Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Distraction #2: Opinions From Others

As I was typing out the title, "Opinions from Others," I could literally hear Debbie Downer music in the background.
Opinionated is a churchy word for judgmental. (At least it is in my opinion.) Peep can sure be a drag if I give weight to their opinion of me. I have no doubt whatsoever about my Father's opinion of me. He loves me and he loves me a lot. But here I have this blog about weight loss and about how grace will set me free effortlessly. ...But I'm still fat.

I can just hear the judgmental freakazoids discredit the truth of grace because I am still fat. I mean at the moment, I don't "look" like I'm a good dietitian either, when actually I'm good at my job. I've lost some L-B's, but an argument could easily be started because it doesn't appear that Grace is working. Oh, but it is. Grace is a development from the heart level. My heart gets free first, then the fruit will come. A seedling takes time to establish itself in the earth. Just resting there. Soaking up the minerals and rain and enjoying the sunshine. It grows effortlessly, then before you know it, it's covered in fruit!

Judgments of others are a big distraction for me on my journey. If I value their judgment, the accusation can push me right into the trap of condemnation. More than that, it is such a temptation to prove I'm right with evidence of weight loss. But no...that's not it. Oh, the weight will fall off alright, but only as a byproduct from me identifying with who God says I am. That oneness with him. That God-consciousness. That is freedom. Freedom is freedom. Freedom means there is no bondage to food, low self image, or anything else. In freedom there is peace, joy, and all that other good Kingdom stuff. Even if I never lose another pound, that doesn't take away from the truth. You know what else? It doesn't take away from who I am either. I'm sorry, Judgmental Onlookers. Did you say something? I can't hear you. The voice that matters says I'm enough, and when I finally become fully persuaded and see me the way he sees me, there will be freedom. .....oh yeah and the weight will be gone too.

Nutritional Nugget:
Had the best day ever in the Knoxville area, but I would physically feel better about it had I planned my eating for health. Eating on the road often feels yucky. On the way back home, Wayne and I had a heart to heart about nutrition health. Small changes are the key. We already do most of these to some extent. I'm not going to dump all the food from my refrigerator and fill it with celery, but we will...
1. Eat more healthful, unprocessed grains.
2. Mrs. Dash-cooking instead of salt.
3. Water, Water, Water and an occasional low calorie drink.
4. More fish (which we love.)
5. Quit eating after 8:00.
6. Keeping fruit around for a quick snack.
7. Incorporating more monounsaturated fatty acids in our meals which are: olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate.
8. Watching those portions.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Distraction #1: The Fat Distraction

I have to say that probably my biggest hindrance on this journey is the journey itself. Being fat and over eating is a constant reminder that I "need improving." Being self-conscious is to see where I fall short. Did you know that Adam and Eve were so God-conscious that they didn't even know they were naked. I'm aware that I am fat, and I wear clothes to cover it up. Obviously I am not as God-conscious as they were. When I feel yucky because of something fattening I ate, I remember my weight. When I take in too much sodium and my body swells just a tad so that my ring and pants feel tight, I remember my weight. When I feel like my body might burst after a short jog, I remember my weight. I carry this thing around with me all the time, and my five senses are very aware of the extra poundage. It is like I am more aware of what I experience with my senses than I am aware of oneness with my God. I'm sure its always difficult to break free from any bondage, but it does seem like the food factor is literally smacking me in the face as a constant reminder that I have issues. ...That's not the truth, but is sure is a big distraction for me. I begin to identify with it, and that is when I fall. Fall from grace. Fall from freedom. The struggle is letting go of that false identity even though I can feel and see the flab. The hard part is resting and being content. Yes, I have a constant, very heavy distraction. Yes, I still need to eat. I mean, we can't quit food cold turkey. There are opportunities for condemnation at least three squares a day. The feeling that I need fixing is the lack trap. Even though I'm fat-conscious at times, my heart is being persuaded of the truth. My behavior at the table is not an indicator of who I am. I lack nothing and I don't need fixing. There is freedom in being God-conscious, but I still think I'll keep my clothes on.

1/2 cup coconut milk
Handful of nuts
1/2 cup of strawberries
3 oz Salisbury steak on 1/2 cup noodles
1/2 cups Peas & Carrots
1 Roll
A big honkin' apple
Baked BBQ chicken
Baked Beans
Mashed potatoes
....Then I fell in the trap called "Deprivation." I ate about three girl scout cookies then a brownie and ice cream. The yuck reminds me. Now Father, you show me your side of the story.

Nutritional Nugget
Cinnamon is so very cool. Not only is it tasty, research has been shown that cinnamon helps regulate the ol' blood sugar. Very nifty indeed. A cook at one of my facilities recently added cinnamon to the patients' lasagna. (She is one of those "as the spirit leads" cooks.) I would have never tried that. It was just a hint. Couldn't really taste it, but it really exaggerated the different flavors in the lasagna. Yum in the Tum!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

I'm Giving Up

I give up.

