Sunday, February 12, 2012

Simple Words

I really like words. I like words on walls. I like words in songs. I like to read. My love language is words of affirmation. I like receiving words. I like giving words. I like THE Word in the flesh. Sometimes it's the simplest of words that have brought be through the most challenging mind-issues. I started realizing this when I was going through probably the most difficult time in my life a while back. I asked a dear friend who I know hears from the Lord for some advice. I was floored when she did NOT answer any of my questions or address any of my lengthy concerns. She simply told me to read Psalms 139. Um....I've read it okay? I seriously could have gotten offended, but thankfully I didn't because I trust her and the voice she hears. I read it again. About half way through I got so emotional that I almost couldn't contain it. She heard from the Lord! It wasn't the words as much as it was the realization of what the Lord was trying to say to me. For weeks I had struggled. During that time four songs were stuck in my head. The strange thing was that every time I would start to sing one, I would sing parts of all of them. I couldn't figure out why I had those songs stuck together in my mind. As I read Psalms 139, it dawned on me that the medley I couldn't help from singing was taken every bit within that Psalm. That's when I realized that through all the uncertainty and hurt from my surroundings, Father was trying to get me to hear one thing.....His love and value for me.

In the past, I might get a revelation that helps me on my weight loss journey, but after some time, It seems like I would fall from grace by trying to do it in my effort instead allowing that grace to flow through me. This week is different. I mean my goodness, I got a visual aid to help me see that I was identifying with the wrong chick. I actually saw myself standing between a loving father and an imaginary girl I created who has caused me nothing but trouble. I kept trying to literally feed her as if to keep her alive. I know that sounds strange, but it's just what I needed to see. I also had a twinge of fear that I would fall from grace again and attempt this journey in my own strength. I had that episode this week where I identified with her for that supper meal. It's still not up to me to "stay" here in the right way of thinking. He gives us grace for His grace. He has given me some simple words in the form of songs that have kept me in the right frame of mind. The mind is where our will is. It's where we make a decision to who we will feed....Real me (Him in me) or Imaginary me.
Part of my song....

"I will allow you to love me. Love me like you created me to be. I will allow you to love me. Only this is my reality. I will rest in your love. There is rest in your love. I will rest in your love. There is rest in your love."

I just can't get that out of my mind, and I'm thankful. Lack and Fear don't even want to come around when I'm resting in love. That's Bible. It makes it effortless to forget about that old Igene. ...Who?

The other song that pops in for a visit from time to time is the oldie but a goody....

"I can see clearly now the rain has gone.
I can see all obstacles in my way.
Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind.
It's going to be a bright, bright, sun-shiny day."

biscuit & jelly.
1/2 cup of milk.
Vegetable wrap with feta cheese. (Yes it was delicious!) and I ate the rest of Ben's Ham and cheese and vegetable wrap.
A few All Natural Cheese Puffs.
An apple with some caramel sauce.
Lots of water.
3 pieces of pizza ----guilt free.

Nutritional Nugget:
Final simple tip from American Dietetic Association's

Cut back on sodium and empty calories from solid fats and added sugars.

* Drink water instead of sugary drinks like regular sodas, fruit-flavored drinks and sweetened teas and coffees. Choose 100-percent fruit juice.
* Compare sodium in foods and choose those with the least amount listed on the Nutrition Facts Panel.
* Season foods with spices or herbs instead of salt.
* Select lean cuts of meat or poultry and fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
* Use heart-healthy oils like olive, canola and sunflower oil in place of butter or shortening when cooking.

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