Saturday, May 11, 2013

Wayne's Revelation of Health

I am more excited about this post than anything ever.  I can't even decide what to title it because it is just so huge within me right now.   This is a game changer.  Wayne is always doing this to me....FOR me.   He gets these revelations that absolutely change my life.  This revelation is from a guy who now has lost 21 pounds in five weeks.  Overnight a desire for health was birthed in him and everyday it accelerates.  This is not a weight loss plan, but a lifestyle.  I'm proud of him, and very thankful that I have a guy who has a relationship with a loving Heavenly Father so that he influences our family and infects us with LIFE!  I've written before about this journey being about perspective.  Tonight Wayne shared his perspective with me, and we are sharing it with you below.   I can feel deep down that this is a key puzzle piece to my personal journey of health.  I hope it resonates with you as much as it did me....

     "My perspective is changing about weight loss.  We always view losing weight as hard, so we dread it, put it off, and just avoid the mirror or the camera.  Actors gain and loose weight all the time for the roles they play.  They do not view it as hard.  It's just part of the job.  It is actually harder for us to stay fat.  We have to really work hard to keep the weight on.   Our bodies want to be healthy, and it rewards us by feeling good.  We automatically gravitate to what we think will be pleasure.  We substitute a moment of something tasting good for feeling good all the time.  Taste is an illusion.  It's an inoculation for health.  Just wake up and allow yourself to be who you were designed to be.  You have to stay deceived to stay fat."
     "Deprivation is another misconception.  When anyone speaks of "going on a diet," in the back of our minds we think diet=deprivation.  I don't do diets.  This is simply my lifestyle.  If at any point in this journey I feel deprived, it simply indicates that I am still deceived in some area.  I eat exactly what I want.  We deprive ourselves when we constantly force more food in than our bodies need or want.  We feel bad, and it is hard feeling bad all the time.  It had been so long for me that I forgot what it felt like to feel good.  You could call it an addiction.  I didn't have to fight to overcome an addiction. That would have been too hard.  I just traded it for a stronger one.  I went from a momentary satisfaction to one that is complete and perpetual, and it feels great." ---Wayne Blaylock

...I find that seeing from that perspective brings life to me.  It makes me want to go run another mile!  I do want to expound on his inoculation comment.   Inoculation is when you get just enough of something so that you don't get the real thing.  It is like immunizations. The doctor gives you a shot of the disease.  Your body sets up a defense for it at that time so if you ever come in contact with it again you won't get the disease.  Wayne is saying that we inoculate ourselves with a moment of pleasure so that we don't obtain the real pleasure of health.   We have found that logic to be true in many areas of our lives, and now we see its relevance in our journey to health.  I feel like I can see even more clearly now.   I think I can love myself enough to let health happen.   I. Am . EXCITED!


  1. Perspective is everything, isn't it!?! Very cool revelation and we so appreciate your sharing. Love you guys and so glad you are doing the work inspire us :)

  2. "I think I can love myself enough to let health happen." That is genious. You and Wayne inspire me too!