I'm giving up trying to take credit for the fruit that will only come effortlessly from intimacy with my creator. What I mean is, I never want to take credit for "good" behavior that is producing weight loss. I want weight loss to be the effect of what happens from having a relationship with my Father. Out of that intimacy and freedom, the weight loss will come effortlessly.

I'm giving up feeling "bad" about my physical being and behaviors that keep the weight on. No more guilt for me. I am happy right here, even if I never lost or gained another pound. Weight is not the issue for me any more. I desire freedom. Gosh, I was doing everything so backwards. Now I think I finally see.

I'm giving up control. It's actually stupid to think I can do anything. My job is to rest. The more I give up, the more God's reality manifests in my life. Translation: The more weight I lose without trying.

I'm giving up rebellion. I'm not going to "fight" the urge to take over and try doing stuff myself. Trying to force myself to produce fruit. Trying to MAKE myself lose weight. Rebellion just means that you still believe in that thing you are fighting. I'm giving up the imaginary.

When "I" started doing, fighting, and self-controlling, "I" landed right in the middle of prIde. And I fell. Pride comes before the fall and it did. Now that I've found myself stuck in the miry clay of comfort carbs and overeating, humility teaches me that it's time "I" give up.

Nutritional Nugget:
Wayne made a great healthful, quick meal tonight. Just a simple stir-fry, but something we forget about a lot.

Chicken breast cut into pieces and seasoned with spices. Sauteed in a bit of oil like olive or coconut. Then add in some cooked veggies. Serve over brown rice. Yummy, pretty, and low calorie. The boys love stir-fry.

"I" Took Over The Journey

Guess what comes before the fall?

Yep. p-r-IIIII-d-e.

For those of you who follow, could you hear it? I think I spilled it a couple of times. If I have learned anything, I have learned that what we speak (or write) comes straight from the heart. My heart was saying it, and I just basically chose not to listen with the right set of ears. I admitted having a little bit of fear of falling from freedom from food. I know, I know, I know that fear is an indicator of believing the wrong information, but I just chose to ignore it.

I fell.

The story....
Freedom I experienced was amazing. The freedom from food carried over into every area of my life. Everything felt effortless, easy, and light. "Free indeed" indeed. But then after about two weeks of this, I found myself over eating and munching on food that I didn't really want. The old was all coming back. BUT WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

So I finally got fed up with myself a few days ago and asked Wayne why I turned back to eating like a fat person again. Sweet Wayne indicated that he didn't care about how much I weighed, what I ate, etc. But then I had to explain that it wasn't about the weight or the food at all. It's about the freedom that I experienced and enjoyed and desired. Why did it go? and how did I let it slip away? Then he said something simply profound,"You ARE free. Freedom never left you."

That's when it hit me. The broken pieces started to assemble and I began to see the image in my heart. I tasted the goodness of God and the freedom it brought for a good two weeks, but my heart wasn't really persuaded. I stepped into the freedom with a comment from a friend similar to Wayne's that I blogged about weeks ago. When I told her I was going to "starve the nature that was not me." She said, "or instead of trying to kill her you could just realize the truth that she doesn't exist." THAT is it, my friends. This is the truth that propels me into freedom, but my heart is not yet fully persuaded. I even exposed my true beliefs when I admitted my fear about falling from grace. So then I began an investigation of my heart. A simple little truth worked its way up to my thoughts. When "I fell," there had been a collection of circumstances that distracted me pretty harshly. It took several days for me to get over the pity that invited itself in. "I" became self-conscious instead of God conscious in the form of pity and depression. (prIde) I began to make things about me, and that same pride crept into my eating. It had nothing to do with food. It had everything to do with pride verses freedom. So for a while, I walked around like "I" could do it. Almost every single issue that I've recognized (and conquered) on this journey came leaping back in. The guilt. The condemnation. The eating for lack. The eating to nourish my old nature. Eating for comfort. Old habits. etc. etc. etc. But that's not who I am. I craved to taste the freedom again, and silly me "I" thought I could work it back up.

Dear Audrey,
Hello. Duh. And What in the world are you thinking? Apparently you are not. You didn't make yourself free the first time. You can't do ANYTHING good enough to get you back to freedom. Please quit "trying" to do anything. Please just know that there is grace for grace. Rest in knowing that you have everything you need and you are free. Please quit fighting against imagery things/issues/beliefs and see who you really are and where you really are seated. You are free and that's it.
Love, Real Audrey

Pride came before my fall. I fell hard. I took a tumble flat on my face. But my Bible also says that a righteous man will get back up. I know I'm righteous because of Jesus. I'm getting up. No...Actually, I'm up already. And even cooler....in God's eyes I never fell at all. He always sees me as righteous as Jesus. Now if I could only see me always from that perspective...free indeed.

