Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 36 Food For Thought: More on Thorns and Splinters

I've been doing some pondering about what I posted for Day 33 “Gettin' Kinda Heavy.” It feels better to rest in peace instead of carry the heaviness of unforgivingness. I learned some things about myself a couple years ago. I have a personality that keeps a savings account of the “wrongs” done to me. It is strange. It is sort of like nickels in a piggy bank. Just one or two can't buy very much, but keep on saving them up, then you could have a heavy, small fortune. (One of my all time favorite bits from “The Office” is when Jim added a nickel to Dewight's phone everyday. Then one day he removed all the nickels and Dewight hit himself with his phone. Makes me chuckle just thinking about that.) Anyway, nickels aren't worth very much, but a whole lot of them can be heavy. The same is true for how I store up wrongs. Someone might do something little that bothers me. I think to myself it is no big deal. I just sweep it to the storage bin. Out of sight, out of mind----sort of. After a whole bunch of little wrongs, my bin gets too heavy for me and I unleash the furry. I dump out things that were in there from long ago and the person is like, “where did that come from?” It is totally not fair for the person. Since I realized I do this, I have much improved. I am better about dealing with it right then and then forgetting about it. Needless to say, my relationships with people have improved.

After I released my “thorn” on Day 33, I started thinking about other areas I might be unaware of that need to be released. I asked The One who knows. He brought a person to my remembrance. I suddenly realized there are years upon years of little nickels stored here and there. Nothing major, just some hurt feelings and offenses picked up and stored along the way. I know deep down that when I decide to revisit and discard of those, I will really be laying down some heavy. Not sure if I'm up to digging out the ol' cobwebs just yet. I guess I think of it like removing a splinter. It is just a tiny little thing, but can really hurt the longer it is in there. The funny thing is that removing it requires a little bit hurt to bring the healing. I'm gearing myself up to go do some poking and prodding. Oh...and the source of the splinters will never know. No need to bring them up now. I can release and go on. Sometimes I think it is necessary to bring old stuff up....not necessary this time.

Wins for Today
I had a really nice day. Still choosing water. I could drink all my calories so that is a big deal to me.

Nutritional Nugget

American Dietetic Association site It has some great nutritional tips. I love this website!

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