Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day 40, 41, 42 Food For Thought: Rest For The Weary

No food nor thought to speak of. Resting in progress.

I and my three little boys are not well. This is a rare occasion. It forced me to go through our medicine cabinet only to find everything I would want to take was YEARS out of date. I even found something from 2004. I had to dope up on the children's ibuprofen. Hey, whatever works. It is never fun being sick, but as morbid as this may sound, I must say I have enjoyed it. Forced family rest was perfect timing. We needed it in every way. Now that we are all nearly out of the woods, I can see just how much we needed this.

Rest. Rest. Rest.

Nutritional Nugget
Not much comforts an ailing body like chicken noodle soup. As soon as I realized we all had it, I decided to throw together this low fat recipe instead of cooking the multi-dish meal I had planned. I boil chicken and freeze the pulled pieces for times such as these when I need it in a hurry. I apologize for the vagueness of the recipe. Just about everything I make is “as the Spirit leads.”

Homemade Low Fat Chicken Noodle Soup

1.Bring Low fat/sodium chicken broth and water to a boil.
2.Add cooked and pulled chicken.
3.Add whole grain noodles. I get spaghetti noodles with higher fiber and omega 3s then break them into thirds.
4.Add veggies of your choice. Diced celery, carrots, peas, corn, whatever you like. Frozen mixed veggies are great.
5.Could add diced onion. I didn't.
6.Black pepper. I put lots.
7.I also added a little red pepper since it seems to help my sore throat and there were complaints of that going around the house.
8.I also added garlic.
9.And some Italian seasoning.
10. Also A bay leaf. (Just remember to remove it before serving.)
11.Let simmer.

Because I already had the cooked chicken and just threw it in the boiling broth frozen, this took me less than five minutes to prep. The quickness and comfort made it the perfect meal since we were all under the weather. The boys loved it, and we ate on it for three days. It was funny. This was extra spicy but it really did seem to help. I guess the hotness on our tongues made us forget about our aching bodies even if just for a little while.

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