Monday, May 20, 2013

Secret Eating

Secrets are darkness.

There is a big difference between secrets and whispering sweet nothings.   It has to do with the motive.  Sweet whispers are to and about the good person you whisper to.   We don't allow secrets in our house, but we do whisper a lot of sweet nothings.

 One of my favorite stories has to do with sweet nothings.  Luke was about three or four.  I whispered in his ear, "I think you are amazing."  Then he whispered in my ear, "Did you not realize I have had diarrheas since Easters?"  (He was quoting Nacho Libre.)

Everything has to be brought to the light.  If you don't want the person to hear it, don't say it behind closed doors.  I've learned that lesson harshly.  It seems hidden words spoken in darkness are the most dangerous of all.  If we realize that, then how can light bring life to other areas?

Imagine how pleased I was when a coworker said she once attended a diet class where someone said, "Don't eat in secret."  Um Genius times a million!   That really resonated with me.

Secret foods nourish an unhealthy desire.....a.k.a fill a deprivation. Let's ask ourselves...

What are we ashamed of to cause us to hide and eat?

Why don't we feel free enough to enjoy it in the light?

...And if we are in the light, would we really want it?

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