Monday, October 10, 2011

Needing A Reboot In The Rear

I've done it again. I allowed myself to focus on the "problem" therefore strengthening it. It is time for me to be right-minded which is to think of me the way the one who created me thinks of me. I've been swallowed by Fat Me. It is time to squeeze out of this fleshly-minded cage and once again be birthed into who I really, really am. I've not posted in some days for a reason. Yes, I have been busy. But the real truth is, I've allowed myself to spiral into the self-accusation, condemnation, guilty as charged, shameful vortex. This way of thinking not only makes me want to hide and never show myself in public again, but it makes me want to eat. It doesn't make me want to eat spinach smoothies either. I've not gained weight, but I've rehashed some pretty nasty habits that might lead to weight gain. I'm once again embarrassed to be seen. In reality, this way of thinking only exists in my mind. It is a real problem because I make it real. It is time for me to humble myself, be kind and forgiving to myself, quit putting pressure on myself to DO, and stop seeing myself through the eyes of Fat Me. It's time for me to rest in truth. I am not my weight. I am content where I am right now. I can rest and allow change to come to me effortlessly. Every once in a while, I just think I need a reboot in the rear to kick me into the right way of thinking.


Nutritional Nugget: Pumpkins!

I made some brownies for a health fair-type thing. I pushed the nutritional limit on these things just to see how far I could go. I've made chocolate cake with pumpkin before and they were really yummy, but this time I added a whole 26 oz can of pumpkin to a dark chocolate cake mix. They were so heavy and moist, it was more of a brownie texture. I loved them. The thing to remember is THEY ARE STILL BROWNIES! Just because they are loaded with all that good beta carotene doesn't mean we can eat the whole pan. I also learned from my friend (and relative) Drucilla, that she makes the chocolate cake without any eggs and oil. I choose her recipe!

Pumpkin Chocolate Cake

1 chocolate cake mix
1 cup pumpkin puree
1/4 cup water.

That's it!

Pumpkin is super nutritious. Not only are they low in calories and high in fiber, but they contain loads of beta carotene which is a precursor for vitamin A. The beta carotene acts as an antioxidant which protects us from free radicals and may prevent cancer. It is also said to have immune-boosting and anti-aging qualities.

Something I also learned this week is how easy it is to cook a pumpkin. I always just bought the pumpkin in a can to have on hand. Now I understand that you can take a whole pumpkin, wash the outside, stab it a few times with a knife for ventilation, and put the whole thing on a baking sheet in the oven. Apparently, the seeds are easier to take out once it is roasted and the sides just scrape out easily. You will know the pumpkin is done when a fork or knife can be inserted easily. A big pumpkin will go a long way. I plan to freeze pumpkin in one cup servings in freezer bags.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, if we could only see ourselves like our real friends do...I think you are beautiful, just the way you are. :) I'm still cracking up that you thought you were being like "me" funny, I've had one spinach smoothie in like three months. SO THERE! lol
