Thursday, November 17, 2011


I heard a message from Bertie this morning that had zero to do with weight loss. Actually, it was about finances---go figure. But it seems that any message of pure grace brings freedom to any and all areas. Today is really busy, but I'm about to pop with the understanding of this revelation so I thought I'd go ahead and relieve some holy pressure. (Positive pressure.) What God says about what Bertie said is more huge to me than actually the words I heard.

Being Fat does not define me. BUT being skinny doesn't define me either.

Wow. So simple, yet profound. Something I've probably even said, but obviously still learning. That is what I am mediating on today.

It is really a huge thing for me because I know that Father loves me where I am at the moment no matter what, but I still had some mindset that I would be "better" if I lost weight. Fat or skinny...doesn't matter. What matters is HIS opinion I rest in today and always.

If I make any choices based on needing to "improve," then I am operating under the mindset that I am not good enough. It makes me choose what I eat because I am under a law, and out of a sense of lack. I am frustrating his grace. I am living in sin. I've always been taught and believed that SIN was what we do----over eating---being a glutton. "Being fat is just as bad a murderer." Well, I understand there is a truth, but the way I was seeing that is completely wrong. Believing the wrong thing is the SIN. Do you know Jesus was accused of being a drunk and a glutton? I'm laughing! Don't you think that means he ate stuff that might not be considered "right." Jesus was free and he knew it. He walked and lived and breathed in a mindset that he knew what he did does not define him, but who he was as the beloved Son of the Living God is his definition. Therefore he was free to eat. Free to drink. Free to fast. He didn't do any of those things because was supposed to. He was at rest in his identify and out of that, he just lived. There was a freedom that splashed onto other people. Sinners were drawn to him. Religious jerks hated him. (They were probably jealous because they felt like they couldn't eat, drink, and be merry.)

Something else....let's say someone has been hurt by weight or food. Maybe a someone was deprived of food because of behavior. Or maybe someone was forced to never have a cupcake because they were not allowed to celebrate. Or maybe they were made fun of by their weight. If what they choose to eat or not eat is in response to that hurt, they are still in sin. They are in bondage in their mind and not making choices out of freedom. They might be a victim, but they are not living in freedom that was purchased to them. They are choosing to live from circumstance instead of out of who they are. Hmmm....something to ponder.

I remember once I was living with a girl who felt "lead" to fast. There is nothing wrong with fasting, but she was obviously doing it to "get" something. It was a law to her that she was diligent to follow. Her lack of freedom spewed out in the form of pressure to me. Something did come out that fast. She gave me something.....A big pain in the butt! I don't think I was ever so happy as when she felt like the Lord told her to eat supper. I was like, "You heard from the Lord!"

The same principle applies to eating as it does to fasting. A law will only make you see you can't do it so you might as well NOT do it. You know what? I can't eat right. Sometimes I don't even want to eat right. But knowing that eating or not eating doesn't define me, I can rest in the freedom of understanding I can eat if I want, and I don't have to eat that if I don't want. That means that if deep down I really want a white chocolate dipped oreo that has 100 calories instead of a bowl of sauteed spinach, I can eat it. Just me thinking about that makes me know, deep down, I'd rather have the spinach. Then it becomes "good" eating out of freedom, and not because I'm not good enough. Eating carrots and celery because I MUST is just as much of a sin as eating an orea thinking I shouldn't.

I am defined by who I am. Not what I eat. Not my weight.

Nutritional Nugget---Strawberries

Ounce for ounce, strawberries have even more vitamin C than even citrus fruits. One cup of fresh strawberries has about 45 calories, 4 grams fiber, and 20mg calcium.

Nana always makes strawberry shortcake for Thanksgiving.

Some people (like my sister) have an allergy to strawberries which is probably an allergy to the ripening protein in it. Most people who have a reaction probably just have oral allergy syndrome which basically just makes your mouth itch. Some get dermatitis or break out in hives.

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