Nutritional Nugget:
Even though weight and food are truly not the issue, I did weigh myself recently. The two weeks of freedom did produce some lovely fruit. I don't know if I gained any weight when I started eating crazy again or not, but I had still lost five pounds. I must say that was a nice little touch to know as I was getting over the bruises from my "fall." Even though five pounds doesn't seem like a lot, it was at least 2 1/2 pounds a week which is just about right. The slower the loss, the more permanent. It means more fat loss and less lean body breakdown. The weight loss goal should really be 0.5 to 2.5 pounds a week.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Stress eating is an old habit. It seems like the more stress, the bigger desire to eat comfort foods. Today the stars were definitely lining up to resurrect some of those old-nature desires. Work was stressful times three. To make matters worse, I didn't get much sleep last night which makes my body think I need to eat to get energy. AND I was disappointed I had to cancel my party due to the threat of snow. There was definitely a perfect storm of emotions brewing up to make me want to run for comfort yummies. I know my appetite was heightened. Even though I had a few peanut valentine M&Ms, I did not choose food to bring balance to my emotions. The best part is that even though I did "good"(....whatever that means,)it is the freedom from food that pleases me. The fact that I was able to separate eating from the circumstances of this day gives me even more confidence in resting. Rest Works! Still the biggest struggle is staying in rest and not trying to take over. As soon as I agree with my flesh that "I" can do it, I fall flat on my squishy rear end. Today I remembered who it is I really am, and I'm thankful it has nothing to do with me.

6 saltines.
1 slice cheese.
Coffee---extra sissy.
1/2 cup sauerkraut.
1/2 cup turnip greens.
1 piece of cornbread.
1 cup of beans.
1/4 cup of diabetic cherry cobbler.
1 apple.
Unsweet tea.
A few Valentine peanut M&Ms.
Water Water Water
A big honkin' beautiful salad with some crispy chicken on top. And it is just what the doctor ordered.

Nutritional Nugget: Turmeric
I read once (sorry I can't remember the source but I'm pretty sure it was "Today's Dietitian" magazine like 8 years ago) that Turmeric is a functional food that helps decrease inflammation. If I remember correctly, the study was particularly beneficial for cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Simple Words

I really like words. I like words on walls. I like words in songs. I like to read. My love language is words of affirmation. I like receiving words. I like giving words. I like THE Word in the flesh. Sometimes it's the simplest of words that have brought be through the most challenging mind-issues. I started realizing this when I was going through probably the most difficult time in my life a while back. I asked a dear friend who I know hears from the Lord for some advice. I was floored when she did NOT answer any of my questions or address any of my lengthy concerns. She simply told me to read Psalms 139. Um....I've read it okay? I seriously could have gotten offended, but thankfully I didn't because I trust her and the voice she hears. I read it again. About half way through I got so emotional that I almost couldn't contain it. She heard from the Lord! It wasn't the words as much as it was the realization of what the Lord was trying to say to me. For weeks I had struggled. During that time four songs were stuck in my head. The strange thing was that every time I would start to sing one, I would sing parts of all of them. I couldn't figure out why I had those songs stuck together in my mind. As I read Psalms 139, it dawned on me that the medley I couldn't help from singing was taken every bit within that Psalm. That's when I realized that through all the uncertainty and hurt from my surroundings, Father was trying to get me to hear one thing.....His love and value for me.

In the past, I might get a revelation that helps me on my weight loss journey, but after some time, It seems like I would fall from grace by trying to do it in my effort instead allowing that grace to flow through me. This week is different. I mean my goodness, I got a visual aid to help me see that I was identifying with the wrong chick. I actually saw myself standing between a loving father and an imaginary girl I created who has caused me nothing but trouble. I kept trying to literally feed her as if to keep her alive. I know that sounds strange, but it's just what I needed to see. I also had a twinge of fear that I would fall from grace again and attempt this journey in my own strength. I had that episode this week where I identified with her for that supper meal. It's still not up to me to "stay" here in the right way of thinking. He gives us grace for His grace. He has given me some simple words in the form of songs that have kept me in the right frame of mind. The mind is where our will is. It's where we make a decision to who we will feed....Real me (Him in me) or Imaginary me.
Part of my song....

"I will allow you to love me. Love me like you created me to be. I will allow you to love me. Only this is my reality. I will rest in your love. There is rest in your love. I will rest in your love. There is rest in your love."

I just can't get that out of my mind, and I'm thankful. Lack and Fear don't even want to come around when I'm resting in love. That's Bible. It makes it effortless to forget about that old Igene. ...Who?

The other song that pops in for a visit from time to time is the oldie but a goody....

