Saturday, September 24, 2011

A Skinny-Me Guest!!!!

I asked for any Skinnies out there to help us out with a daily diet. I said, "You know who you are!" And one of my favoritest Skinnies in the WHOLE WORLD responded. Thank you very much! Believe me, I KNOW how much sharing stuff with the world can make you feel vulnerable. We appreciate it and welcome more!!!!

She said to edit, and I am not really going to edit. However, this BFF since kindergarten sends me ginormous e-mail (and text) messages without punctuation, so I am adding some. I know it's quicker, and she knows I'll understand. (I "hear" you, BFF, but I want to make sure everyone else does too.) I am also going to insert a bit here and there.

So here is a daily intake and some nutritional commentary from an AWESOME Skinny Me who also happens to be the person I would imagine would most likely be my twin if I had one. I have more unique memories with her than probably any girl buddy on the planet.

P.s. She is also an amazing cook!

(Can't thank you enough for taking time to share all this, Friend.)

I am not considered "skinny" by any means. Most health professionals would tell me to still lose weight because a women my height, 5'5'' tall, should weigh 135 lbs. I weigh 147 lbs and I am very content.  

And now back to Audrey...[Okay, two things here: 1) Ideal body weight for females is 100 pounds for five feet, then an additional five pounds for every inch over five feet. That means that someone who is 5'5" has an ideal body weight of 125 pounds. HOWEVER....This is also plus or minus 10%. So technically, the ideal range would be about 112 to 138 pounds. 2) Another big thing that I so very much LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE that she said, was "I am very content." Can you hear that? Can you really grasp what she is saying? We could stop here and be satisfied. Contentment with self! Isn't that the key? I would venture to guess that she felt content BEFORE she reached this amazing weight. By the way, she looks very great! I figured her BMI calculation which is 24.5. That is within the healthy range anyway and she is very athletic. From a nutritional stand point on weight....well, done you!]

Now for my diet(or my everyday eating plan.) It is different than most people because I like to drink my calories instead of eating them. Either way, I still get the nutrition I need without feeling hungry.  I have had quite a dramatic lifestyle change to incorporate more organic food and MUCH less pasteurized foods. I try to avoid processed, refined, and enriched foods as much as possible.  The closer we can stay to the way God created the food in its natural raw form the better it will be for our bodies. Natural sweeteners and very bright, rich, colorful food is the most nutritious.  I Do Not count calories or fat.  Actually, the more fat the better, but you have to know your fats. [True that!!!] 

Seriously AVOID polyunsaturated oils and hydrogenated fats like the plague. However, saturated fats, (those found in tropical oils and animal fats,) are the best to use especially during high heat cooking.  They won't go rancid and produce harmful  free radicals in your body.  They are antimicrobial, antifungal and have a more balanced ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 which is crucial for healthy cells in your body.  Also don't forget that many and most of our nutrients cannot be absorbed by our bodies without the presence of fat, particularly saturated fat and also bacteria known as probiotics.  

[Okay...we just read what a real-life Skinny-Me said about fats, but I must say I've got more research to do before I can totally comment on this. I do agree with ZERO trans fats, which are the hydrogentated fats she spoke of. I am a BIG, BIG fan of monounsaturated fatty acids. (Olives, Olive Oil, Nuts, Seeds, Dark Chocolate, Avacados.) Ummmm...I'll have to see about the polyunsaturated fats. Research says polyunsaturated fat are essential (we must get them from diet because our bodies don't make them)...Omega 3 and Omega 6 are polyunsaturated and necessary. Omega 3's have been proven to improve heart health. These are the good guys. There is some debate I've seen about how much Omega 6 we should consume though. Saturated fats??? ...scary to me, but I see her point. They are more natural than processed, but to much? Oh no! I am just leery of actually choosing a saturated fat over a polyunsaturated one. I think the take-away is less processed, more natural!]

So I use organic expeller pressed extra virgin coconut oil for pan frying and sauteeing, organic real butter, (and yes it is pasteurized because that's all you can find at store,) olive oil and EVOO for salads, and grapeseed oil for baking.  

