Friday, September 16, 2011

Destroying the Idol

I heard a message from Bertie Britt-Dynamic Love Ministries (Highly Recommend his website) that he introduced as, "a very basic grace message." Well, I don't care how "basic" it is, hearing a liberating message always liberates me. He made some statements about how the only way to leave a problem is to recognize who we are and concentrate on the God in us. Then we will see that it is not us who leaves the problem, but the problem leaves us.'ve been thinking about this in regard to my "problem." I'm fat. I'm still fat. I'm finally as fat as I always thought I was. Lord have mercy! Why didn't I learn about being content when I was thin? I would have enjoyed that and stayed there instead of becoming what I have always "beheld." My focus and opinion of myself totally drove me right to it! After hearing Bertie's message, I realized that once again, I have made an idol out of what I am "not." It is time again to change my perspective. I am elevating my "imperfect" weight above the one who has freed me. When I am tempted to think of Fat Me, I will change my way of thinking. He gives us his ability to even get his ability. There is no way I can mess this up except that I think I can do it. I will change my focus to freedom and the weight will leave me instead of me trying to leave the weight. I'm destroying my idol. My idol that I HATE.

I didn't do very well today. :( I forgive myself. (And I will tomorrow because my thinking is now changed.)

Nutritional Nugget: Colon Health---Intestinal Flora
We have "good" bacteria in our colon that have lots of cool jobs like: helping us digest carbohydrates for absorption, strengthening our immune system, keeps unwanted pathogens under control, makes Vitamin K and a B vitamin called Biotin, makes hormones to absorb fat, and aids in general gut health. Sometimes we can get diarrhea if we take antibiotics because it kills the good "bugs" along with the bad ones. This type of antibiotic-associate diarrhea can cause an over growth of a pathogen called Clostridium Difficile or c-diff. It's easy to see if this is the problem....basically just have to poop on a stick. If the diarrhea is caused from antibiotics and it is not c-diff, then what has happened is the carbohydrate metabolism has been altered. Too much "sugar" causes water to be called into the colon to flush out the sugar. Introduce fiber slowly starting first with bananas, apples, rice and toast (BRAT.) Try to work up slowly to an initial goal of 25 grams of fiber. Stay away from really concentrated sugary foods like things with high fructose corn syrup. Pay attention to what you are eating and notice if one day is worse after you eat certain foods. Can also add probiotics found in fermented foods with live cultures added such as found in yogurt and other dietary supplements. Also "Nutritional Yeast" might be helpful. Check with a health food store to see if they carry good source of these probiotic-type supplements.

1 comment:

  1. Gosh, it's so true the power of our much so that we manifest it in the physical realm without even being aware. I've always had a "fat" mentality even at my skinniest and now that I struggle to lose the weight for real, I want to smack my past self for allowing myself to believe the lie that manifested a truth.