"I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It's going to be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day."

biscuit & jelly.
1/2 cup of milk.
Vegetable wrap with feta cheese. (Yes it was delicious!) and I ate the rest of Ben's Ham and cheese and vegetable wrap.
A few All Natural Cheese Puffs.
An apple with some caramel sauce.
Lots of water.
3 pieces of pizza ----guilt free.

Nutritional Nugget:
Final simple tip from American Dietetic Association's www.eatright.org

Cut back on sodium and empty calories from solid fats and added sugars.

* Drink water instead of sugary drinks like regular sodas, fruit-flavored drinks and sweetened teas and coffees. Choose 100-percent fruit juice.
* Compare sodium in foods and choose those with the least amount listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel.
* Season foods with spices or herbs instead of salt.
* Select lean cuts of meat or poultry and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
* Use heart-healthy oils like olive, canola and sunflower oil in place of butter or shortening when cooking.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Real Weight Loss

I've been content with my own skin this week more than ever before. It feels really nice to be less self-conscious. I guess I didn't realize what an unnecessary pressure I was putting on myself. Negative thoughts about physical body weigh a lot. I didn't know how heavy they were until I dropped a few pounds from my thinking this week. Discontentment is a heavy thinking issue. Here I have subconsciously thought for years that changing my external will bring me peace. Nope. I'm more content with my appearance at this moment than I ever have been. I always thought that when I get to that "goal" weight, I would be happy with myself. I remember being thin and dissatisfied always aware of things I'd like to change and weight I could lose to improve myself. I can honestly say that the peace I have with myself at this moment will be the same peace I have with myself when I'm at a more healthy physical weight. This feels like freedom. Nothing has really changed except my perception of who I was identifying with. The more I identify with the real me, who I really am, the me that God sees, the less aware I seem to be with my own skin. Everyday it becomes less about physical weight loss and more about dropping the weight from stinkin' thinkin'. I'm finding that I like this getting skinny on the inside best. The physical weight loss that follows is an added bonus only because it feels effortless. Behavior always follows belief. I used to think it was the other way around. I used to think if I was good enough, I would believe I was good. Now that I feel satisfied on the inside, it takes less food to satisfy my outside. I can already tell I've lost physical weight this week too. I've got more energy. I get excited to exercise. I run up the stairs. I dance to pathetic Barney songs just because I feel like moving. I can hardly tell I'm doing these physical "improvements" just because it just seems to happen without thinking about it.

Homemade Southern Style Breakfast: Gravy & Biscuit, sausage, eggs, bacon, orange juice, and homemade jelly. (smaller portions of all.) (So happy this journey is not about the food....this meal is not something I would recommend on a weight loss program except that I ate small portions. I knew deep down that I would be just as happy with a bowl of Fiber One. Because of that, I enjoyed what I ate even more.)
1 Tangerine.
1 cup spaghetti with meat sauce and a piece of garlic bread.
water water and more water

Nutritional Nugget:
More simple tips from

Switch to fat-free or low-fat milk.

* Fat-free and low-fat milk have the same amount of calcium and other essential nutrients as whole milk, but less fat and fewer calories.
* If you are lactose intolerant, try lactose-free milk or a calcium-fortified soy beverage.

Vary your protein choices.

* Eat a variety of foods each week from the protein food group like seafood, nuts and beans, as well as lean meat, poultry and eggs.
* Eat more plant-based proteins such as nuts, beans, whole grains and whole soy foods like tofu and edamame.
* At least twice a week, make fish and seafood the protein on your plate.
* Keep meat and poultry portions lean and limit to three ounces per meal.

