Thursday, July 21, 2011

Day 21 Food For Thought: Sensing Self

My lovely, most kind-hearted, enlightened, Spirit-seeking, gorgeous, thin, healthy, super mom friend sent me this ponder in a message a while back and I am just now getting around to sharing it with you. Every time I reread anything she sends me, I learn a little something new. I dream of her often when I believe the Lord is trying to get me to experience a new revelation about him. After some of the comments I have gotten in regard to this journey, I know it will help many like it did me.

Inspirational message from Jana...
“I wanted to share something from a book about eating dear friend works in that field and she read this exert ; 'When you ignore your belly, you become homeless. You spend your life to erase your own existence. Apologizing for yourself. Feeling like a ghost. Eating to take up space, eating to give yourself the feeling that you have 'weight here,'you belong here, you are allowed to be- but never quite believing it because you don't sense yourself directly.' You are sensing your self directly as you post so openly in your proud of you!”

Thank you, Jana, for sharing this with me....with us.

Wins for today:
Still Making better choices. Choosing not to eat late at night even if I am hungry. There is always tomorrow, and I probably just need sleep to sustain me instead of foods that would probably be calorie-dense, comfort carbs. For some reason I don't feel like eating celery or turkey at 1:30 am. Better for me to wait till breakfast.

Nutritional Nugget:
One of my blog readers sent me a message about decreasing cholesterol. So in honor of her questions, I will post some tips for a while of healthful cholesterol-conscious thinking...
We get cholesterol two ways...from our food and from our body. Our liver makes cholesterol for us because we need it. Therefore if the food had a liver, then it has cholesterol. Another way to think of it is that if the food had a mother, then it has cholesterol. So foods that are made from plants do NOT have cholesterol. Since our bodies make it, there could be glitches in the system requiring medication. If the cholesterol is high because of diet, that is EASY to fix, but either way, there are helpful healthful tips to bring it on down.

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