Thursday, January 3, 2013

Enjoying the Present

Living in the present is one of the most life changing revelations I believe one can wake up to.  It means being content, rested, and just enjoying life.  But there are some simple pleasures that make living the present even more enjoyable when we look forward to them.  One of my favorite things about Christmas is the anticipation of it.  One of the best things about waking up in the morning is getting to try a new flavor of coffee that Santa Claus filled my stocking with this year.  And at the end of the day,  I look forward to some yoga pants. One of my all time Favorites mentioned how looking forward to parts of the daily routine helps her make it through the day as a mother of toddlers. 

Enjoying the present is such a big part of my weight loss journey. Maybe even more than I ever realized.   I enjoy reading recipes that might be tasty and healthful.  I like planning menus, and learning new things about health.  I also enjoy doing stuff in general a lot better because my energy level has increased.  I really think enjoyement IS Living in the present.

To think of where I NEED to be or place any sort of expectation on myself only brings counterproductive emotions.  I might feel overwhelmed or discouraged. If I let it go too far, I might even feel depressed until I'm in such a hole, it will take a right-minded person to throw me a lifeline.   Any negative emotion is only a warning light that I have a way of thinking contrary to reality.   I'm thankful for all emotions because they are indicators of where my heart is.  Happiness is an emotion and I believe an indicator that we are living in the present.  Resting. Inner peace.  Walking in peace...whatever you want to call it.

So I look forward to my yoga pants.  And I'll put on my tennis shoes.  Then I'll read my exercise plan and walk out the door or maybe Just Dance on the Wii with the boys.  I used to think exercise was something I MUST do to Be, and therefore it only reminded me of an imaginary bondage.   Now it's not a burden, but a pleasure.  It's part of my present.  Health can be and is enjoyable. 

What things do you enjoy that promote the freedom of health? 

Nutrition Nugget
I'm still hungry for soup.  We LOVE potato soup at our house.  It can be a super-quick crowd pleaser,  or a savory comfort food.  It can be dolled up healthfully of course.

The super quick, no mess potato soup.  Not amazingly nutritious, oh so yummy.

Boil A bag of frozen potatoes (Hash browns) with a little salt and some pepper.
Drain.  Add in some sour cream,  cheese and milk.  More pepper if needed.  Simmer carefully with stirring because of the milk.

But today I was thinking of a more healthful loaded potato soup.  I've made this before.

Dice potatoes and chop broccoli.  Boil together.  Maybe even throw in some diced carrots or celery.  Add a little salt and some pepper.  Add a little garlic and diced onions if you want.  Drain.  Add milk and throw in some cheese. If it isn't creamy enough,  add some low sodium cream of chicken.

Any potato soup can be powered up with puréed cauliflower.

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