I avoid all purpose processed enriched and fortified flours. When a recipe calls for flour for baking, I use an organic label and substitute almond flour for half of the recipe. I eat lots of chocolate. I probably eat +/- 5 oz in a day of organic 85% cocoa dark chocolate. I drink two large glasses of chocolate coconut milk a day, and eat several different fruits oranges, apples, cherries, grapes, a fruit smoothie of blueberries, strawberries, peaches, and bananas.  I use only natural sweeteners like stevia, agave nectar, pure maple syrup, or raw sugar. Easy on the honey because unless its raw, it's been pasteurized, and thus it is a dead sweetener but sweet nonetheless. Stay away from artificial sweeteners they will ruin your taste buds and play havoc with blood glucose. Again....Yes to the closer the way God made it!

Her daily eating diet:

8:00 am liquid vitamin supplement

Breakfast:  12 oz. chocolate milk or more preferably coconut milk
Snack any time of day:  1-2 oranges, 1 apple, handful of cherries or grapes, about 4 oz organic cheese, few rice crackers or grainless crackers, 2-3 oz 85% dark chocolate, raw nuts like almonds or cashews.  I also like Bolthouse choc. mocha protein smoothies and fruit/veggie smoothies you can buy.  (I usually only have 1-3 items of the above listed as a snack.)

Smoothie, usually 1-3 days/week:  Handful of blueberries and strawberries, 1 banana, few slices of peach,  1-2 cups coconut milk for consistency, stevia to taste, ground flax seed, handful of spinach if desired.

11:00 am another vitamin supplement w/ energy boost and 12oz choc. coconut milk

I drink lemon water or plain water throughout the day.

For dinner, I occasionally brew green tea flavored with raw fruit and stevia or honey.

Dinner is any time between 4-7 pm. I never eat after 7pm unless absolutely unavoidable.  Because our schedule is such that we aren't always home in the evening, I don't cook every night, but 4 out 7 nights it will look something like this:
Coconut Curry Chicken: season free range, no steroids or antibiotics chicken breast cut into chunks or strips w/ raw sea salt, pepper,  curry powder and turmeric.  Pan fry in about 1 Tbl coconut oil and about 2 tsp fresh ginger.  When chicken is cooked through, add about 1/2 - 1 cup coconut milk, about 1 Tbl almond flour, and handful of cheese of your choice. I like Parmesan or white cheddar.  I like to add more turmeric here, maybe more ginger and salt and pepper to taste, or "as the spirit leads", and a good handful chopped spinach, and steamed carrots chunks.  Give everything a good coating and serve.  You can add rice of your choosing or pasta as well.

I like to have a side of secret mashed potatoes that is a mixture of mashed white potato, about 1/2 cup each of steamed cauliflower, white beans, and white squash all pureed together. Season w/ salt, pepper, garlic, cheese, and bacon bits.  I also like to have a serving of fresh fruit like apples or something, whatever you like.  I rarely ever fix bread or rolls for dinner any more. I would rather give the family something that isn't so processed or full of heavy grains in the evening that will just turn into sugar, stored as fat, and not used as energy.

Dessert can be anything. I have made chocolate banana, avocado frozen yogurt that is very yummy. (Her picky-eater boy loves this.)

This would be like my best day. Not that I don't have days like this, but sometimes I'll have a stick of gum, maybe a cookie, or handful of chips. If i do it's because I'm at someone's house or somewhere. I don't go over board.  I never even keep stuff like this in the house anymore unless (Hubby) buys it.

Because my body and taste buds are now more accustomed to naturally raw and sweetened food, I don't really crave processed sweets or fast food. They still taste good when I have them, but I just don't want them very often. When i do eat out which is 1-2 times a week at El Tap or somewhere, I don't feel bad. I only eat what fills me up and not get stuffed to the gills so that I can't move.

I never buy a food product without looking at ingredients list, not the nutrition facts, but the ingredients list which is much more informational if you know what to look for.  My diet is by no means perfect. I don't expect it to be, but I think it's well worth its weight. ;) Remember i have been on both sides of this mountain too. I remember how I got there, and how I got here. It's not how much food you eat, but what kind of food it is, and when you eat it.  Losing weight to become healthy energetic and active is the slowest, but most satisfying loss you will ever endure. Trust me on that one. Losing 1 to 2 lbs per week is normal and healthy. Anything else can be dramatic on your body system and mental health. Who cares what the scale says its only a number, not who you are or how you feel about yourself.  My quest is to provide food and health for us the way God intended us to receive it, not what our government and corporate business tells us is healthy because what do they know? Not much from what i can tell.

Awesome. Thanks, Beth. Sounds delicious! I'm sold!

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