Thursday, July 28, 2011

Day 33 Food For Thought: "Gettin' Kind of Heavy."

Today a thorn in my flesh I have forgiven multiple times decided to stick me again. I have forgiven all the past things she has done to try to make my life miserable, but I have apparently not forgiven the future things. I let her rent space in my mind for about an hour and half. Then I began to take notice of myself. I could literally feel the heaviness that settled on my head and shoulders.

What does this have to do with weight loss journey? LOTS! I now know that my physical weight is only a reflection of weight I choose to carry on the inside. I have really been casting off the heavy in my soul since I started this particular journey, so I definitely noticed when I picked it back up. Also, her actions are nothing but a distraction for me on my journeys ...weight loss, peace, life, everything. Being offended at her is NOT worth the weight. But she deserves it! ...Really? Does she? Then I do. Forgiven. Weightless.

Win for Today.
I actually drove somewhere to go walking. I took my three little boys at dusk. Um yes, I bit off more than I could chew, but it was well digested. I pushed the three of them in a stroller for two miles on uncharted, but paved, territory. We watched the sun go down. We met lots of new best friends and caught their twilight barks. The best part was listening the chatter of three little boys at their bed time. It was definitely some quality time I am looking forward to getting more of soon. They were so calm when we got home. I know they liked it too.

Nutritional Nugget
Omega-3 fatty acids are a heart-healthy fat. It is recommended to get at least two servings of fish per week. Omega-3 fatty acids are found in the fat that keep fish warm in cold water. Therefore, the best source of omega-3 foods will come from cold water fish. Here is a list of the best sources:
Lake trout
Albacore tuna

There are also supplements that one can take, but as usual the closer the way God made it, the better. Ground flaxseed and canola oil are also sources.

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