Thursday, July 7, 2011

Day 14 Food For Thought: Time To Get Back In The Boat

The last day of two weeks and I am not very happy with myself. I've not done anything "bad," but today I feel like I've left the real me behind.

It has been a long while since I've been canoeing on any rivers (above a class 1 anyway.) I can recall times when we paddled to the bank and got out. For whatever reason, I would walk down stream a ways through the thick brush on the side of the river. I could always see the canoe, and the spot I would meet back up with it. It is always quite a challenge to climb over and under nature's chaos. Getting to that rendezvous point is so much easier for the ones in the river. I just feel like I've stepped out of the boat. Today hasn't been as effortless as it should be. I'm allowing my mind to slip into some old thinking and therefore haven't made the best choices. I've been pondering that haven't lost enough weight this week and therefore putting myself under pressure to DO better. Knowing I cannot do it myself makes me feel condemned. I need to remember what I've already come to realize. This is not about dropping numbers. This is about losing the weight in my heart. Seeing how far I have to go is overwhelming and heavy. I need to take a deep breath and jump back in and rest down the rest of this journey. I'm not mad at myself. I've not done anything I would consider messing up. I can just feel myself walking with, but out of the boat. It is time to jump back in. "Labor to rest."

Wins for today.
I desire to get back in the boat.

Nutritional Nugget
Anthocyanins are a phytochemical that produces a red to blue or purple pigment in fruits and veggies and flowers. This substance has mostly been studied regarding anti-cancer, cardiovascular, and anti-inflammatory benefits. Something else cool is that the color protect flower petals from UV light. These phytochemicals are rich in acai, blueberries, cherries, red grapes, and purple corn.

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