Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Day 53 Food For Thought: Does the Scale Weigh On You?

One way to tell if you are enslaved to the scale is if you weigh yourself daily or more than once a day. Is the scale always on your mind? If you can't wait to weight, or if you dread the scale, it is probably not your friend. I have even read that people with eating disorders weigh themselves multiple times a day. One of the goals to try to set for them is to only weigh once a week.

Once I thought about giving our scale to consignment because I could tell I was sort of addicted to it. The numbers it read to me became my identity. It was really sick-weird. If I gained weight, it made me only want to eat more because I felt condemned and trapped in my weight. If I lost weight, I wanted to eat for celebration. I'm glad I didn't get rid of our scale now because I would just be buying a new one. It is just another tool. I have gone weeks and weeks on this journey without thinking to weigh. Last week I weighed twice, and I didn't realize I had already weighed that week. It is an accessory to my path, but it is not a reflection of it. The weightless feelings I have on the inside me are "worth the weight." I am glad, however, that I have lost some poundage. But I realize that it is a reflection of the heavy I have laid down.

Wins For Today
Today I drank a cola. I consider it a win that I cannot remember the last cola I had before today. I have not even missed any.

Ok all you Healthful-eating Skinnies. Can you help us out? (Don't be so know who you are!) I would love to post a daily food record of someone at a healthy weight. If you do not mind helping out, write down everything and the amount of what you eat during a day. Even times you eat would be helpful. The more detailed the better. Let's see how Skinny Me's eat on a regular day. I think menu ideas would help the Fat Me's a lot.

Nutritional Nugget:
So this is how our plate is "supposed" to measure out when planning for a meal. The thing is, it is not a PLATTER. It is like a regular plate. When portioned properly, you could still fit half the family-reunion-sides in there somewhere. We have trained ourselves to think we must eat more than we need. This is just a guide.

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