Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 22 Food For Thought: The McSurf'n'Turf Deluxe

I am a not-so-secret fan of Jack Black. He just comes across as a real down-to-earth sweetie on the big screen to me. We have lots of movies that he plays in. In one of these DVD special features, we get to go through a fast food drive-through with him. It is really funny. He gives a little instruction on the importance of a balance diet and getting in all the food groups. He orders a fish sandwich and a hamburger. He puts the fish patty on top of the beef patty and calls it “The McSurf'n'Turf Deluxe.” It is, after all, important to get fish in the diet. The bun serves its rightful place as the grain group. Then he orders fries with ketchup, of course, for his two vegetables and an orange drink for his fruit.

Um.....I don't have to explain that one do I? It definitely makes me laugh. But as Luke would say, “That is NOT hilarious.” Fast food is fine and will fit, but value meals are usually low in the fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, water, and HIGH, HIGH, HIGH in sodium, fat, cholesterol, calories and carbohydrates. It is not about the food as much as it is the heart behind it, but we can use some wisdom. Sometimes it is necessary, and I am definitely not advocating that it is bad. We eat out more than I would like to admit. I am advocating to always try to make the best choices possible. If you recognize your diet is lacking in fruits and vegetables, then try to eat them when you can. I have been making it a priority to increase my fruits and veggies. That means that twice in one day this week I ate two salads and no meat. That is fine. It wasn't because I had to, but my body was really feeling like it needed some veggies. The first salad hit the spot so I was excited for the next one. I also like to throw on crasins and nuts on my salads. Can't go wrong there! Mmmmm.... The best part about salads is feeling like “all I ate was a salad” afterward. I am beginning to really love that not-so-stuffed feeling.

Today's Guest Wins!
My fantabulous, gorgeous inside and out, bestie since kindergarten, Messena has been honoring me by reading my blog. I HEART traveling this journey with her! She recently informed me that over the past three weeks, she has lost nine pounds. Um....yes, I said, “NINE!” Here is a big shout out to you, Sena! WOOT WOOT!!! So proud of her! But the most amazing and best part is that she said it was easy. WOW! Sounds like God to me! I wonder if just three weeks ago she would have thought she would now be without nine pounds of herself?!? She is accepting herself and recognizing her beauty and significance as a creation of the Most High and less concerned about the weight loss.

She writes, “I need to appreciate the person I am, because the only thing that will change is my size. I think I've given myself permission to be real and know that I'm not always going to do the best thing, but it's ok because I have lots of chances to get it right!”

After I asked her permission to share this she wrote, “I don't mind if you share it! It feels good to be in this place. I mean I want to lose weight and am excited about it but I'm not obsessed with it you know?”

Well, I could not have said it better myself! That is so inspiring for me. A real win from someone we already knew was a winner.

Nutritional Nugget
Cholesterol is made in the liver out of saturated fats. The more solid the fat at room temperature, the more saturated it is. So....fat from steak would be more saturated than fat from chicken. A good goal for decreasing cholesterol is to limit saturated fat to less than 10 grams daily. LOTS of processed foods contain saturated fats especially really yummy junky foods like snack cakes. Choose wisely, friends.

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