Saturday, October 27, 2012

Condemnation Criminal

I was looking through some documents tonight and I found this one among several others that I never posted.  I wrote this one back in June, but that sneaky condemnation still pokes his head where it doesn't belong from time to time.  Condemnation reminds me of Swiper on Dora The Explorer.  "Swiper, No Swiping!  Swiper, No Swiping!"   ...."Condemnation, No Condemning!"

 Condemnation Criminal
Going along in life, minding my own business when suddenly out of nowhere, I get attacked by a thief who stole LIFE from me! Condemnation came for a visit. (Hate that guy!)

I ate really well that day with calories to spare. I was feeling a bit hungry around 10:00 at night, but I figured I was just craving energy that could be satisfied with sleep. The cinnamon rolls Wayne was baking in the oven smelled heavenly, but I still felt no desire to have one. That is when I looked in my camera and found a picture of me that caused a BIG ruckus. I haven’t seen that much of me in a long time.

Negative emotions swept over me. I felt disappointed with myself for letting myself get that way. I felt I needed to “fix” that image and was overwhelmed thinking about the effort it would take to do so. I said jokingly, “Well, I guess I won’t be having any cinnamon rolls. Ha Ha Ha.” Oh No! Those words broke open the jail cell and condemnation invaded my freedom.

Guess what?  I ate two cinnamon rolls. I was driven to eat them out of an emotion from lack. "I CAN'T have them because I need fixing."   YUCK! I let my guard down and the thief came in and robbed my peace. I forgot who I was for a moment, became self-conscious, and did something I did not want to do.  Fortunately, I did not get condemned over feeling condemned.

Right then, I decided to recover my sight, and I stopped making choices based on that moment. The next morning I had a renewed mercy on myself and reminded myself that I am the innocent one. You know? There are lots of good people who make responsible choices and are driven to live “right” by the emotion of guilt. I don’t want condemnation to be my father of my actions no matter how good it makes me look on the outside. I’m not an orphan. The outward changes in me are birthed from a heavenly Father who loves me and sees no flaw in me. Having that inner awareness is causing my appearance to reflect what my heart believes. I’m a child of a Father who loves me, and therefore protected and safe in a place of rest, peace, and freedom from food. I am innocent, and condemnation has no right to influence me. Only in this freedom true “change” comes.

Nutritional Nugget
I've been thinking about breastfeeding recently.  I've decided to share on this subject for a little while.  It is a topic I really find facinating and one near and dear to my heart.  (Ha!)   It's the perfect nutrition for a wee babe.  Here are a few of my favorite tips.
  •  If it hurts, baby isn't latched right.  Don't sit there and take one for the team.  If it hurts, the baby is not drinking effeciently anyway.  To unlatch, stick you pinky in baby's mouth to release the suction, then try latching again.  A white line or blister on the nipple is an indication of poor latch. 
  • I loved a group of ladies I used to work with.  When a mom was nursing in the hospital they would send her a cabbage leaf on her meal tray.  This is an old wives home remedy that is said to sooth sore nipples.
  • Another sore-booby trick is to take two of baby's diapers and fill them with water and freeze.  They make perfect little ice packs.  It is also funny to have to explain to visitors who make themselves at home with your freezer. 
More tips to come. 

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