Sunday, September 25, 2011

Relearning the Food Thing.

So... if I had a box of comfort carbs,(namely, Little Debbie Oatmeal Cream Pies or something,) I would totally be eating them right now. I'm tired. I have been tired all day. Either I just don't get enough REM sleep (because my REM cycle is obviously little Ben-dudey's alarm clock) or something is wrong. I need energy. Needless to say, I am beyond thrilled with myself because we have nothing in the house to provide me with useless energy at this late hour. We don't have anything good and processed in the house because we haven't bought anything like that. Tomorrow I will go to the grocery store with a healthful list and a weekly plan. I almost feel like I'm learning this cooking, grocery shopping, eating thing all over again. I still remember the first married meal I made for Wayne and me. I planned for it almost as long as I planned for our wedding. (It wasn't very long, trust me.) I made chicken nuggets from the freezer section, real mashed potatoes that I had to call his sister about how to make, take-n-bake rolls, and a broccoli casserole dish. I was very proud of it. It took me...well, years before I (and Wayne) would consider me a good cook. It can feel a bit overwhelming to me thinking of changing my grocery list and recipes. I enjoyed the ride of learning the first time, I will choose to enjoy this one too.

Today I ate El Tap and then a good, healthful supper with some friends....baked chicken, roasted potatoes, a roll and lots of cabbage. I drank only water all day. I did have an ice cream sundae for dessert tonight. I could tell from the sugar coma that followed that I have not been eating so much sugar. It was tasty on the way down, but made me feel yucky for a while.

Nutritional Nugget: Constipation
Constipation is difficulty or lack of bowel movements. Some peeps go three times a day and this is normal for them. One should never go longer than three days without having a bowel movement. Daily would be great. Common causes of constipation include:
* Inadequate water intake.
* Inadequate fiber in the diet.
* A disruption of regular diet or routine; traveling.
* Inadequate activity or exercise or immobility.
* Eating large amounts of dairy products.
* Stress.
* Resisting the urge to have a bowel movement, which is sometimes the result of pain from hemorrhoids.
* Overuse of laxatives (stool softeners) which, over time, weaken the bowel muscles.
* Hypothyroidism.
* Neurological conditions such as Parkinson's disease or multiple sclerosis.
* Antacid medicines containing calcium or aluminum.
* Medicines (especially strong pain medicines, such as narcotics, antidepressants, or iron pills).
* Depression.
* Eating disorders.
* Irritable bowel syndrome.
* Pregnancy.
* Colon cancer.

Preventing constipation is really easy. 1) Eat a well-balanced diet. Work up to the amount of fiber you might need. Fiber foods are plant foods...grains, fruits and veggies. 2) Drink plenty of water and avoid things that bind up water like colas. 3) Go when you need to go. 4) Exercise.

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