because it doesn't make you feel good and doesn't help you grow. These foods have lots of good stuff that help you grow as big as Daddy. It is responsible to choose these foods more.”

When I was in my internship, one of my preceptors taught us about children nutrition. She had read book I wish I could remember the name of. The idea was to allow the child to have all sorts of foods and not make a distinction between good and bad. So a dinner plate might have chicken, rice, broccoli, and a brownie all on the plate instead of bringing the "treat" after eating all the good stuff. I experimented with this. I have put the dessert right on the plate with the supper it could ruin and guess what? It worked. I watched as my kids did exactly what she said they would do. The will probably eat a few bites of the brownie first, but then they will go right to the good stuff. She always throws food away from her daughters plate, but it is usually the dessert that is left. She knows the “smart” foods and she feels no lack.

I feel like I better insert a disclaimer here. I can feed Luke and Jack dessert first and they'll still eat their veggies and good stuff well, but we cannot do that with Ben-Dudey. He is really small. His biggest body part is his sweet tooth. He can only hold a few bites at a time so we really have to make sure he's eating the good stuff. He has brothers who cater to his every desire so I really have to lay on the law to get some good nutrition down him. He'll hold out for junk. Every kid is different. Every family is different. I just think that because one family does it differently doesn't mean they are better or worse. What works for you is the right way. Balance and moderation is the important thing. We also don't have a dessert most meals. I know the things they love most. Once Luke got into a food jag with potatoes. That is all he wanted. So sometimes we had potatoes on purpose because I knew he would eat that. And Sometimes we did NOT have potatoes on purpose so he would eat other things. We have all kinds of guidelines
out there that help us to know what are the wise choices. These are important, but it is also important to have healthy beliefs about food. I never ever want my boys to think they are being deprived of goodness. I just want them to always have the revelation Luke got. "We can have whatever we want, but I got salad."

Here is a real life example from someone who categorizes food and extremely limits the junk. ( a.k.a Junk Food Nazi.) This little one was born to a family who had already raised their family. We will call this little one, Surprise. (insert chuckle on the parents' behalf here.) Learning from the “mistakes” they made with the older siblings, they were doing it by the book. Laying down the law. Strapping on the responsibility. They consider a saltine cracker “junk.” As a result of being at birthday parties not allowed to have cake. No Halloween candy. Zero sugar. Surprise has become a food hoarder. Little Darling is healthy no doubt about it, but when those rare occasions come where junk is an option, you better believe it is binge time. Surprise may be healthy, but definitely not learning good food habits. The sad part to me is not what the parents "do," but it is that Surprise feels lack when I know Mommy and Daddy want to give and love with everything they have.

Wins for Today:
We eat at El Tapatio A LOT! One time we ate there for lunch and supper in the same day. It was funny though because we saw the same friends both times. We went there for lunch after church. I got what I wanted, but it was significantly lower amount of food than normally. I shared a lunch plate with two boys. I did get sweet tea, but I did not get over stuffed and I left feeling satisfied.

Nutritional Nugget:
Phytochemicals are the substances in plant foods that give them color. These substances have functional properties in our health as well. Some things we are still learning. We still do not know all the good stuff they do for our body. It is important to eat a variety of colors everyday.

Day 10 Food For Thought: A Lesson From Luke

A few months ago, we were on our way home from church and Luke told us his “dream” he had at church that day. We do this special thing in our R.E.A.L. Church (Childrens Ministry) called “Quiet Time.” The kids just have a few minutes of stillness and we just ask them to listen to that still small voice of their father. They hear what he is saying to them because he is always talking if we will listen. (It is AMAZING! It's my most favorite thing EVER to hear what they did with Jesus after two minutes of quiet time!) Anyway, Luke said, “I went to Wal-mart with Jesus. We could get anything we wanted, but Jesus didn't get donuts. He got broccoli so I got salad.”

Kids are our teachers and this teaches volumes on all kinds of levels, but I especially love that it was about food. This was a vision about prosperity, responsibility, freedom, wisdom, and provision/not feeling deprived. Let me break it down to the way I see it. First, they went to the biggest superstore in town. They had the freedom to get WHATEVER they wanted. The big treat for our boys is donuts. It was evident to Luke that even though they could have whatever they wanted in the store, Jesus didn't pick donuts. That is what Luke would have probably picked. Jesus picked broccoli which is one of the very best vegetables...high in nutrients. I learned in school that if I am every taking a standardized test and the question says, "Which of the following foods is high in (whatever nutrient)?" ALWAYS choose "Broccoli" as the answer if it is given. From seeing the wise choice of his big brother, Jesus, Luke also made a wise choice. Salad.

