Monday, November 7, 2011

The Voice From the Aisle

I was standing in the cereal aisle at Kroger when I heard a conversation between two workers in another processed food aisle next to mine that went something like this:

"Yeah, I bought me a big box of those and they were disgusting!"
"How many did you eat?"
"I ate the whole box."

Then the guy who was hungry for the disgusting box of whatever came around the corner to my aisle. ...Um he fit the part, know what I'm sayin'?

Why was that so funny? Because why would someone eat more than just a bite of something if was wasn't good, and it wasn't nutritious anyway? It was obvious he had poor eating habits.

...I used to be like that. Well, maybe not just like that. I probably wouldn't eat a box of Nasties in one sitting, but I have valued food above myself. If it was food I would eat it even it was just to get it out of the way or if it was in front of me or just to have something to do sometimes. Now it seems something real occupies by brain. Whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is true.....think on these things. That is alive in me now and I'm beyond thankful.

Nutrition Nugget: Hot Peppers
My dad says, "Hot in. Hot out." Ha Ha Ha!
I copied the following article from I thought it was really interesting.

Peppers are hot -- as a health and diet aid
by Darren Swan
Oct 02, 2007

The secret is out: hot peppers are the spice to a healthier life.

Capsaicin, the hot pepper’s natural heat-causing component, has been proven to kill cancer cells, prevent sinus infections, serve as an anti-inflammatory agent, provide gastric relief and produce fat oxidation.

A daily dose of hot peppers lets people breath easier, feel less pain and lower their body fat.

Registered Dietitians and medical experts in Chicago are pushing the multitalented and diverse health benefits of hot peppers.

Carla R. Heiser, registered dietitian and managing partner of Body Logic MD in Chicago, advocates diet and lifestyle strategies in conjunction with a cohesive medicinal plan.

“Medication is used to heal and people can use their food to keep the process going to eventually come off the medication," Heiser said. "Successful diet and lifestyle pathways can get us away from a reliance on medications.”

The burn felt while eating a jalapeno, habenero or cayenne pepper comes directly from the food’s capsaicin. Capsaicin, though odorless and flavorless, is primarily found in the pepper’s seeds and ribs, but is also evenly distributed throughout the vegetable’s flesh, according to the Wellness Encyclopedia of Food and Nutrition.

It retains the unique ability to provoke prostate cancer cell suicide, repress joint pain, block pro-inflammatory chain reactions in the blood and reduce nerve fiber swelling in the brain.

This age-old vegetable has similar effects to those of Aleve, Tylenol, Advil, Tums and chemotherapy all wrapped in one—except this food has zip, taste and no fearful side effects to the consumer beyond a spicy backlash.

The hot pepper’s fuel has the same metabolic effects as Ephedra without containing Ephredra’s negative cardiovascular side effects. It has been added to vitamin and weight loss supplements to increase effectiveness and safety.

A common myth exists that hot peppers cause ulcers and small intestine irritation.

However, research asserts that though spicy food may add to ulcer pain and irritation, it does not function as a cause: Ulcer development has never been factually linked to spicy foods or hot peppers.

Recent experiments at the Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles provided experimental evidence supporting capsaicin’s ability to halt prostate cell replication and encourage programmed cell death. Heiser said the uncovered benefits of capsaicin are on the right evolutionary road and we as eaters should get on the bandwagon.

“The first path was treating cancer cells with capsaicin and then to use the data to write the study that would then be applied to animals,” she said.

“This is all a scientific process," she said. "We’ll move from a Petrie to replication on an animal model and with good results they are likely to move to human beings. Animals might even be skipped because [hot peppers] are already in our food supply.”

Hot pepper research has become incredibly popular in 2007 with more than 200 placebo-controlled studies conducted in that time.

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