Monday, March 4, 2013

Vegetables and Spicy Black Beans

 I've been finding it a pleasure to go grocery shopping, and loving that I've realized I will purchase more vegetables than needed if I go to the store hungry.   Wayne and I had a conversation about increasing the overall nutritive value of the family menu.  We were finding that our boys, who have always eaten well for us, were holding out for less nutritious snacks.   I don't quite know how it improved.  I just know that I decided I was not going to be a Sugar Nazi, but just continue to add nutrient-dense items with the meals.  Almost overnight we are finding a nutrition evolution of  our family meals.  Three times this week we have had vegetarian suppers with big compliments from the boys....even some hugs for such a great dinner.  Nothing has been really spectacular or difficult.  When given the choice, they like healthy food.  I get lots of questions like, "What is the good stuff that is in cabbage?"  It makes for some good family conversation over the dinner table.  Once this week, Jack didn't like the flavor of something, but he ate it anyway just because I told him how good it was for him.  For now, simple is best.  They eat steamed or roasted, plain vegetables better than things like butternut squash soup.  I have also been having them pick out the fresh produce when they are with me at the store.  We are still not perfect, but much improved.  I try to get a variety of veggies, but not over do it.  In the past I might buy too much and become frustrated when they just end up rotting in the refrigerator.  I'm finding that less is more even if it means stopping at the store a few more times during the week.  The Internet makes preparing vegetables so easy.   Even if I go shopping without a plan, I can find quick recipes and cooking methods online for whatever veg I had a hankering for in the grocery store.   Vegetables are so easy to fix even if just throwing a bunch in a pot and steaming for quick and easy meal with little clean up.  For those quick meal needs, I keep the brown rice boil-in-bag on hand.   I have literally stocked the pantry with all kinds of beans because lately I cannot get enough.  I have wanted to eat them every night for supper.  I'm hungry for beans and rice right now! I lost my favorite spicy black bean recipe, so I have been experimenting.  I finally have one I can live with, and it is VERY easy and quick.   Serve over brown rice and enjoy!

Audrey's As-The-Spirit-Leads Spicy Black Beans

2 cans black beans,  low sodium if possible.
1 can diced tomatoes with chilies, drained.
1/2 onion, diced
1/2 red pepper diced
2 cloves garlic, pressed
1/2 jalapeño diced
2 tablespoons olive oil
Black pepper, Red pepper, Cumin, Cilantro flakes as the spirit leads

Sauté the garlic, onions, and red bell pepper in the olive oil until onions are transparent.   Add the remaining ingredients.  Simmer.  Leftover beans are even better!

Nutritional Nugget
Black Beans the musical fruit......
No, seriously.  Black beans are super good for us.  1 cup has about 220 calories and 15 grams of fiber!  They also have phytochemicals which are the  goodies that give produce their colors and help fight things like cancers.  Beans are high in protein and  become complete when combined with a grain such as brown rice.

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