Thursday, September 8, 2011

What Day Is It Anyway?

I've stepped back for a while. Today is September 7, 2011. It seems I'm waking up from my blogging coma. I've missed my little Flog! Actually, I've missed it a lot. Before my blog went dark, I had written several days worth of posts that I finally edited and posted today. It feels great to be back.

Life has slowed down and sped up at the same time. Our minds are more rested, but more opportunities have popped up. We are busy, but it doesn't feel like it. It seems every area in our life is in transition and we are totally taking it out on our house. There has been no stone left unturned. Unfortunately, the transformation required that I step away from my lovely flog for a time until I could literally plug back in. I must admit that I fell back into some old patterns just a bit. I recognize that I have even felt a tiny bit deprived and hence picked some poor food choices. I think I can relate the overindulge to my reaction to dust bunnies. Finding dust bunnies in areas of my heart just as I sweep out the dust bunnies in hidden places around the house that I haven't visited in decades. It feels good to get clean, but mess is byproduct for a time. God has been stripping sheets of yuck off me. I can literally feel it. He makes no mess, but reaction has been mess....messy eating. I underestimated the power in my daily ponder. Writing daily for me is sweeping up those dust bunnies of my heart and disposing of them in the proper place.

I think I feel a bit condemned that I couldn't "do" it on my own.....well, there is a resounding DUH! That IS the trap---I thought I could do it. I turned it into a work. I read a Chinese proverb today from a fortune cookie that somebody had taped to the nurses station at work. It said something like, "Don't rest from your duty, but in your duty find rest." (Wow, that sounds familiar. I think I know from whom they borrowed that.) It is actually ironic that in every other area, I've encountered more peace and rest, but I quit laboring to rest in my eating like I had been before I went AWOL. I've got my mind back on the journey. I haven't gained weight, but I realize now that this is equally as important to me as all the other parts of my life. I'm finding the WHOLE me in balance. It is strange though. When I say, "every part of our lives is in transformation" I mean EVERY PART. It is even creeping into our food. I've started changing the groceries I buy. Wayne even agreed that we would try vegan for a couple weeks just to see what it feels like. I'm pretty excited to morph into this state too. Not quite ready to take the plunge to vegan, but gearing up the groceries for it. We might have to tone it back to vegetarian with fish or something....we'll see what we "rest" into.

I think to get this party started right, I'm going to go back and glance at the steps on my journey...I'm going to read my blog. I mean "Flog."

Wins for today...
I'm back on track and I love it here!

Nutritional Nugget:

I know this is what we all have been waiting for! I'm going to write about colon health for a while! YIPPEE! My dad told me once that he thinks the reason I majored in nutrition is because I am so fascinated by poo. He might be right.

Have you ever been inside a colon? I can honestly say that I have. First was when I was interning at Skyline Hospital in Nashville. A colon exhibit came to visit. You crawl through the colon and learn about what a colon looks like healthy, with polyps, and with cancer. Secondly, we took a group of kids from church to the children museum in Nashville. They had an gastrointestinal exhibit with a colon slide. You climb through,(it sounds disgusting,)and then slide out through the anus. When you pop out, it makes a poop noise. It really was fantastic.

If you ever get a chance to travel through a colon. Do it!

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