Saturday, October 12, 2013

It's Your Move

I recently had the fabulous opportunity to hang out with some cool cats at a nutrition conference.   I really like dietitians. One of the things I noticed about the skinnies is how unashamed they are about exercise.  I know that sounds silly, but it really is like a confident air about them when they strap on their sneakers with their dress clothes just to try to boost the numbers on their step counter.

I read a study that people who think weight loss is about how much they exercise tend to be overweight.  The real strength of  exercise is it's ability to prevent weight gain unless of course it is ALOT of exercise.  It's diet that really cuts the fat.  But exercise has benefits all to itself.  Even just two minutes of intentional exercise is a success.

My FAVORITE part about exercise is how studies actually show that exercise divided over the course of the day is more beneficial than all at once.  It may burn the same amount of calories, but we busy-bo-peeps are just more likely to squeeze in 10 minutes of moving multiple times a day than we are to find  a longer amount to donate to exercise.  I know for me, I won't get as sweaty if my exercise routine  is only ten minutes so it helps to work it in even at work. 

But how silly is that?  I do NOT like attention.  I get afraid somebody might see me.  Who cares?  The value of exercise is worth way more than what I THINK somebody is thinking.  I may look silly pumping it down the sidewalk, but it makes me feel good.

I'm settled...the amount of exercise I do won't make me lose weight, but it's benefits remind me that I'd rather feel good for a lifetime than taste something good for a moment.  I've decided there are some ways I can add exercise to my day.  I've released any expectations of myself and breaking the box I've built around exercise.  If I have an extra two minutes, then I can move for two minutes.  If there is a line to the bathroom, I think I'll just walk to another one instead of waiting.  Ten minutes is the recommended amount at one time, but two minutes is better than zero.  I have a goal to get three ten-minute sessions a day, but if I only get one go around the sidewalk, then that's a success too. There are no rules but just a life to live...a life to enjoy. 

What's your move?

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