Saturday, March 9, 2013

The Apple Theives and Cinnamon

We had overnight company last week.  I wanted them to feel as comfortable in our home as I did when I stayed with my most special com-padre' in the world, Kathrin.  When I arrived to her German home, they had a saucer filled with all sorts of fruits and goodies for me to eat during my stay.  I always loved this, so I was excited to get to do it for our friends.  I filled a bowl with granola bars, candy bars, and apples.  The only problem is that we have three, always-hungry boys in the house who kept helping themselves to the bedside bowl before our guests arrived.  I couldn't get them in trouble, though, because I was just so proud.  A bowl full of goodies and they kept eating the apples out of it! They never even touched the candy.  I'm so proud that it is just in them to make the healthful choices.  Of course that is not always the case, but it showed me they have it in them.

Nutritional Nugget:  Cinnamon

I made a recipe tonight and decided to add cinnamon.  I think herbs and spices are so dandy.   They add flavor allowing the elimination of salt, but also provide health benefits. I've spoken of cinnamon before, but just felt I wanted to mention some of the health benefits again..

There are many inconclusive studies regarding cinnamon.  Some research says that cinnamon helps to regulate blood sugar which is just super cool.  Other research is still pending regarding reducing cholesterol, yeast infections, and arthritic pain. One piece of research said cinnamon helps prevent the spreading of cancer cells. It's a natural preservative. Some believe it helps with menstrual pain and infertility as well as help to balance hormones. Some research also says that cinnamon helps to decrease the inflammation associated with neurological diseases.

Some people (like one our favorite people in the whole world) have cinnamon allergies.  Too much might cause irritation to the mouth.


1 comment:

  1. :) Finally caught up on your blog. Miss you, friend!
