Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 6 Food For Thought: A Break In The Chain

So I've been making better choices, but I had a bit of a struggle today. My body was REALLY trying to maintain its weight or something. I think I must have lost a little because I acted like I was starving all day. I cooked an awesome supper..roast with low fat gravy, zucchini fresh from the garden (thanks, Nana) steamed carrots, mashed potatoes and cornbread. I didn't overeat although I wanted to. We got the boys to bed then I started losing a late night battle with myself over some more roast and gravy. So I did the thing I knew I would regret later, I got seconds. After all, I was feeling hungry and it was so yummy. I was tired. It had been a long, busy day, but a good day. All that added up to me wanting to end my day with food. I knew I should not deep down, but flesh was pulling on that tug of war rope hard and my inner man just didn't have it in me. I ate one bite of my yummy roast then Benjamin Jude woke up. As I was putting him back to bed, I heard a still small voice. (That always seems to happen around Ben Dudey.) “The way you feel when you carry this weight is not worth it. You are worth feeling good.” That was enough encouragement to get me back on the right track. I went back downstairs. I did eat one more bite, but then I put the rest away. As soon as I did that, I knew deep on the inside that all day I thought I had been fighting the desire of my hungry flesh, when really I was hungry for spiritual food—some quality time with the bread of life. I got ready for bed and found myself anxious to get there for some quiet time. After just a few minutes, I found true nourishment and felt so at peace and free, once again, from food. What I discovered is that today food was a distraction as it has been so often in my past. I have been a bit overwhelmed in my thinking lately so I habitually go worship at the alter of food without even realize I'm doing it. When I'm distracted by feeding my face, it is difficult to hear that satisfying voice of my father. It was more than an emotional warning sign. Now I see that when I war against the flesh, I take this journey into my own strength instead of resting in his gentle grace to carry me through it.

Wins for today
1.I ate a small banana split and I enjoyed it. Turns out food is even more pleasurable when you quit concentrating on being a food hoarder and just eat for nourishment and joy.

Nutritional Nugget
Fiber, Fiber, and more Fiber! Strive for at least 25 grams. (14 grams for every 1000 calories you need. 5 grams plus age for a child.) Be sure to increase drinking water or you might think you have eaten brick mortar. Fiber helps in weight loss, regularity, glucose control, cholesterol reduction, among other things. It's not as hard as you think to get plenty. I like double fiber bread. 5 grams per slice so a sandwich at lunch is 10 grams!

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