Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 27 Food For Thought: "The Load Will Be Much Lighter..."

I know wisdom is walking out the practical steps to the journey, but that is secondary to laying down any weight I carry on the inside. I am a very visual person. I understand most concepts by painting them into scenes in my mind. I see this journey down a path that with every step, a little rock drops out of the backpack I carry with me. It might just be a little rock here and there, but I am losing weight nonetheless. All those little pebbles represent thoughts that I have picked up and carried. Alone they might seem insignificant, but over time they become heavy and together the weight can be overwhelming. I am tired of holding any of them. Losing weight in my heart, means I will automatically drop the poundage in my body. It is very interesting that Jesus said his burden is light. Anything heavy cannot be from him, and I want anything not from him to be gone. The more I realize he traded backpacks with me, the lighter I will feel.

Today's Wins
I must have overdone it with the chocolate fountain because all day I abhor anything remotely related to junk. I held out for goodness. Most days when I work, I will just try to choose the best choices possible, but today I would rather starve than look at a fast food menu board. I visited my healthy baby sister who packed a quick lunch. On the way home I had an amazing sandwich. Whole grain bread, a little meat and spicy mustard, and practically a salad worth of garden veggies. So yummy. I was so happy I just let my belly roll and held out for goodness.

Nutritional Nugget
LDL cholesterol is what is considered the “bad” cholesterol. It stands for Low Density Lipoprotein. This is the cholesterol level you do not want to be high. The last time I checked, the LDL level is the number one critical factor for heart health. Too much LDL cholesterol in the blood steam can lead to plaque build up in your arteries. Besides the previous cholesterol-improving tips I've posted, of course diet is an important role. Choosing the more healthful foods is a big deal with cholesterol. Choose more healthful fats like monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Avoid saturated and trans fats. The better fats, as with the rest of the food groups, will be the ones closer to they God made them. So fat from nuts, olives, and avocados are better than shortening, margarine, etc.

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