Saturday, July 2, 2011

Day 9 Food For Thought: Prioritizing Goals

I was pondering a lot about my journey today. It has really only been a week, but it feels longer for some reason like I have been “here” for a while. I actually have MANY miles to go. Lots of changes to be made. Lots of pounds to lose. What I realized even more deeply today is that my goal is not really weight loss. If I focus on my secondary of goal of weight loss, I will become overwhelmed because it is more than I can tackle in my strength. Focusing on where I am not is seeing that I lack and that I am not good enough. This will cause me to pick up condemnation again. My goal for today and everyday should be to walk in peace and rest, not weight loss. However there are steps of wisdom to take, but it becomes more and more effortless as I walk in this peace. I choose not to pick up the chains that I have left beside the road. I know what the chains are and how they make me feel to be bound by them. When I catch myself trying to judge myself in this area, I just remind myself that I am already worthy. Judging myself is rejecting myself. A big key for me to continue this journey is full acceptance of myself. What right do I h ave to treat myself the way that my Father would not? I want to stay in the right mind set that I have been set free and not that I'm “trying” to set myself free.

Having said that, I would like to make a list of extra goodies when reaching my secondary goal of weight loss. Why do I want to remain free from food in a physical sense? (This is fun stuff to think about...)
I do not want to waste any more potentially hot years.
I like having more energy.
More options for cute clothes. (Although I have a fashion disability, I did read a book about “What Not to Wear.” I learned stuff. “Don't wear sleeveless if you have big arms.” Don't wear turtle necks is you have big....” well anyway.. After reading, I pretty much discovered all that was left for me to wear was a toga. --not really, but definitely not the stuff I thought was cool.)
Example of health for my kids.
Modeling what I teach nutritional-wise.
I don't like when my skin can touch my other skin. (hee hee)
Probably not so many things will break when I step on them.----maybe.
I'm think the food budget will decrease.
I won't need so much oxygen when I walk up the stairs. (ha)
Healthier in general.

Baby Step For This Week
I have issues with beverages. I love them. I would rather drink my calories. I love sweet tea, fruit tea, juice, punch, chocolate milk, hot chocolate, you name it. This week I want to concentrate on getting more water. One time I lost five pounds just for choosing water over sweet and delicious calorie dense beverages for about two weeks.

Wins For Today
Because taking three boys to run errands in town takes three times longer, we did not make it back home for lunch. I took them to “Old McDonalds” per their request. I did GREAT with my choices there. Did not feel deprived. Felt satisfied. Got what I wanted. AND because I was eating lighter, the four of us ate for less than $10. I still wished I was having one of those veggie wraps I've been making. Mmmmm, Mmmm good. But I ate one for supper.

Nutritional Nugget
I good weight loss is about ½ to 2 pounds a week. 3500 calories equal a pound. Over one week, this is about 500 calories a day. It is not too difficult to subtract 500 calories out of your diet each day especially when you consider that one 12 oz coke cost you about 150 calories.

Too much weight loss too fast is usually the result of water loss and lean body loss. The goal is fat loss. 1 to 2 pounds a week doesn't seem like it is worth the effort sometimes, but instead of thinking how long that will take, just take it day to day and week to week. Take comfort in knowing it is more permanent. Most people gain the weight back plus more on quick fixes. Those 1-2 pounds add up over time and before you know it, you will have lost the weight you desire to lose for good.

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