Friday, February 10, 2012


I have to admit I've had some fearful thoughts about food freedom. "What if I can't keep this up? What if this doesn't work AGAIN. I'm tired of failing." oooo yucky. Those are logical thoughts? Logically dangerous! That kind of thinking means I'm making it about me. If I could do it, I would have done it already. Duh! That I-gene is a sneaky one! (I named her.) Today was a good day because food was the last thing on my mind (PRAISE JESUS HALLELUJAH!) But the trick came when I realized that. Instead of the usual condemnation/need-self-improvement trap I fall into, Igene sneaked stealthily in on me with some self-praise. "Look how great "I" am doing." I bought into it! BOO! At supper time I did overeat a bit. As a dietitian, I would have to say that calorie-wise it still wasn't too bad when looking at it from a weekly perspective. But eating is not the real issue here, although Igene likes for me to think it is. The harm was that I ate supper thinking about her----the old me---the nature that has been discarded----the old girl I created---my imaginary self. I identified with THAT mess for a meal! I knew the real me was full and satisfied. I didn't want any more and kept eating anyway. I ate because "I" stepped up to the plate. I slipped up when I started getting a little big-headed about my performance. That's not freedom. Freedom is freedom myself (imaginary self.) I was thinking I was doing so great, then I blew it (on a heart level.) No matter if it she is behaving GOOD or if she is BAD, I identified with HER instead of resting as my true reality self. After I identified with her (based on MY good behavior), she became hungry and I fed her well. After I completed an action based on that belief (overeating,) the affirming thoughts quickly turned into accusation. "Look what you did! You blew it again. And you thought you were doing so great. How dare you think so highly of yourself." Now I have to change my mind from feeling bad that I fell for it. Great! Another thing to get right-minded about. (Again about me...can you hear it?) I catch myself thinking, and then get my thinking straight. If it is not me doing it, then how can I fail? I remind myself who I really am, and that I do not want to feed who I am not. If you want to know the truth about it, it is impossible for me to fail because Jesus did not fail. Not because I'm as good as he is, but because it actually IS him. We traded, remember? When I forget that, I end up eating 1/2 a piece of garlic bread too much. Even if I-gene distracts me and I stumble into a pit, I'll get back up. Who I am is so hidden in the ONE who CAN and DID do it, that I can't tell the difference. That's the real me.---It's WE. It's HE in ME! I'm hungrier for freedom than the spectacular spaghetti Wayne made for supper.

1 string cheese.
1 sissy coffee.
1 mini powdered donut.
1/2 sweet tea + 1/2 unsweet tea.
Water water water.
3/4 cup chicken and dumplings.
1/2 cup peas and carrots.
1" x 1" cornbread. (That's pretty much two bites.)
1/4 cup diabetic pudding dessert that was really yummy.
6 corn nuggets.
1 big o' yummy salad with feta cheese and peppercorn ranch.
1 1/2 pieces of garlic bread.
1 cup spaghetti and meat sauce.
Lots of water.

Nutrition Nugget
Why reinvent the wheel? Sticking with The American Dietetic Association simple tips on their website in honor of Nutrition Month coming up in March.

Make at least half your grains whole.

* Choose brown rice, barley and oats and other whole grains for your sides and ingredients.
* Switch to 100-percent whole-grain breads, cereals and crackers.
* Check the ingredients list on food packages to find foods that are made with whole grains.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Really Good Day

I stocked up on some fresh fruits at the grocery store yesterday. This is my idea of planning ahead. I love fruit and it is something I can quickly grab when I'm in a hurry. This morning I ate one apple, string cheese, and sissified coffee on the way into work. I worked through lunch because I wanted to leave early to go to Knoxville for a Bible study. I was so hungry when I left work I was shaking, but I brought me an apple and enjoyed that on the way home. So here is the part where I shout out to my friend Terry and compliment myself. Every time I am around her, I find out that we are more similar than I thought! And she is on a mission to make the cover dish from Southern Living. She made us baked banana pudding from scratch...you know the kind with meringue on top. I SAVORED it! Totally hit the spot. I was thankful for a day of spared calories because it made it even that much more sweet. I've had a bit of trouble with banana allergy in the past. Trust me, it was well worth the itching-potential. My stomach started getting a tad upset, and even though it was worth it, I did pray for healing and it went as fast as it came. Ha ha ha! Yes, I will be eating more banana pudding in the future and hopefully lots of it. Mark taught on communion...The way it is supposed to be. It was such good word. Even though we had big crunchy crackers and cran-grape juice, I couldn't help but think about the things Jesus ate as he celebrated his life here. Jesus had fun. He partied all the time. He was accused of being a drunkard and a glutton. He experienced some good eatin'! But you know what...food didn't have him. As I awaken more and more to who I REALLY, REALLY AM, the more I realize food doesn't have me either. So when we grabbed pizza afterward, I enjoyed 1 1/2 pieces. I was well satisfied, but not stuffed. I ate it because I wanted to, and because I was hungry. When we got home, habit sent me a message that said I needed to eat just because I was home. The real me didn't want to. So I didn't. I'm already excited about what tomorrow will bring and the freedom I get to enjoy with food on the side. I was telling Bronda about this, and that I think I've finally found my path to freedom from food. She made a statement I will never forget because everything Bronda says is important. "The reason we overeat is because we are trying to feed a lack." Sheeeeewww! THAT is some good "eating" right there! That sums it up for me! Lack is like a black hole. What you feed it to try to appease it just increases the lack because there is nothing that can ever satisfy it. Nothing can fill up a lack-hole because lack doesn't exist. How can you fill up something imaginary? Trying to fill it up just makes you more aware of how empty it is. It makes you feel lack even more and have a desire to fill it with even more. Trying to fix the lack causes a vicious cycle for sure! Eating out of lack just makes me want to eat more. Hello Weight Gain! The "her" I refer to is someone I created. "She" is my lack. Lack doesn't exist because the truth is that we lack nothing. I will look to my right. I will agree with The Truth. My actions will follow my belief. I lack nothing. Therefore I will eat because I have a hunger and because I want to. I will choose more healthful things because I have a desire for them. Also I want to take care of this temple that I live in. I will not eat to try to fill an imaginary need.