When I ponder on what that four-year-old said, my Spirit does flip flops on the inside. We. Lack. Nothing. Our Father has given us all things. He has even given us the freedom to choose what we want for ourselves. AND he has given us wisdom. It's not even our wisdom. It is his wisdom. We should not make choices for health by depriving ourselves of the "bad" foods. We feel like our pleasure is being taken from us, when really he has given us all things. I can just hear him say, "You can have that if you want to." Let us allow him to change our "want to." Free to eat it, and free to not eat it. We are worth broccoli. Knowing this is freedom.

Wins For Today:
It is the weekend (weak-end,) but I did choose better choices when I could.

Nutritional Nugget:
When preparing vegetables, try to leave them as whole as possible. Lately, I have not even been peeling carrots, but just washing them very well. I have been steaming them whole in the microwave with a little olive oil and favorite spices. My boys LOVE getting the "biggest" carrot. They eat these really well.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 9 Food For Thought: Prioritizing Goals

I was pondering a lot about my journey today. It has really only been a week, but it feels longer for some reason like I have been “here” for a while. I actually have MANY miles to go. Lots of changes to be made. Lots of pounds to lose. What I realized even more deeply today is that my goal is not really weight loss. If I focus on my secondary of goal of weight loss, I will become overwhelmed because it is more than I can tackle in my strength. Focusing on where I am not is seeing that I lack and that I am not good enough. This will cause me to pick up condemnation again. My goal for today and everyday should be to walk in peace and rest, not weight loss. However there are steps of wisdom to take, but it becomes more and more effortless as I walk in this peace. I choose not to pick up the chains that I have left beside the road. I know what the chains are and how they make me feel to be bound by them. When I catch myself trying to judge myself in this area, I just remind myself that I am already worthy. Judging myself is rejecting myself. A big key for me to continue this journey is full acceptance of myself. What right do I h ave to treat myself the way that my Father would not? I want to stay in the right mind set that I have been set free and not that I'm “trying” to set myself free.

Having said that, I would like to make a list of extra goodies when reaching my secondary goal of weight loss. Why do I want to remain free from food in a physical sense? (This is fun stuff to think about...)
I do not want to waste any more potentially hot years.
I like having more energy.
More options for cute clothes. (Although I have a fashion disability, I did read a book about “What Not to Wear.” I learned stuff. “Don't wear sleeveless if you have big arms.” Don't wear turtle necks is you have big....” well anyway.. After reading, I pretty much discovered all that was left for me to wear was a toga. --not really, but definitely not the stuff I thought was cool.)
Example of health for my kids.
Modeling what I teach nutritional-wise.
I don't like when my skin can touch my other skin. (hee hee)
Probably not so many things will break when I step on them.----maybe.
I'm think the food budget will decrease.
I won't need so much oxygen when I walk up the stairs. (ha)
Healthier in general.

Baby Step For This Week
I have issues with beverages. I love them. I would rather drink my calories. I love sweet tea, fruit tea, juice, punch, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, you name it. This week I want to concentrate on getting more water. One time I lost five pounds just for choosing water over sweet and delicious calorie dense beverages for about two weeks.

Wins For Today
Because taking three boys to run errands in town takes three times longer, we did not make it back home for lunch. I took them to “Old McDonalds” per their request. I did GREAT with my choices there. Did not feel deprived. Felt satisfied. Got what I wanted. AND because I was eating lighter, the four of us ate for less than $10. I still wished I was having one of those veggie wraps I've been making. Mmmmm, Mmmm good. But I ate one for supper.

Nutritional Nugget
I good weight loss is about ½ to 2 pounds a week. 3500 calories equal a pound. Over one week, this is about 500 calories a day. It is not too difficult to subtract 500 calories out of your diet each day especially when you consider that one 12 oz coke cost you about 150 calories.

Too much weight loss too fast is usually the result of water loss and lean body loss. The goal is fat loss. 1 to 2 pounds a week doesn't seem like it is worth the effort sometimes, but instead of thinking how long that will take, just take it day to day and week to week. Take comfort in knowing it is more permanent. Most people gain the weight back plus more on quick fixes. Those 1-2 pounds add up over time and before you know it, you will have lost the weight you desire to lose for good.