Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 35 Food For Thought: Either it works or it doesn't.

Uh Oh....I caught myself thinking. I'm in big trouble with myself. I've got some time out to partake in. I started judging and sentencing myself. I started telling myself that I should be farther along than I am. I started thinking I haven't made as much progress weight-wise as I should. I started saying to myself, “Either this works or it doesn't!” It seems I had a decision to make. Will I continue this journey the way I know deep down to be truth? Or will I use other means to catapult physical results. I have made lots of leaps in my heart about releasing weight, but the evidence has not shown up physically as much as I would like. I feel like I'm getting “looks.” I know it is only a vain imagination because #1 Who cares what people think. This is MY journey. #2 I can only imagine what they think because I think it of myself first. TIME OUT! I will not get caught in a trap of focusing on the physical when I know what the real issues are. Every shred of judgment must leave. It is illegal. I will accept myself. There always must be a heart change first. I am cleaning out decades of little knickknacks hoarded away inside. I can give me a break. I am making huge strides, permanent changes, and walking out my baby steps. I will not let my task oriented, productivity-minded self tempt me from the truth. This works. I will rest in the truth and not use time as a measuring tool, only a teaching sphere.

Wins for Today
Ate well. Played Hard. Laughed much.

Nutritional Nugget
I like this that I found from

Walnuts, almonds and other nuts can reduce blood cholesterol. Rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids, walnuts also help keep blood vessels healthy.
According to the Food and Drug Administration, eating about a handful (1.5 ounces, or 42.5 grams) a day of most nuts, such as almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachio nuts and walnuts, may reduce your risk of heart disease. Just make sure the nuts you eat aren't salted or coated with sugar.
All nuts are high in calories, so a handful will do. To avoid eating too many nuts and gaining weight, replace foods high in saturated fat with nuts. For example, instead of using cheese, meat or croƻtons in your salad, add a handful of walnuts or almonds.

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