Nutritional Nugget
Eating right is just as simple as the gospel and also like the gospel you have to have help to misunderstand it. The American Dietetic Association has some really good simple tips on their website in honor of Nutrition Month coming up in March. The following was taken from that:

Make half your plate fruits and vegetables.

* Eat a variety of vegetables, especially dark-green, red and orange varieties, as well as beans and peas.
* When buying canned vegetables, choose "reduced sodium" or "no salt added" whenever possible. Rinsing whole varieties like beans, corn and peas can also reduce sodium levels.
* Dried and frozen fruits and those canned in water or their own juice are good options when fresh varieties are not available.
* Make sure every meal and snack has at least one fruit or vegetable or both.

Feeding Reality M.E.

This morning I woke up grumpy. It's my own fault. I stayed up too late last night pondering on my blog. (Fun you get for the fun you have.) I was grumpy and actually thought to myself, "I do not have the energy to "be good." I'm going to have to blow it for my own sanity." Then just like that, the strength came riding in on a revelation that I am not who my flesh says I am. As a child of the Most High, I will not allow circumstances to dictate/control my behaviors. I actually believe that because I "gave up" first thing this morning, today ended up being a very good day. I've had good days in a row before, but something is definitely different. The amazing thing is that every other time I've had a burst of energy to run this race because of something revealed to me, the excitement seems to dwindle as the days progress. I become distracted with my life I created. Every time I ate today, I was so encouraged and empowered because I'm not allowing "her" to pick my food choices. The freedom is more addicting than any comfort food I've ever put in my mouth. The real me was fed today too. I love my long commutes because I get two hours a day of Word, quiet time, and worship. When I have a choice to eat something, I remind myself who it is I'm eating for. This decision is easy now that I recognize even more that I am not fighting "her." I just choose for today who I will serve and what I will serve Reality me. This feels easy and it works for me. But grace is not a magic potion. A relationship with him allows us to allow him to meet us right where we are. When we rest in him, he carries us where we need to go. It's a rest of our mind...a total trust. I am ready to forget "her." Already looking forward to feeding me tomorrow. Reality M.E., that is. It was a little scary to think I might live without "her." I was very protective because I made her. I desire freedom more than I desire trying to keep her alive. There is no struggle any more. How can I struggle with something imaginary?

I ate a ham and cheese wrap to the tune of 270 calories.
Sissy coffee.
3 oz of hamburger steak. 1/2 small potato. A roll. 1/4 cup of yummy macaroni salad. unsweet tea.
Water and lots of it.
A few sips of sweet tea.
2 apples.
1 string cheese.
I went walking.
Grocery shopping and I did NOT get Krispy Kremes even though I went VERY hungry. I didn't even have a desire for them and last week, they were like my favorite thing even if I wasn't hungry.
I bought feta cheese for a salad I was intending to eat when I got home. I got home very late. I had assumed everyone would have already eaten....Well, I didn't eat a salad. Wayne was waiting on me to get home so we could eat together. We had meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and yummy green beans. So sweet.

Nutritional Nugget
March is National Nutrition Month! Straight from eatright.org "Simple Tips From Registered Dietitians Make It Easy to 'Get Your Plate in Shape' This National Nutrition Month"

"Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products contain the nutrients we need to maintain healthy lifestyles," says registered dietitian and Academy Spokesperson Andrea Giancoli. "Make sure your eating plan includes foods from all the food groups and in appropriate portions. USDA's MyPlate is a great tool to guide and help us be mindful of the foods that make up our balanced eating plan."

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


I didn't feed "her" today. I'm still aware she is there, and still having trouble "turning my eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. And the (imaginary distractions/)things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of his glory and grace." But I didn't feed her! She threw a fit for some stuff. I reminded myself, "There is no spoon." I don't want to keep feeding my distraction no matter how hard she kicks and screams. (Gosh, do I sound Schizo or what?) For those not exactly up-to-date, The "Her-distraction" I'm referring to is my Old nature that I just am having a hard time letting go. Previous posts might help this make more sense.

FLOG: (Food-Log)
3/4 cups of homemade, yummy in my tummy, whole wheat pancakes with small amount of syrup.
1 cup orange juice.
Coffee....SISSIED UP!
An apple.
3 oz pulled pork with BBQ sauce.
Corn on the cob.
1/2 cup baked beans.
3/4 cup potato salad.
Water. Water. Water. and more Water.

Yep, a bit hungry before bed, but joy comes in the morning! Ha Ha!

