Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Distraction #2: Opinions From Others

As I was typing out the title, "Opinions from Others," I could literally hear Debbie Downer music in the background.
Opinionated is a churchy word for judgmental. (At least it is in my opinion.) Peep can sure be a drag if I give weight to their opinion of me. I have no doubt whatsoever about my Father's opinion of me. He loves me and he loves me a lot. But here I have this blog about weight loss and about how grace will set me free effortlessly. ...But I'm still fat.

I can just hear the judgmental freakazoids discredit the truth of grace because I am still fat. I mean at the moment, I don't "look" like I'm a good dietitian either, when actually I'm good at my job. I've lost some L-B's, but an argument could easily be started because it doesn't appear that Grace is working. Oh, but it is. Grace is a development from the heart level. My heart gets free first, then the fruit will come. A seedling takes time to establish itself in the earth. Just resting there. Soaking up the minerals and rain and enjoying the sunshine. It grows effortlessly, then before you know it, it's covered in fruit!

Judgments of others are a big distraction for me on my journey. If I value their judgment, the accusation can push me right into the trap of condemnation. More than that, it is such a temptation to prove I'm right with evidence of weight loss. But no...that's not it. Oh, the weight will fall off alright, but only as a byproduct from me identifying with who God says I am. That oneness with him. That God-consciousness. That is freedom. Freedom is freedom. Freedom means there is no bondage to food, low self image, or anything else. In freedom there is peace, joy, and all that other good Kingdom stuff. Even if I never lose another pound, that doesn't take away from the truth. You know what else? It doesn't take away from who I am either. I'm sorry, Judgmental Onlookers. Did you say something? I can't hear you. The voice that matters says I'm enough, and when I finally become fully persuaded and see me the way he sees me, there will be freedom. .....oh yeah and the weight will be gone too.

Nutritional Nugget:
Had the best day ever in the Knoxville area, but I would physically feel better about it had I planned my eating for health. Eating on the road often feels yucky. On the way back home, Wayne and I had a heart to heart about nutrition health. Small changes are the key. We already do most of these to some extent. I'm not going to dump all the food from my refrigerator and fill it with celery, but we will...
1. Eat more healthful, unprocessed grains.
2. Mrs. Dash-cooking instead of salt.
3. Water, Water, Water and an occasional low calorie drink.
4. More fish (which we love.)
5. Quit eating after 8:00.
6. Keeping fruit around for a quick snack.
7. Incorporating more monounsaturated fatty acids in our meals which are: olives, olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocados, and dark chocolate.
8. Watching those portions.

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