Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Lesson To Learn

I was telling Wayne that an dear friend gave me some old pictures of me teaching a Kid's Night Out for Halloween many, many years ago. I was cute as a button. (Wink.) I told Wayne that I remember wearing that costume and feeling extremely fat, but I wasn't. Then Wayne says to me, "Did you learn your lesson?" I said, "Yes. I wasn't fat then and I wish I had known it." So then he says, "No. I mean about now. You always think you are fat when you are not."

.....um, that hit me like ton of bricks. It has really stuck with me. He's right, and I still have not learned my lesson. Learning this lesson is now my new goal. I knew about being content and seeing myself as at the finish line, but he totally revealed my heart to me. I can't do it. If I could have I would have. And that is why the best days I have with eating are the ones when I wake up and admit to myself I can't do it and allow his grace to overcome me. The reason I still weigh heavy on the scale is because I think I can. I regularly forget that I can't. When I "fail," I feel condemned and guilty. Then that overwhelming feeling increases my desire for food and draws me into a terrible cycle. I'm thankful my heart was revealed to me. It is a humble lesson to learn.

Nutritional Nugget:
"When in doubt, Throw it out." Period. I don't care if it is an 88 cent can of sweet corn or $16 a pound steak. Nothing is worth the chance of being sick. Just throw it out.

1 comment:

  1. nice blog and it is very difficult to understand the real you, so don't worrie, everything will be fine...
