Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Change in the Dressing Room

I've had a very slow weight loss, but not enough that would warrant a new wardrobe. The days leading up to New Year's Eve, I think I can safely say I was sitting in the dark. I woke up with the wrong way of thinking about weight loss for the new year, but then I snapped back into a higher reality and realized that I don't need a resolution. I just needed to give up. YEARS of TRYING to get somewhere has gotten me nowhere fast. The light came on and with it was a decision to rest and be content and just let the Lord give me grace for grace to overcome this. It was a mindset that even if I never lost another pound, I'm happy now. Grace came with the light, and the grace is still here. Instead of walking in the light, this grace seems to be making me leap down it, and I will explain more on that in posts to come. I'm happy with where and who I am. I'm fully content and persuaded. This is the proof in the pudding...I went clothes shopping this week. I have ALWAYS HATED, LOATHED, and DESPISED shopping for clothes for me. ALWAYS in the past I looked at the girl in the dressing room mirrors with disgust. Those florescent lights are just right to point out every flab and flaw. ALWAYS I thought I shouldn't spend money on clothes for "her" because I had intentions of losing weight. I didn't want to waste money on the imperfect girl in the mirror. This time my thinking was unexplainably changed. Even if I drop 30 pounds tomorrow, I'm going to dress up that person I see today and be happy doing it. Don't get me wrong...I still didn't buy anything that screamed out, "Fat Roll Here!" But it felt good to be satisfied. Even if the "flaws" I have today never leave, I'm happy. No matter if I change at all, the truth is still the truth. It was a definite change in the dressing room. I'm content today. Finally it feels like I'm dressing in the "right" light. I know that my Father will carry me the rest of way on this journey, but even if he wouldn't, I'm happy right where I am. Thank God for the light switch being stuck on in 2012. Best year yet!

Nutritional Nugget:
It is strange how excited I am to introduce my flog-readers to "Wet Nesting." In the food service world, it is a big no no to dry dishes with anything but air, but that doesn't mean we can put clean dishes up wet. Finding clean and wet dishes put up in my facilities could win me a state tag of shame. The reason is because some anaerobic critters thrive in moisture areas like that. I've known people who have pulled out dishes they haven't used in a while that are fuzzy with some sort of growth. DIS-GU-STING! The plate WAS clean before putting it up, but it just wasn't dry. The dish became a vacation spot for a little bug and a billion of his closest friends. This is really easy to prevent. Wash your dishes well, then put them away after they have had time to air dry.

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