Nutrition Nugget:
I chose what I ate today with carbohydrate portions in mind. I know I've posted about carbs before, but here is a friendly reminder. All carbs are not created equally. The more whole the food, the better for you. Carb foods will come from milk, fruit, and starches like grains, corn, peas, and beans. Veggies have some too, but its quite a bit lower and usually the carb is more fiber. As always, portion sizes are important. I posted a list of portion sizes back in the summer.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The "Right" Way

I am about to get extremely weirdo up in here.

Until tonight, I had not put words to my most recent ponder about pulverizing some L-Bs. I do appreciate hiding from the world behind a monitor. I'm not sure I could show my true colors face to face. I do understand that is highly ironic giving that if I told you, I could easily deny it and internet never forgets. My vulnerable rear end could be plastered on a billboard along the information highway FOREVER. Still, something about this feels so liberating.

I realize that I have eluded to this before. Sometimes I feel like I'm going around in circles. Even though I keep getting a glimpse of the same view, it feels deeper and more real every time I circle it. One day, I expect to "see."

This is what it has been like to be me... I am standing between two ways of thinking. On my right stands my perfect Father who is preparing me as a bride for his son. He stands patiently knowing that I will choose the "right" way. It's literally the only way. He is full of everything wonderful, lovely, and good. I can feel his gaze on me. He is pleased with me. He is patient. He smiles. I feel real with him. Of course I'll choose him. How could I not? But I am distracted. On my left there is a life I have made. It's my life, but it's not my reality. Reality is only to my right. Why do I put so much energy to the ways of the left? Because I made it, that's why. I'm having a hard time letting her go. I have no idea why, and really I don't think the "why" matters. I created her. She's not real. She's a figment of my imagination. She's an imaginary "friend." She's been nothing but a distraction. Nothing good ever came from her, and nothing good can, because she doesn't even exist. She is not my reality. I know I have a personality that has a hard time letting go of things especially relationships. I actually believe I know her. Sounds crazy. Am I afraid of reality me? Am I so prideful that I can't release the "self" that Jesus came to rescue me from? I'm not a fool. I know where my bread and butter is. My oh my, I have a hard time saying good bye. I "worked" on her for decades. I built her. I esteemed her. She is still more familiar to me at times than the real me. The new me. This is a decision to let my "old man" die. I haven't done it. Just because I created her, I want to keep her alive so I've literally been feeding her. ...and she's a big'un.

I heard someone share a morbid dream publicly, but I'm so sorry I can't remember who it was. It has a good interpretation. In the dream, there were babies. One was born deformed and was bleeding out the eyes. That is the baby she kept trying to nurse. Her husband (who represented God,) came in and said, "why are you nursing that baby. You need to let it die." When she woke up, she realized that she was "feeding" distractions in her life that she needed to allow to die and focus on the creations that were real and full of life. Nurse the healthy babies.

I went walking tonight with a dear friend, and that is when I put words to my ponder. I got to the part where I said, "I've literally been feeding a me that is not reality just because I made her and want to keep her alive. I'm going to let her starve!" Then my friend calmly says, "Instead of trying to kill her, why not just realize she doesn't exist."
Um....yeah. Um...that's what I meant. I had forgotten another truth..."fighting" or "rebelling" against something means you still believe in it.

This is "Matix" stuff!
"Don't try to bend the spoon, that's impossible. Only try to see the truth. There is no spoon. Then you will see that it is not the spoon that bends, but yourself." ---Weird Spoon-bender Kid with the sweet voice.

I've been crucified with Christ. Lord, help me see the truth. Looking forward to choosing the "right" way and leaving behind all ME-distraction.

FLOG Time!
I've not Food-logged in a while.
1 cup Fiber One cereal with skim milk.
Coffee (Yes it had creamer! Only sissy coffee for me.)
A few bites of a cheeseburger. (That was on the menu at lunch today at my work.)
1/2 cup french fries with ketchup.
1 chocolate chip cookie.
Unsweetened tea.
Then some REAL sweet tea and it was good, but I only drank a little bit.
An apple.
Salad with craisins and ranch. Mmmmm!
Water Water Water
Small portion of meatloaf.
Small portion of mashed potatoes.
Yummy home-grown corn off the cob.
Small, tiny, baby slice of fudge pie that was unbelievably yummy, but I didn't even want any more.
Water Water Water.

So it's not perfect, but it's real, and it is better. Wins would be only a tiny bit of fluids containing calories. Better intake of fiber. Way smaller portions.

Nutritional Nugget:
I was supposed to take fish oil supplements when I was pregnant with Luke. Um...it wasn't happening. I was sooooooooooooooooooo sick. I took a multivitamin like a good girl, but that nasty fish oil did nothing to help my feeling like I was strapped to the bow of a deep sea fishing boat. Whoa! Disgusting! I quickly got a taste aversion to fish. I'm pretty much back to normal now, but still a little leary of that after-fish taste. Blagh! Here are some things that I read to help keep those fishy bubbles from floating to the surface.
1. Take fish oil capsules with food as in the largest meal of the day.
2. Try a higher-quality supplement. Look for enteric-coated capsules.
3. Switch to spoonable fish oil.

