Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 15 Food For Thought: Sleepy Eating

Beginning Week Three. We have a lot of things going on at the moment and it is all good stuff....Too good. Despite the pleasantries, it does disrupt the ebb and flow of normalcy a bit. It is hard to stay on course when “Cracker Barrel” is across the road inviting you to come over. Once a year the mountain we live on fills up with the fabulous Blaylock family. This also means the best cooks in the world gather practically in our backyard for festivities of feasts for DAYS. I'm thinking the best I can do this week is maintain, and so I'm choosing to take a bye week on the scales.

I have a bad habit of staying up late. One thing I have learned is that people who do not get enough sleep are 70% more likely to be overweight. (Maas and Robbins, “Sleep For Success” ) Our body is energized with adequate sleep. If we deprive ourselves of sleep, we tend to supplement with eating. It has been a struggle this week because I have been staying up extra late, and I feel hungrier than normal. I have not fallen into the temptation of filling my energy quota with food because I recognize that I am just sleepy. However, it is still not ideal physically. I know it is an issue for me to sleep, but I cannot help it. I LOVE being productive in quiet stillness when I know I won't be interrupted. I've always been this way. (Sorry, Mom.) Definitely something to step into during this journey, but I'm not ready yet. It is still too exhilarating for me. I am too happy to trade sleep for clean closets. ….Just keep walking, walking, walking....I'll get there.

Wins for Today:
I did a lot of things that would promote healthy weight loss, but for whatever reason I'm still in a bit of a slump. I drank more water. I stopped when I got full. I declined YUMMY desserts with the family just because I was full from supper. I waited to eat until my stomach growled. I guess it just doesn't feel quite enough. Still getting ready to get back in the boat. Looking forward to new mercies tomorrow.

Nutritional Nugget
Flavonoids are found in most plant material and are also responsible for the colors of fruits, vegetables and herbs. The most important dietary sources are fruits, green and black tea and soybean. Others include apples and citrus fruits. Health benefits include: anti-allergic, anti-cancer, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral. Also, known for its ability to relieve hay fever, eszema, sinusitis and asthma. (

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