Winter Suit

I haven't taken time to post, but it is not because I have writer's block. I keep getting awesome-(to-me) things to share, but I continually choose things like sleep over my dear digital counselor. I decided tonight I need to get a few things out before visiting dream land even if that is currently my favorite place to "rest."

Here are a few tidbits of light that i have been walking in the last little bit...

"Appetite is a form of getting." (sigh) "Getting" implies that I have a need or lack. The truth is I lack nothing. I've been given all things. But I still am "feeding" something.

I literally feel like I'm WEARING something that doesn't belong to me. (BIG WIN.) But it is still not something I can throw off over night. I'm content, but I also see more everyday that this thing I wear is not me. ....Not the REAL me.

I know better. Yes, I do. I KNOW that I can't do it. Do you know what I've been DOING? I've been trying to use grace to get-er-done myself. That is crazy-inappropriate. I'm so sorry. Grace is not a tool. HE is a being.

But tonight, I realize that I have analyzed and diagnosed myself literally toward death. As I wake up more and more to his sweet truth, I realize that the reason I wear this cushiony skin is not the issue. It just doesn't matter why or how. I've been trained to find the problem and present a solution. That's my job. All day long I write things like: "Involuntary weight gain related to excessive calorie-dense foods as evidenced by 7% significant weight increase in one month." Well...I do this to myself. I've found LOTS of reasons for my weight. Even though they are valid, they really do not matter. It's a form of focusing on an imaginary thing. It's not me and that's it. I know I will realize this more and more. Even now I still feel a bit of a strain between my mindsets...old man verses new man. Flesh verses Spirit. I keep wanting to do/try/get with my own effort...own revelations...own magic potion formula. (Audrey, please quit it for real.)

Even though I know I'm not all the way awake, I think I'm stirring. This week I have exercised almost everyday. I'm craving more healthy stuff. I chose more water. Why? Because I wanted to. No effort about it. Oh, I wasn't perfect. I know I also ate stuff that would not promote weight loss. I don't have a perfect handle on all this, but I do know that the more I wake up to real truth and just quit trying myself, the easier and sweeter this old winter suit will melt right off for the spring time.

Nutritional Nugget:
So apparently strapping on those yoga pants for more than just the elastic band after a full meal is beneficial for glucose control. Yep. Yoga helps diabetics. I really like yoga (and the pants) although it's been a while since I've attended a class. Yoga is a great stress-reliever and great exercise. Both are things needed for a diabetic. Did I ever tell you that sometimes stress can elevate a blood sugar worse than chocolate covered oatmeal cream pie? A person with diabetes partaking in physical activity like this should take the usual precautions by checking the glucose levels to see how the new activity is affecting their blood sugar. Protect feet. Avoid getting too hot. (Hot Yoga is probably not a good idea for a diabetic. Check with the MD.)
I have these pants! My favorite. It sounds cooler saying, "Yoga pants" than, "stay-at-home-mom, favoritest, fat pants ever!"

Nutritional Nugget Reference from: "Today's Dietitian." Vol 14. No. 1. January 2012. Jennifer Van Pelt, MA.

Guide to Undereating

The last six months of documenting my weight loss journey has been very healing and productive for my heart as far as changing my way of thinking. I guess I could say that I've overcome dangerous eating. There have been some definite peaks and valleys, but all in all, I have stopped gaining weight. I believe I could even classify this as a victory over a food addiction in some ways. I was on a steady weight incline that needed to be stopped. Even though it is a very slow weight loss, it is obvious that I have not arrived. In a practical sense, I have to say that it is rather difficult for me to under eat. I've trained my body well to feel satisfied at a certain too-full level. I really think the best way to go about this is to schedule snacks and regular meals. Plan ahead for more healthful things. Fiber makes us feel more full. I know when I eat lots of fiber in the morning, I don't feel hungry at all then all the sudden my belly growls at me. I LOVE it when that happens!

Nutritional Nugget:

I recently read an article in "Today's Dietitian" about our friendly neighborhood Omega-3s. New research suggest that these fatty acids can help mild to major depression, Postpartum depression, and other mood disorders like bipolar and schizophrenia. (I don't know about you, but I can think of a couple of peeps who could use a good dose of Omega-3.) There are three categories of these fatty acids, but the ones that help with the mood disorders are the EPA and DHA. These will be found in the fat that keeps fish warm as opposed to the ALA which are plant-based food sources like seeds and nuts. Salmon, mackerel, halibut, sardines, tuna, and herring are the trophy DHA and EPA sources.